
Game System in MHA

What happens when a man who has only known War and Death dies and finds himself reincarnated in a world full of Heroes and Villians?

Unholy_Student · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 2: The Nords vs. the Swadians

[Good Luck, Warrior, note that your stats will be raised to the average and your age will temporarily increase!]

Upon hearing that my vision went dark and I lost all sense of touch like I was floating in the air.

Within a few moments, I found everything shifted and felt uncomfortable.

I was taller, stronger, and faster and felt a burdensome weight on my body with a shield in one hand and an axe in another with throwing axes on my side.

Then I found that my surroundings changed and that I was standing on solid ground.

Looking around I was shocked to find a large group of Viking-like warriors forming a shield wall in front of a line of archers.

Standing at the forefront of the Viking Warriors was a large man with a Bear cloak and horned helm with a large round shield, a long sword, and a giant two-handed axe on his back.

"Ready yourselves men, just over this hill is a Swadian Warband who intend to raid and pillage our lands! They will slaughter our wives and children if we do not stop them from reaching our lands!" Shouted the man with a bear cloak.

"Charge!" shouted the man as everyone around me charged forward over the hill with their formation with the shield wall protecting the archers and men with two-handed weaponry.

Getting pushed forward by my surrounding 'allies' I had no choice but to follow their lead forward into combat.

Marching over the hill I found a large army matching in size with our own heading in our direction.

They had bowmen, spearmen, and even horsemen...

This...this did not seem to be a fair fight...

I mean seriously, Vikings versus trained medieval soldiers with horsemen, bowmen, and spearmen?!

In medieval times, Calvary was the supreme force!

They could flank the enemy, break the enemies formations, scout, chase enemies that are on foot, and even be used before, during, and after the battle in various other things.

With both armies now facing each other both sides gave out their commands and the archers began firing at each other's warriors.

Raising our shields I felt as two arrows landed on my shield causing me to slightly recoil from the impact.

Feeling the adrenaline build-up I gripped my war axe and with my fellow warriors, we charged at the enemy force before the Calvary could begin its charge.

But as they saw us begin our charge the enemy force sent in their cavalry.

Luckily for us, there were only around 20 Horsemen.

As our archers fired upon the Calvary and the Infantry we quickly rushed towards the enemy infantry but slowed down as the Calvary began smashing into our ranks.

Suddenly a Javalin was thrown from our ranks and accurately pierced through the chest of one of the horsemen sending him flying off the horse with the horse fleeing away from the battle.

Seeing this my comrades decided to begin throwing their own throwing weapons at the charging calvary that turned around and attempted to smash through our ranks once more and cut down some of our warriors.

Soon a few more horsemen died before our Warriors clashed with the enemy's infantry.

And my god was the battle unfair.

Our warriors obviously had a lot more skill than the enemy's infantry because it was just a slaughter...

Seeing the slaughter I readied my axe and shield before charging into battle.

If I am to fight then I will do so gladly.

As I charged with my fellow warriors into the enemy infantry the enemy archers tried to kill as many of us as possible but with the Horsemen mostly dead some of our archers began firing at the defenseless archers.

Seeing the slaughter the enemy force began retreating from the battle but we gave chase as our archers shot down the slow stragglers.

My axe soon slashed through the back of a fleeing footman before I grabbed a throwing axe and threw it towards another fleeing footman.

The throwing axe accurately hit the man's back causing him to fall to the ground heavily injured.

Walking over to the man I looked at him before ending his life quickly and without much more pain.

Once done I took in a deep breath and looked around to see that we slew most of the enemy with few managing to flee.

[Battle Simulation has ended!


187 Swadians Killed

104 Nord Casualties

18 Swadian Personal Kills

Battle Rating: 2/5 Stars

Battle Rewards: Congratulations on earning a Skill and a set of Nord armor!

Completion Rewards: 1 Stat Point and 10 System Points

Mission Rewards: 10 System Points]

Suddenly finding myself back in the ruined house I wondered if this was just a dream.

Closure my own mind made up for me as I lay dying, let me live a battle just one more time as a form of closure.

Although that wouldn't explain why it would end the battle and then return me to this old house.


Name: Damian Dust

Race: Human

Age: 10

[Average Human Attribute is 10]

Strength: 6

Perception: 7

Endurance: 7

Constitution: 6

Intelligence: 12

Agility: 7

Dexterity: 7

Free Stat Points: 1

Skills: [Quirk: Danger Sense], [Radiation Immunity]

[System Points: 120]


With my Profile opened I looked at the changes and the new skill.

Radiation immunity? While it may be useful in a nuclear apocalypse this does not seem all that useful...

[Radiation Immunity(Skill)

Description: Grants immunity to Alpha Radiation, Beta Radiation, Neutron Radiation, and Electromagnetic Radiation]

Oh? Doesn't this mean I am now immune to not only Gamma Radiation, but I am also immune to many different kinds of military technology such as Infrared, X-Ray, and even UV Lights that come from the sun and give sunburns?

Well not like I can complain about a useful skill.

I then put in the single stat point I had gotten from completing the battle into my Perception.

With that done I felt my senses obviously improve with my vision being enhanced to allow me to clearer and farther, my hearing allowing me to hear better, and my other senses improving as well in some way.

Word Count: 1,031

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