
Game Saver: I Can Save My Game Any Time I Want

DISCLAIMER: NOT A HORROR! ****************************** [WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF "IN REAL LIFE SYSTEM"] One day, one lucky man got the chance to die! Waking up in an unfamiliar space, our protagonist starts his longest journey to playing a game. [Mission: Unite The World As It's Rightful Owner - Time Limit: 2 Years - Penalty: Death] Getting an unreasonable task of conquering a world 3 times the size of his previous, this protagonist will have a very hard time. Luckily he was able to get a powerful ability. [Game Has Been Automatically Saved.] He had the ability to infinitely go back in any time he ever wanted to, well that is if he saved it. ... Notes 1: It is not a horror story. "I am in a plai-" It is not set in a forest(well the start). The cover is as unreliable as the main protagonist. 2: The protagonist is a very lovable(idiot) character. 3: Chapter Titles are meant as insults for the mc until I say otherwise 4: The system is very brutal, it is not a system that makes you overpowered in the sens of one hitting low lives 5: The narration is 3rd person(I might miss some, please do mention if you see it) so don't expect the mc to know what the naration is necessarily talking about. He is a way for the readers to know things, the main character doesn't know most of what the narrations tell 6. Excessive swearing. Sorry, I am a really violent person lol 7. The first few chapters kind of fell off in quality cause I kinda got sick of it. But the "Stop Now Cause We Starting" I got it back up again. (New)8. So as a new Author, I completely suck at planning my story. So just to point out, this story has more romance than you would, and could think... ... This is my second publish ever, last one was well shhh. So please bear with me here. If there is anything you dont like, please do tell, I need the feedbacks(I DO). ... Updates 2 Times A Day(Right Now Only 1, Cause of life)

KinglessHeaven · Fantasy
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40 Chs

15. Finally, A Real Side Character

"This is so amazing! The shining skin, the beautiful glint of blue. That smooth shading. This tough strature.".

Arthur was sitting on a chair at the corner of the room. He was watching as this goblin get fascinated and jump around and look at the sky holding the dragon scale.

The goblin has been doing that for 5 minutes, and that goblin made Arthur realized how unbearable he probably is.

The goblin soon stopped.

"Ahem, ahem. Sorry for showing such an embarrasing side of me. I was truly overjoyed at the sigh of such magnificence."

"Uhhh... Ok." The goblin went back to his first personality and now he looked dignified and full of confidence again. But as Arthur already saw his more energetic side, Arthur just couldn't unsee.

"Now may I ask a few questions first."

"Answer mine first."

"Oh, well I have a lot of spies in the current system of the kingdom, it's only normal for me to know about someone as great as you."

"Ok...". Arthur should not be surprised. As spies are a normal source of information. Rather he was more surprised that he never noticed a spy even existed in his own village.

Then after that question, the goblin asked Arthur his questions immidiately.

"Can I ask...". Uhhh... It went dark I guess? Words are hard.

The goblin went closer to Arthur and looked at him with serious eyes. His aura became darker and thicker.

"What are you?"


"I mean... from what was described to me you looked like a black figure. A manifestation of complete darkness. But now you look like a goblin. But not any that I have seen before. What are you really. Last time I checked... I didn't have horns."

Arthur was uncomfortable. Not because of what the goblin said. But because he was so close to him that they are basically


"Well of course... I do look like a black figure. Like the nightmares you have every day!"

As Arthur turned back to his original for the awkwardness got better. Having no face makes things much easier just based on how he could act or even look like.

"Well let us move on to my second question. Where did you get this water dragon scale."

"It's a trade secret."

"Fair enough. Well then let's actually get down to business."

The goblin paused and went back to his chair. Arthur once again almost laughed as the man carried his chair just to make it face forward.

The man then sat on the chair and took some papers out.

"I know that you are here to take over this continent."

Arthur widened his eyes hearing those words.

"And why would you think that."

"It was simple, really. You are unknown creature, the first of it's kind. Even I don't know anything about you. Then you took over a village by unknowingly knowing the "Rule of Strength". Then you conquered one more village, improved it both to a level even I didn't know. It was all just at the boundery of normal, till you kindapped and killed a royal messenger. Then you even killed Nasuer. Now putting those together. A unknown being in a couple of days have agreesively advanced to power. What else do you want, but the world."

"Ok, that was fucking long.". Arthur was not ganna lie, he didn't listen to half of it. But that was normal. Who would.

"Well, thank you for explaining that-"

"But I could really care less."


"All I want, is to kill the King.". The goblin looked at Arthur straight in the eyes.

"So you want me to kill him?"

"Is it not obvious? But I am surprised you managed to kill Nasuer, but I am here to help."

"What?" More abd more informtion just gets dumped into Arthur.

"I am sure you lack a lot of knowledge. So... How about being a spy, in an academy-"

"No! I don't want a school fuck arc.". Atthur rejected immidiately. Even cutting off the goblin. Arthur for sure didn't want that academy life at this point in life.

"Just give me books, i'll study them on my own. But what I need, is something you can actually give me."

The goblin laughed and placed a paper in front of his desk.

"Just go and take this. I'll call you when I need you.". Arthur came closer and took a look at the contents of the paper. The paper had letters that he couldn't understand, so that was pointless.

Arthur tucked the paper to his inventory and left to the door.

But before he left he remembered something. Sometimes he really just remembers rather than planned.

"I actually have a question..."

"Oh what is it?"

"How do you remove the curse?"

"Curse, what curse are you talking about.". Hearing that just made Arthur confused. His thoughts rambled sround and just went blank.

"The curse of goblins acting like robots. You guys don't see-"

"Oh that! That is not a curse. It was a forced teaching implanted to baby as soon as they are born."

"So gas lighted?"


"I meant manipulation?"


Arthur stared like an idiot with his mouth open. He was confused. That manipulation is way to strong to make the goblins act that way.

"Is there a way to fix it?"

"Yes, if you would like to do so, just bring them to me, i'll handle it."

Arthur then just left the door and he finally went. But as he was walking he had to figure out the cintents if the letter. It wasn't that long. It was just a single sentence, but Arthur didn't understand any of the letters.

Arthur saved the game and went back to apoint he could ask Seya about the contents of the letter.

And he did.

"Seya, read this."

The contents of the letter was simple. "So you really couldn't read? But ok, just turn left at the end of the long hall, you'll find the library."

"Ok what fucking bullshit."

Arthur was mad, but kt wss fair play. Arthur went back and he did make his way to the library.

Upon entry Arthur was once again flabbergasted. It was sucha huge and grand library. With not a single life inside not even librarian it was so quiet it hurts in the ear.

Arthur looked around the tall shelves that were filled with countless books. From sword techniques. Axe techniques. Any fighting styles. History. Economy. And many other things.

Arthur didn't even know what to do. But as he couldn't read any language and judged the books based on its covers, he new the first thing he had to do.

"I have to fucking study a language from scratch? Oh fucking hell. Oh wait, i'll just ask Seya to teach me. I'll be back."

3 days later. 30 resets later.

It took a long time, but Arthur finally learned everything he needed. It was hell. It felt like hell. But thankfully it didn't become romantic to distract him, as he always made sure it was in his chamber.

"So many bonding moments wasted by this au-"

Arthur went back to the library and finally, he check the number ine thing he needed to know.


"This book is perfect "The 100 Years Of History"."


A hundred years ago, the goblins lived normally in disharmony. Tilll a great goblin, appeared.

The world was divided in three different groups. The Cult, the Imperial, and the Darins.

The strongest of the three was the Imperials, owning the biggest land of the world, they ruled everything.

It was believed the other two just existed for the sake of the imperial king, being too lazy to handle any more land.

But even if the world was divided in three, everyone new it was in name only. The imperials were the strongest and they ruled everything, not letting anyone progress further than any of them.

The entire world was at peace, until the Cult started a rebellion killing the King. After 13 years of war, the Cults won. Now with a new ruler of the world the other 2 fell apart. But the Darins didn't took much damage as they didn't take much part in the war. In fact they didn't even move at all.

With the world now being ruled by just two kingdoms, the Cults, with its size, didn't want to share the world with anyone.

Soon they launched an attack against the Darins. But this war was not as easy as the Cults would have expected. The Darins were not offensive and were defending the entire war.

Some would call them cowards, but no one would deny that it was working. The war lasted for 20 years and two reached a stalemate. With both kingdom exhausted, just as how the previous strongest died. So did this one did.

Rebels attacked both the kingdoms and took control of these weak and exhausted rulers.

It was an unsatisfying defeat for both. From the great war they went through, just to fall without even any resistance due to lack of man power.

But the world didn't gain any ruler at all. The rebels, even when they had managed to take control of both kingdoms with no problem. Their army was at the same time way too small to handle everyone.

Now with broken kingdoms, rebels, and just randomize killings in the world. Everything was out of order and no one ruled.

But everything soon changed, when he appeared.

The son of the king of the Darins. A soldier that has proved himself to be the greatest in his kingdom.

The prince did everything he could to make his country stable and stop the rebels.

With just his words and tactics, the prince not only repelled the rebels, he also took over the Cults in the commotions.

With the Darins, as the victor of all. Finally after hundreds of years of animosity and disharmony, the world was finally unified.

As an honor for the kingdom, the kingdom was renamed to the Empire and the world was called "Darin"