
Game Saver: I Can Save My Game Any Time I Want

DISCLAIMER: NOT A HORROR! ****************************** [WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF "IN REAL LIFE SYSTEM"] One day, one lucky man got the chance to die! Waking up in an unfamiliar space, our protagonist starts his longest journey to playing a game. [Mission: Unite The World As It's Rightful Owner - Time Limit: 2 Years - Penalty: Death] Getting an unreasonable task of conquering a world 3 times the size of his previous, this protagonist will have a very hard time. Luckily he was able to get a powerful ability. [Game Has Been Automatically Saved.] He had the ability to infinitely go back in any time he ever wanted to, well that is if he saved it. ... Notes 1: It is not a horror story. "I am in a plai-" It is not set in a forest(well the start). The cover is as unreliable as the main protagonist. 2: The protagonist is a very lovable(idiot) character. 3: Chapter Titles are meant as insults for the mc until I say otherwise 4: The system is very brutal, it is not a system that makes you overpowered in the sens of one hitting low lives 5: The narration is 3rd person(I might miss some, please do mention if you see it) so don't expect the mc to know what the naration is necessarily talking about. He is a way for the readers to know things, the main character doesn't know most of what the narrations tell 6. Excessive swearing. Sorry, I am a really violent person lol 7. The first few chapters kind of fell off in quality cause I kinda got sick of it. But the "Stop Now Cause We Starting" I got it back up again. (New)8. So as a new Author, I completely suck at planning my story. So just to point out, this story has more romance than you would, and could think... ... This is my second publish ever, last one was well shhh. So please bear with me here. If there is anything you dont like, please do tell, I need the feedbacks(I DO). ... Updates 2 Times A Day(Right Now Only 1, Cause of life)

KinglessHeaven · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

10. So We Stretching? Just Some Character Bullshit

"Dart, I feel depressed. I need human contact. Hello."

"Shit! You surprised the hell out of me. Don't just pop out behind the sofa."

"I need that human contact to recharge the human contact."

"You are so weird, man."


"Fuck! That's just unfair! How do fuck do I even defeat that! This game is bullshit!

Arthur clenched his fist and punched the floor multiple times. He shouted loudly throughout the entire plains. Arthur plucked multiple flowers and threw it like a child.

Arthur continued for an hour and went back to his save 3 days before his death.

Arthur calmed down and laid on his uncomfortable bed...

"I'll just go back to the plains, I feel nothing, but... grasses feel nicer..."

Arthur, after an hour of raging, pondered on how to defeat such a monster. Arthur already renamed his latest auto save from the "fight" to save it from disappearing.

He could always try and try to kill him till he succeeded. But that attack was not even something he could react nor see. I only described what happened.

"What the fuck even was that!"

And Arthur lost control once again.

A few hours later...

"I can just level up? Kill the water dragons? Maybe? I don't know. If I do? Will I be strong enough. Is stats enough to defeat skills?"


Arthur just picked the fight. Arthur obviously could have spent his entire life to max his level, but we can't afford a max leve-

Arthur wanted to fight against the goblin that killed him. Whoever that was, he is determined to kill him.

First, Arthur decided to stay at the top of the tower to avoid the slash. But the original slash was never meant for the village, it was meant for him.

[You Have Died]

Another hour and Arthur just decided to judge by jumping at the right time.

Because of the penalty this will take longer than usual, and he couldn't just keep dying as the penalty stacks, and he doesn't want to risk how the penalty gets worse.

Arthur repeated the save multiple times until finally he was able to time it.

But before he could tap the save just for measurements, he was killed again.

"Fuck! I quit!". Arthur was finally stumped. He had no more ideas other than maxing his level. And if that was the only solution he will do it no matter how many years it would take. But sadly at that moment he really wasn't in the best condition either.

So he did the one thing he knew how to.

"I need human contact, but i guess right now, it's giblin contact."

Arthur went back 3 days before he was killed. Arthur called the Saintess.

"Now to spend time with a waifu! This time! It's a romance baby! Tho I still look ugly.". As Arthur waited for the Saintess, he finally realized something about his race. He was a morph, so couldn't he just... morph.

The 2 story house broke down. With a huge explosion and instant burst of an appearing blue chinese dragon, the pieces flew around the village.

"A Monster Attack!"

The goblins saw a gigantic creature, colored in blue and was limbless lizard.

Arthur has accidentally transformed into a Water Dragon and has appeared in the center of the village. With a sighting of such a monster, every single goblin in the village launched an attack on him.

"Well I fucked up."

Arthur reverted back to the first save and tested his morphing there.

Arthur discovered he could transform into a Water Dragon and a goblin. He could even combine two. But that was not all. Arthur basically has the ability to change his body to anything he likes, as long as the features are included in the normal body of what he has absorbed.

For example, Arthur took the body of the Saintess and basically added a small tail, and fins to the side. He could even make himself color blue. As a

"Sm*rf goblin, hahahaha!"

Now that Arthur had the ability to change his appearance he just chose a goblin with fins as a horn like a demon, but he colored it green to match the color of a goblin.

"Hehehe... I look handsome now bitch, I could do anything I want, and women would just flock to me and be talked about when they joke about a handsome person they saw on the streets... hehehe...". Well he was in a different world with a group of fanatic cultist goblins.

Arthur detailed his face incredibly handsome while facing the waters at night as the mirror. It may have been dangerous cause of the Water Dragon, but he was so motivated to get "the" face, that he made a save point at night at the shore.

Now with the most ambiguous face in the world. And the ability to even change his voice. Arthur is now a male and a female, based on what he felt at the moment. A true beauty at the face of an

"Anime girl, baby! Don't wish for a waifu! Be the waifu!".

Uhhh... Arthur went back to where he was previously and waited for the Saintess. And as he expected as a laugh, the Saintess aimed her sword at him.


"It's me, Saintess." Arthur went back to normal and changed again multiple times like a child playing with the light switch trying to balance it in the middle, and never achieving it.

"Let's go to the shore, Saintess."

Arthur wanted to separate the Saintess away from the goblins to remove the influence of whatever the curse was. As what the Saintess said already exuded a real fake response.

Arthur and the Saintess walked in the forest and till they reached a far enough distance for the Saintess to act normal. Arthur changed his appearance to show it to the real Saintess.

"Now how do I look."

"Good, good..."

"Hahaha! Fell in love fast!"


Neither blushed, so, Arthur lied.

"You know, I should give you a name.'

"Why? Is it hard to call me Saintess? Or is it too flirtatious."

"Relax, this is out of character."

"Is it?" Just a smile was left on her face.

"Shut up, i'll name you."

"Ok, chieftain."

"Saintess, we're not that close yet, don't you tease me."

"Even the times you spent ordering me." With the closest puppy eyes, reality can make.

"You remember those?"

"What? Do you think when I act like that I just- black out?"

"Wait, then why don't you act normal."

"Because I can't. Did you not ask the royal messenger you killed..." Staring at Arthur with a chuckle.

"Uhhh... I got angry... so..."

"Hahahaha! So you get angry fast huh, good to know." The Saintess laughed and ran fast.

"Look it's the shore!" Said by the Saintess.

Arthur followed behind closely as his chest tightened.

"I aint going to lie, this feels way too good."

Sadly, this is third person, i'll try my best.

The beautiful scene of seeing a beautiful girl run at the shore while he looked stupid and followed behind, was something he used to only imagine at night as he cried.

"Felt sad! Not cry!"

But now, Arthur could feel that scene. It was... magical. It would be a lie, if he said, he wouldn't love doing what he was doing right now. Arthur may sometimes be idiotic, or even cases where he killed everyone just for the experience, in truth, he just wanted to feel that thrill in his heart.

With this feeling circulating in Arthur, he just wanted to stop his mission and live a long life like this...

"What are you doing?! Move and stop standing like an idiot!"

For a woman who saw him as a black figure, if she really fell for him, he should first rethink what brain has the guts to fall in love with a monster.

"It was just implied, i'll make her fall for me myself ok... I mean... I have infinite tries right?".

"End the cha-".

Arthur followed and went to the shore. Now with the two being beside the sea, Arthur sat at the sand and the Saintess splashed him with water.

"Hey! Sit down first! I forgot to give you a name hahahaha!"

"Well, I thought you just wanted to call me Saintess forever." Spoken in a teasing manner.

"Seya..." Arthur looked at the playful Saintess in the eyes as she had her hands in the water.

"Seya..." She whispered "I like it!".

"How do you like it Saintess?"

"Why'd you call me Saintess again hahaha!"

Arthur failed on that flirt. And for the first time, fine... Arthur thought on his mind, rambling and rapid firing, at such speed his brain was almost burning.

'Fuck! That failed. Shit this is why I hate this shit. Things just fly? I just wanted to show her that she may be called Seya, but i'll always call her Saintess as she is my Saintess. Ahhhhh! Fucking cringe! But it still didn't work!". Arthur despite his calm tone and appearance was having a break down and crying in his mind.

"Because you're Seya. But to me you're my Saintess." Arthur saved himself from losing his original plan.

"The, hahahha- word Saintess doesn't even sound good- hahahha." Seya burst out laughing.

Arthur failed.... 'What the fuck! I knew it was fucking cringe, oh my fucking god! Just kill me! Should I restart? Wait no, I havent fucked up yet, just things didn't work. I don't think my heart can handle this feeling more than two times! Why is she playing with the water, she looks wa-"

Before Arthur's reputation to be accused as a simp happens, Arthur stood up and went to Seya.

"So this is why I saw you at the shore the first time we met."

"Oh why is that?"

"Cause you just play in the ocean when you are free!" Arthur jumped at Seya, dropping her in the ocean. The two scuffles in the water, trying to weirdly drown each other.



From a thrilling start to a cringe end. But as they say, cringe isn't something to hate on. It only feels cringe, because you feel too embarrassed to feel it yourself.

Oh Arthur, may this romance last, because this Auth- sucks-----

Oh Arthur may you live happily filled with love.