
Game Saver: I Can Save My Game Any Time I Want

DISCLAIMER: NOT A HORROR! ****************************** [WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF "IN REAL LIFE SYSTEM"] One day, one lucky man got the chance to die! Waking up in an unfamiliar space, our protagonist starts his longest journey to playing a game. [Mission: Unite The World As It's Rightful Owner - Time Limit: 2 Years - Penalty: Death] Getting an unreasonable task of conquering a world 3 times the size of his previous, this protagonist will have a very hard time. Luckily he was able to get a powerful ability. [Game Has Been Automatically Saved.] He had the ability to infinitely go back in any time he ever wanted to, well that is if he saved it. ... Notes 1: It is not a horror story. "I am in a plai-" It is not set in a forest(well the start). The cover is as unreliable as the main protagonist. 2: The protagonist is a very lovable(idiot) character. 3: Chapter Titles are meant as insults for the mc until I say otherwise 4: The system is very brutal, it is not a system that makes you overpowered in the sens of one hitting low lives 5: The narration is 3rd person(I might miss some, please do mention if you see it) so don't expect the mc to know what the naration is necessarily talking about. He is a way for the readers to know things, the main character doesn't know most of what the narrations tell 6. Excessive swearing. Sorry, I am a really violent person lol 7. The first few chapters kind of fell off in quality cause I kinda got sick of it. But the "Stop Now Cause We Starting" I got it back up again. (New)8. So as a new Author, I completely suck at planning my story. So just to point out, this story has more romance than you would, and could think... ... This is my second publish ever, last one was well shhh. So please bear with me here. If there is anything you dont like, please do tell, I need the feedbacks(I DO). ... Updates 2 Times A Day(Right Now Only 1, Cause of life)

KinglessHeaven · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

05. Finding Intellegent Life

At above 100 tries, Arthur finally found land. As he drifted in the water facing upward. Letting himself flow to the shore from the waves of ocean. Arthur looked at beautiful night sky...

"Just like your eyes...".


"WHAT! Who the fuck are you!"

"Who the fuck are you!"

"Why are you green!"

"Why are you black!"

"Are you a RACIST!"


"Ok let's calm down..."

"Yeah, calm down..."




The two freaked out more after that. And only after the moon has reached the middle of the sky, that they stopped.

Arthur has ventured the ocean, and this was the first living thing he has encountered. She looked like a beautiful fairy, with long and glittery black hair. With a skiny body, full of personality.

"Ok so you are a goblin, a female at that, I would not have guessed."

"My chest! Hello! And how can a black figure even talk, where is your mouth?"

The two then talked about each after that. It was quite romantic, well that is if it wasn't between a shadow figure and a tall goblin woman. And that there is no romance in the mind of this Au-

"Well, it's great finally talking with a real person."

"Where did you come from?"

"Well I came from there."

"Well how helpfull! Just kidding... so you mean you cane from the edge?"


"Yeah, the end of the infinite water."

"... Ummm change topic, how can you speak english."

"What's english?"

"Wait then that means I have a translator! Hell Yeah!"

"Hell?! Are you a dem!"

"Whoah its an expresion, relax."

The goblin got agitated and stood up aming his sword towards Arthur. But Arthur didn't really mind. He already had a save from his auta saves of every 10 minutes.

"Where is your village?"

"It doesn't matter how nice you are, but you are not allowed in my village."

"Oh... well...".

Arthur saved this point, and has started the number 1 benefit of a saving ability. Infinite tries.

"Can I at least try? I may look like this but I promise I will not do anything. I really was just alone for years."

"Ok follow me, dont fall behind.". Wether it is because of ignorance or stupidity, but it is never adviced to bring a stranger to your home.

The two went into the forest. This journey will show an intimidating presentation of Arthur's future.

The two traversed in a very cramped forest filled with lots of vines. The goblin used her sword to cut the veins one by one.

"I have yet to come back from this area so this place is not cleared yet. Be careful you might get fused, hehehe." It was a joke from the way Arthur looked.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask-"


The goblin fired a knife behind Arthur hitting s flying bat at the size of a hand.

"You were ganna ask?"

Arthur was shocked, but he had not much reason to be surprised.

"I forgot to ask how should I call you?"

"Call? What's that."

"Wait, then what do they call you."

"Oh... I am an orphan so no one gave me a name. But they call me saintess."

"Cause of your beauty?"

"No... because of my gifted strength."

"Oh.. I can-"


"Yep! Like I said I can see it, yep yep. Be careful with that, I might get hit."

"I am a professional, don't be a scaredy cat."

"Now what should I call you."

"Just call me Arthur."

Time flew, and Arthur was finally able to see huge fence, it was definitely the village. It may be really old fashioned, but it was the first he has seen.

The first thought that came to his mind was that if there was an adventurer guild there, but there probably was not.

And as they got out to the open space. Arthur looked like the poster, I mean he saw a vast open land, with a huge wooden wall. It was a village, the oldest type, surrounded by tall wood pillars connected to each other using vines.

"I'll calk the chief."


Arthur sat just at the edge of the forest looking at the village. Arthur was for sure standing out. The village was filled wirh towers, with two goblins gaurding each.

The goblins are looking at Arthur with glaring eyes that felt like it was peircing his soul. The goblins were definitely maf being seen with their "saintess".

"How cliche, wait am I just saying everything is cliche?"

The Saintess came back with two gaurds and an elderly goblin. He looked like any old man, filled with wrinkles with a leaning back and holding a wooden cane.

The Saintess stood far back and the elder or chief, went in front of Arthur behind the two gaurds. They basically blocked the elder.

"I mean no harm!"

Arthur started the conversation first.

"I am the same... I do not mean no harm."

The elder talked in a formal tone. Well Arthur has no signage of actual age. As a unknown being, it is only common for ignarant peiple to even consider him as a God. Let's hope this idiot doesn't rule this village.

When Arthur felt the formality of the goblin, he felt the spirit of his name.

"My name is Arthur Pendragon! Nice to meet you..."

Arthur raised his hands to the elder, but one of the gaurds slapped his hand off.

"Oh sorry for the rudeness of this man." The elder tapped the gaurd's legs with his cane.

"I am Kagurel, the chief of this village, nice to meet you Arthur Pendragon."

"Oh you can just call me Arthur.". If Arthur had an actual beautiful face his presentation would have captured many eyes. But still it did, because of the dangerous aura a talking black figure exude.

"What have your visit mean?". Either it was the language or a bug in the translator, the sentence the elder just said was a little hard to understand.

"I have lost my home, I am looking for a place to live.".

"My village is small, You can not fit in."

"Oh... well thank you, i'll be on my way then."

Sadly the conversation didn't go well. But Arthur has other things on mind rather than just giving up here. Arthur saved this load as [First Conversation] and went back to the latest Auto Save, when he was still sitting on the ground waiting for the Saintess to come back.

In this try, Arthur didn't wanna talk first.

"My name is Kagurel, I am the chieftan of this village." The elder was much clearer with his words and less formal.

"I am Arthur Pendragon."

"Arthur, why have you come to my village."

"I am in search for a home."

"You are not allowed in this village. Get out now if you don't want to get killed.". The elder was definitely more violent this time.

Arthur reset it again, but this time he didn't save the load.

Now Arthur didn't want to waste time talking to the elder more. So in this reset, he threatened the elder. Well... I mean... it could work.

Arthur stood up and came close to the elder as he was walking. The gaurds were alerted and raised their swords.

The weapon used by the goblins were not well made. They were full of rust and cracks. But they were still made of stone.

"My name is Arthur Pendragon! May I live in your village?"

Even when the two gaurds we're aming at him, Arthur didn't mind.

He got closer and closer and continued talking.

"I got lost and I have no home anymore. I know you have more space, elder Kagurel". The goblin was alerted hearing his name. He immidiately ordered the two gaurds beside him to attack. And the archer towers we're also firing arrows at him.

The two gaurds rushed at him and stabbed his body. But feeling no pain, he didn't even flinch. Arthur grabed the head of the two goblins and smashed them together.

The arrows hit Arthur and as all their damages we're seemingly useless, and with the two goblins dying, fear enveloped everyones spine.

The Saintess immidiately ran towards Arthur to stop him.

"Arthur stop all of this. Or else i'll kill you myself."

Arthur stood there and faced the Saintess.

"You don't need to kill me... Cause I am not immortal."

[You Have Died.]

Arthur went back to the start to run his entire penalty time off.

After that one hour, Arthur went back to the beggining of the conversation. This time he did all the same as last time. With the difference of fighting this time.

As he already knew the patter of the two soldiers, Arthur jumped and smashed the two goblings head together just enough to knock them out. He then walked just a little forward to dodge the arrows.

"So may I live in your village Kagurel?"

The elder was terrified and so was everyone else. This goblins were easy to scare, Arthur could probably conquer them if he just gives energy to keep reseting till he can.

"Good Idea". Arthur thought of it on his own. The number 4 doesn't exist...

"Uhhh, you may, Ar-thur...".

"Then if you will excuse me.". Arthur killed the chieftan. Arthur's entire personality matched 0% of his current actions. But his entusiasm was defnitwly evident in the events.

"I am now your chieftan, nice to meet you Goblins!"

The goblins fired arrows at Arthur.

"I am not as stupid as other speedsters. I know how speed works.". Arthur was fast enough to dodge the arrows with minimal effort.

He walked towards the Saintess, and apologized.

"The other two are ok, I am sorry about the chieftan. I won't hurt any of you, in fact, i'll lead you goblins, as the number one kingdom of the world."

This was the start of Arthur's journey to conquering the world.

"Arthur... tell me who you are right now!". The Saintess aimed her sword at Arthur. She was clearly shaking and the arrows just kept coming. More soldiers went out of the village running towards Arthur.

This was an absolute failure, well for normal people with brains. But there is a saying that violence is not a question, it is the answer.

Arthur throwed the scales he had in his inventory towards the rushing goblins. The Saintess rushed him and Arthur broke her sword using the dragon scale.

"Saintess, I promise, I mean no harm.".

No goblins we're killed in that event, and everything calmed down. Every goblin was lying on the ground except the Saintess, and multiple female goblins in front of the laying male goblins.

"What are you?"

"I am Arthur. I told you I mean no harm."

"You killed our chieftan! How is that no harm."

"He is already old, but what, if I didn't kill him would you have let me be your chieftan."

"The village follows the "Rule Of Strength" to determine it's chieftan."

"Well I killed him."

"But it was out of respect."

"Oh you are so annoying, this will be bad for your potential to be the female lead you know."


"Well you can redeem yourself later, i'll claim this village in what ever your traditions are."

The entire situations mood just came ceashing down. From a serious tone to a comedic one, a bitter taste is left in my mouth.

Arthur reset once again and this time he challanged the cheiftan to a fight. It was an obvious win, the chieftan is so old and wrinkly, and Arthur already killed him.

This was just a waste of time, but it was better than getting less and unloyal people beside him.

This is not an RPG anymore, this is a kingdom building game now..

"My name is Arthur Pendragon!"

Arthur started the conversation first this time.

"I am Kagurel, the chieftan of this village. Why have you come here."

"I am so tired of hearing that name." Arthur whispered.

"I am here to challange you in the "Rule of Strength".". The goblins immidiately ran and the others from the tower came down. The goblins then brought weapons for the chieftan and it seems like this situation has hapened many times.

With the goblins acting very unsurprised by this situation scares something inside of Arthur. From being scared and angry of killing the chieftan, to not feeling anything at the exact same situation. These goblins are insane.

The chieftan was equiped with a really good weapon. His sword, unloke others, were not cracked nor rusted. It was clean and seemingly unused. Maybe in that village the reason the chieftan has stayed as the chieftan as they have the special right to get proper weapons.

But Arthur was in no shortage of a weapon, a dragon scale can break a stone sword as easy as breaking ice.

Well, he didn't need one in the first place.

"Attack! Attack! Attack!". My narration has taken too long, Arthur has stood still for an unnecessary amount of time.

The goblin chieftan made the first move. As Arthur was not moving the chieftan had great confidence as he thought he was scaeed.

Little did he know, it was because of exposition dump.

"It was a great fight."

Before the fight even ended, Arthur bowed and just walked a little and sliced the head of the chieftan.

[Pseudo-Dragon Speed Activated]

"Well worth it."

"Chieftan! Chieftan! Chieftan! Chieftan!" The goblins cheered for Arthur, but rather than the emotion of happiness, he was just creeped out.

"This were the same people who attacked me for killing their chieftan..."

The Saintess came forward and kneeled. She then grabbed Arthur's hands.

"Welcome to my village, chief Arthur."

[Goblin Has Been Added To "Kin"]

From being alone in a flat land with none other than tall flowers and powerful dragons. The life journey of trying to survive and look for life, has now turned into leading one.

The survival game has now reached it's kingdom building phase.