
Game Saver: I Can Save My Game Any Time I Want

DISCLAIMER: NOT A HORROR! ****************************** [WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF "IN REAL LIFE SYSTEM"] One day, one lucky man got the chance to die! Waking up in an unfamiliar space, our protagonist starts his longest journey to playing a game. [Mission: Unite The World As It's Rightful Owner - Time Limit: 2 Years - Penalty: Death] Getting an unreasonable task of conquering a world 3 times the size of his previous, this protagonist will have a very hard time. Luckily he was able to get a powerful ability. [Game Has Been Automatically Saved.] He had the ability to infinitely go back in any time he ever wanted to, well that is if he saved it. ... Notes 1: It is not a horror story. "I am in a plai-" It is not set in a forest(well the start). The cover is as unreliable as the main protagonist. 2: The protagonist is a very lovable(idiot) character. 3: Chapter Titles are meant as insults for the mc until I say otherwise 4: The system is very brutal, it is not a system that makes you overpowered in the sens of one hitting low lives 5: The narration is 3rd person(I might miss some, please do mention if you see it) so don't expect the mc to know what the naration is necessarily talking about. He is a way for the readers to know things, the main character doesn't know most of what the narrations tell 6. Excessive swearing. Sorry, I am a really violent person lol 7. The first few chapters kind of fell off in quality cause I kinda got sick of it. But the "Stop Now Cause We Starting" I got it back up again. (New)8. So as a new Author, I completely suck at planning my story. So just to point out, this story has more romance than you would, and could think... ... This is my second publish ever, last one was well shhh. So please bear with me here. If there is anything you dont like, please do tell, I need the feedbacks(I DO). ... Updates 2 Times A Day(Right Now Only 1, Cause of life)

KinglessHeaven · Fantasy
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40 Chs

01. Most Annoying Idiot


"What?" A fairy-like creature was flying above the man's head.

[I will be your guide for the tutorial.]

"Who are you? Where am I?". The man was confused about the situation. He woke up in such an unfamiliar place. The room consists of nothing but different shades of blue with patterns of a circuit.

[Do you want the "generic" answer or the "get straight to the point" answer?]

"The... last one...?". The man was confused once again, but he had no choice as he couldn't even move, it felt like he was stuck in air while being able to fly.

[You died]



The man was surprised by the sudden violence of the little human. He was embarrassed and felt like he actually should just shut up... but he still wanted to ask. "How did I die...?"

[Do you really care]

It only took a couple exchanges but the man has gotten used to it and has just adapted. His shocked self was not himself, it was just what he felt when he felt so much confusion. "Nah, so can we get to the point?"

[So you don't wanna know about your family?]

The man's face turned blank and looked down. But unexpectedly he just smirked and faced up again.

"Like you said i'm dead, so get to the fucking point.". The man said in a normal tone. He was finally out of confusion and he sat on a cross position while rotating in unknown space.

[I like your attitude.]

[So then let's start, you are the first and only beta tester of "IRLS: In Real Life System"]

"Wait... You mean... I am in a game?"

[Yes, you will enter as the tester of the game "IRLS"]

"So... other humans will play with me after some time?"

[Nah, you dead by then.]

"The fuck-"

[Let us start by making your character.]

"What do you mean by create my charact...er.". The man may have not noticed due to the unexpected events or just plain stupidity, but his body was completely nowhere to be found.

"Wait am I a mannequin?". His entire body was completely white, with not even a nose, eyes, or even a mouth.

"How the fuck can I even talk?". While the man was figuring out his body's situation, the fairy left.

[Please Enter The Name Of Your Character.]

The man still confused saw a blue screen appear in front of him.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD. Am I getting a system... Oh wait how stupid can I be today, i'm in a game.". The man saw a blue screen with the text asking to enter his name, and a blank space below it, and beside that screen was a keyboard.

"Well... what about... as the first beta tester, I am basically the king of players right..."







"Enter.". Arthur, made his name as one of the most recognizable figures in history, Arthur Pendragon, also known as King Arthur.

[Welcome "Arthur Pendragon" To The World Of "IRLS".]

Instead of the fairy talking, Arthur realized that the fairy was nowhere to be seen anymore and that only that floating screen was left in his range of sight.

[Choose The Race Of Your Starting Character]

After that message, multiple screens spread around Arthur forming a circle around him. There were a total of nine separate vertical rectangles that appeared in front of Arthur. All of them were the races one can choose for their character.

"So that's why my body is completely blank. Well, being human was boring anyway.".


[Humans are versatile at everything, they rely on a special stat called "Talent", that relies on luck, as the lower the talent, the slower the growth, and the higher the talent the faster the growth.]





"Even here, humans are trash. No one is choosing a luck based character!"






"It's not only me... who doesn't understand the percentages right...?"





[Dexterity][0.1 • Creation]

"Now what the fuck is that, this might as well just be a skill, why is it a stat!"

[Goblin][Bonus Stat]]




"Well... the stats are weirdly huge, like a goblin is that strong? Really?"

[Lizardman][Vitality Boost]




"20 stats, Damn!"





[Mentality][1st Stage]

"Ok nah, you telling me my mentality has stages? Well now that I'm talking to myself, get me to the fucking last stage bitch."

[Demon][Strength Boost]




"Damn another one! Also, this is the most underwhelming Demon I have ever seen, is there like, no skills?"





[Luck][1 Leaf Clover]

"Nah, like really, just make this into skills. Are there no skills? Hello? Skills?"





[Magic][0 Circle]

"Ok that at least I understand, but still, why is it a stat. IT SHOULD BE A SKILL!".

Many of the principles of the statuses came into sight, some of them, Arthur understood, but some were foreign, even to a modern man.

"Damn, many of this shit doesn't really exist right? It's not cause I don't play RPG games that I don't understand why the charisma stat has percentages."

Arthur pondered on what to choose. Everything seemed plausible, as the entire roster, despite the names, all seemed balanced. The goblin even felt interesting. With the dragon feeling a little low on the stats, but considering the luck stat, it is worth it.

Arthur pondered and pondered, he spun his body in 360 multiple times looking almost like a 3 dimensional loading screen.

"I'll just do this forever!".

There was no time limit, so Arthur's mind just kept on fighting and fighting what the best one was. Until something came up.

[Having A Hard Time Picking?]

[Want A Better Way To Choose?]

Two screens just came simultaniously. Arthur, with no hesitation just said yes.

"Yes! Get me those hints man!". Though, character selections don't really have hints. Arthur seemed to have even gotten his mind tired for the long time he has spent there floating and floating.

[You Can Only Choose One Of The Two.]

[Special Races][More Information]

"Wait what? Uhhh... I choose both!". Whoever Arthur was at his past life, he can truly attest to the belief that there are two types of humans. Dumb and Idiots.

The screen didn't respond and has just stayed silent. Two screens separate the two choices, Arthur didn't wanna try to touch one, cause he couldn't choose.

The reason the screens even gave him this option is unknown, but that will soon be found out.

Arthur now still couldn't decide, the man is truly the most dedicated thinker. It is either he can't choose as it was truly hard or

"Shit! I can spin here forever bitches!"

Arthur once again took ages just trying to decide. If you could try to count the amount of time he has spent here, it would be around a year. Which is unreal, just to create a character. Until another thing happened.

[Special Races Have Been Unlocked]

[More Information Has Been Granted]

"Oh nice! Finally I can choose easier.". Arthur now has all he needs to choose a race, I h-.

The descriptions of the races have added skills below.


[Born Skills: Balance]

"Still useless nothing new here.".


[Born Skills: Beauty]

"Man are they just models?"


[Born Skills: The Craft]

"Sounds like a mining game..."

[Goblin][Bonus Stat]]

[Born Skills: Bonus Stat]

"Why the fuck does a goblin have such a powerful skill. How are they the lowest of the food chain?"

[Lizardman][Vitality Boost]

[Born Skill: Pseudo-Dragon Scale]

"Even the lizardman is more of a dragon than dragons.".


[Born Skill: Illusion]

"Truly a fairy."

[Demon][Strength Boost]

[Born Skill: Cannibalism]



[Born Skill: Greed]

"Well that makes me feel greedy."


[Born Skill: Magus]

"Absolute magic here ya, I mean I should just pick a witch, they are the only one who can use ma-". The rotation of the roster around Arthur didn't circle back to humans, as a new race has been added.


[A morph has no form. The form a morph gains is always random as it resembles its own soul. Any creature can be a morph if the right conditions are achieved. Morphs can copy any special trait of any race. These are species with unknown origins.]

[Attributes: 10]

[Born Skill: Kin]

The new race was a morph. This race checks all the marks Arthur wasn't able to decide on. If the description was true, he didn't have to pick special traits, he can just have them all.

But that was all of the rare species, as after that repeats back to the human.

"Is that all the special race? Well... its a no brainer bitch!". Arthur instantly clicked the morph race.

[You Have Selected The Special Race "Morph".]

[Choose The Time Period You Wanna Start In.]

"Time... period...?"

A row of "time" came flowing down like a paper scroll used in olden times. The time period ranged from the beginning and a far, far future.

[World Age

Year 100 | 100 Mil. Pop. | 27 Races


Year 37000 | 1.2 Tril. Pop. | 156 Races]

"Uhhh, well... this is a unique feature I have never seen before... but I think... I should start at the beginning, with the least amount of people...".

Arthur clicked the first choice of the date. Then another blue screen popped up instantaneously.

[Please Choose Your Starting Point]

Before even a map of the world appeared, the entire screen disappeared and another one appeared.

[Due To The Special Race "Morph" Starting Point Will Be Randomized.]

"Mother fucking shit-!" Arthur started to be distorted as his body was getting sucked into a vacuum. Arthur was finally leaving the place he has spent more than a year mentally on.

[Welcome To The World Of Nion.]

As Arthur got dragged in the vacuum his entire body was flying at a very fast pace. While that was happening he was hearing words that sounded like an announcement at an airport.

[The World Of Neon Is A Vast World Bigger Than Your Past.]

[It Is Precisely 3 Times Bigger.]

[With 27 Continents To Its Name, The World Has Much To Be Explored.]

[As The Year 100, The Start Of Civilisation, The Populace Has Yet To Achieve A Higher Advancement.]

[As The First Player Of Beginning, Accept This Mission]

[Mission: Unite The World As Its Rightful Owner - Time Limit: 2 Years - Penalty: Death]

"REJECT! REJECT! I FUCKING REJECT!" Arthur yelled so loud, it almost broke his none existent throat.

[Rejection Denied. Have A Fun Time : ).]

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