
Game Portal : Making a Multi-Billion Dollar Company!

The young man was living a hard life ever since his father was killed by a powerful, rich individual. He was left in debt, having to pay for a house they no longer owned, a hefty medical bill, and expensive education fees. But his fortune changed one day when he stumbled upon The Game Portal, a portal which allowed him to bring products from the game into the real world and sell them for a profit. With his newfound strength, he set out to become the greatest businessman in history, using his wits and determination to make a fortune. Along the way, he will face numerous obstacles in becoming a legend in the business world. Cover art: it's the character Pearl Lex (Remake)

KN_Aditya · Urban
Not enough ratings
60 Chs


Alex and Maxie sat in front of the computer screen, their eyes fixed on the number displayed on the screen: $1.2 million. It was the estimated cost to buy the rights to Life and Land, and it was a number that was staggering.

"This is a lot of money, Maxie," Alex said, his voice filled with concern. "I don't have this kind of money. I've spent all my earnings on expanding the company, hiring people, buying equipment and other costs."

Maxie nodded, her brow furrowed. "And even if you wanted to take out a loan to buy the game rights, you wouldn't be able to. You already took out a loan to buy the mansion for the office."

Alex rubbed his temples, the weight of the situation bearing down on him. "What are we going to do?"

Maxie thought for a moment before speaking. "There's one other problem, Mr. Bell. If we send a proposal to buy the game, Tronc Corporation will likely negotiate for PFS's product distribution rights in exchange."

Alex sighed, the reality of the situation setting in. "It seems like there's no way out of this, Maxie."

Maxie reached over and placed a hand on Alex's shoulder. "We'll figure something out, Mr. Bell. "

Maxie sat at her desk, her eyes never leaving the computer screen. For hours she had been brainstorming, trying to find a solution to save Life and Land. And then, finally, an idea struck her. Alex can fund Adira Games to keep the game online until they could buy out the rights.

With a sense of urgency, Maxie began writing the proposal. She poured all her energy into it, making sure every detail was covered and every argument was sound. And when she was finally satisfied, she hit the send button on her email.

Alex watched as Maxie sent the email, a sense of hope beginning to stir within him. "Do you really think this will work, Maxie?" he asked, his voice filled with uncertainty.

Maxie smiled. "It's our best shot, Mr. Bell. Adira Games is a talented group of developers and I'm confident they'll take this opportunity to keep Life and Land alive."

And with that, Alex and Maxie settled in to wait for a response. They knew it wouldn't be easy, but they were determined to do everything in their power to save the world of Life and Land.


Adira Games HQ

Rob sat in his office, staring at the screen of his computer as he re-read the email from PFS. He still couldn't believe it - a food company, of all things, was offering to invest in Life and Land, the game he and his team had poured so much passion into. It was a glimmer of hope in what had been a sad and uncertain time for Adira Games.

He hit the reply button, typing out a quick response to confirm the meeting. As he hit send, he leaned back in his chair and let out a long sigh. This could be the lifeline that Adira Games needed, but why was a food company interested in funding a game? He would find out soon enough.

With a sense of eagerness, Rob closed his computer and stood up from his desk. He walked out of his office, the sound of his footsteps echoing in the empty halls. The other members of Adira Games had already gone home for the day, and Rob was the only one left. But for the first time in weeks, he felt a sense of excitement for the future. Maybe, just maybe, Life and Land would have a second chance.


The day was a massive success for PFS, with their new products of Lirlan Juice and Meoper Juice selling like crazy. The advertising and promotion on social media and in partner stores had paid off, as the online distribution service with CyberEats resulted in an unprecedented sale rate of $124,080 in just one day. Alex was overjoyed with the results and couldn't wait to see what the future held for his company.

As the night drew in, Alex sat in his office, a smile etched on his face, thinking about his next move. He had already increased the size of his farms to accommodate the increasing demand, and was eager to start selling even more of his delicious fruits. After which he went to his bed

As He laid in his bed, he reflected on the events of the day. It had been a rollercoaster of emotions, from the initial shock of Adira Game Studios' decision to shut down Life and Land, to the excitement of their potential investment opportunity. But despite the stress, Alex felt at peace.

He thought about the success of the Lirlan Juice and Meoper Juice products and how their sales had skyrocketed after partnering with CyberEats for online delivery. The sales reports showed a staggering $124,080 in one day, an impressive feat for any business. Alex smiled as he remembered how he had increased the farm production, ensuring they could sell even more fruits tomorrow.

As he closed his eyes, Alex couldn't help but feel grateful for his assistant Maxie, who had come up with the idea of funding Adira Games. The proposal they sent had been accepted, and they would soon be meeting with the executives to discuss the future of Life and Land.

In the quiet of his room, Alex sighed contentedly. The day had been a good one, full of promise and potential. With a smile on his face, he drifted off to sleep, ready to tackle whatever tomorrow may bring.


Tronc Hq

Alan sat at his desk, scrolling through his emails. one particular email caught his eye. It was from the head of Adira Games, Rob, about a proposal from Portal Food Supplies (PFS) for investment and rights for one of their games, Life and Land. Alan rubbed his chin thoughtfully. This was an opportunity. He had been looking for ways to rejuvenate his Tronc Mart stores, and what better way than to bring in new and exciting products that have been driving his traffic away. If he could negotiate a distribution contract with PFS, it would bring in a new line of products to his stores and increase foot traffic. He quickly called in his department head of Food division. "I want you to attend the meeting with Adira Games and PFS tomorrow," he said. "See what you can do to make a deal with them. I have a feeling that this could be the start of something great for Tronc Corporation." With that, Alan leaned back in his chair, a sense of satisfaction washing over him. He was always on the lookout for new opportunities to grow his business.

I know I am writing names and postions of every character repeatedly that's becasue people complained in the last version of the story that distinguishing characters was getting harder with every chapter. :) Hope you guys liked it.

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