
Game on||JJK

CEO JEON JEONGGUK with his twin PRO GAMER JEON JUNGKOOK "Why can't you just choose me?! I love you y/n, so fucking much! I will do anything for you. Anything that I can... Just love me instead y/n please... I'm begging you" Tears are rolling in his cheeks and his puffy red eyes are looking directly at you. You feel bad for him. You don't want to hurt him. He is too kind for you and you don't have the rights to break his heart. Do you really need to experience this kind of drama? You ask yourself. You don't know what to do. So you just hugged him. And you said. "I'm sorry" -- "No y/n, you can't just love me just because I told you that I love you. We can't be together. I don't want you to get hurt. Please just erase your feelings for me and find someone else. Someone better and can stay with you forever. You can't love me back. You can't. Please." He looks at you with his cold stares. He is not crying. He doesn't look sad either. He looks fine telling you this things.

_erehIyeagher · Celebrities
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11 Chs

chapter 9

Sunday came and you are on your way to your new apartment. Jimin texted you that he will come later to help you to do the chores but you declined it knowing that he is tired from work.

15 minutes later, you arrived and you saw Taehyung waiting outside. You park your car and step out greeting him.

"The boxes are already in your room y/n, do still have something to carry upstairs?" He asked you. Yesterday you rented a truck to help you bring your boxes here.

"Oh yeah, I still have 2 bags here." You said and walks over your car, opening  the back seat. Taehyung helps you carrying those bags all the way to your room and you thanked him for that.

"You have a lot of stuffs y/n." He said, disbelief. You giggled at him. You sure do have lot, you can't just leave your stuffs like books, your collections and some of your favorite furnitures.

"Yeah.. it is hard to left them there. Some of them has sentimental value so, they mean so much to me." You explained while looking at your stuffs.

"This will be a lot of work y/n, I can help you if you want?" He said checking some of your books.

"Well, if you insist. Jimin also wanted to come over and help but I told him not to because I know he is already tired from work." You said and started working.

"Good thing you declined it. Even he is not tired and went over here, I know he is not going to help you. His lazy ass will just gonna sit and watch you work." He said and you laughed at him. That was seriously real. Jimin is a hard-working person but when it comes to house chores, he is totally lazy. Why did you know? Because last time you went to his house, it was a mess that you ended up cleaning it.

You are both busy arranging and decorating the living room when Taehyung's phone ringed. He excused himself to you and and then he answered it. Not wanting to hear the conversation, you focused yourself in cleaning.


You were startled by his loud voice. You saw him massaged the bridge of his nose.

"Okay, okay. I'll be right there."

He ended the call and he excused himself once again, you nodded. He was about to open the door when  someone knocks and opens it.


Holy cow, what is he doing here. And he looks different too... but you decided to greet him anyway.

"Jeongguk? What makes you go here?"

You said making your way towards him. He crushed his eyebrows together and looks over Taehyung with confused face.

"Uhm excuse me but.. do I know you?"





"Yeah?" You laughed nervously.

"You're my boss, how in the world I do not know you?" Something is not right, you look at Taehyung and he is dumbfounded. You look back at Jeongguk. You noticed that he has a lot of piercings and has tattoos on his knuckles and arms which is really familiar. He also looks taller. You're sure it is him, but why do it looks like he is also not. But why

"Y/n, uhm... Fuck. H-he is not your boss. He is his b-brother, twin brother." He sigh.

Your mouth opens in shock. Well, that's why he really looks like Jeongguk, because he is his twin brother.

"How come you didn't know? You said that you're working for him." He says making you look at him. You shake your head slowly answering 'no'.

"He didn't tell me anything, neither Jimin." You look at the man and bowed at him.

"I'm s-sorry, I didn't know."

"No, it's okay. It often happens. Don't be sorry." He says as he looks at you, smiling.

"Anyway, I'm Jungkook. Just call me Justine." He extended his arms, giving you a handshake. You smile at him, he seems kind and approachable not like his brother who really looks intimidating in many ways.

You look closely at him, he has a mask under his chin making his cheeks puff and he has long hair. You also noticed his beauty mark under his bottom lip.


The sun is now set and it is time for your dinner. Taehyung left you an hour ago. You look over your apartment. Letting out a big sigh, you are proud of yourself. You decided to cook some pasta quite enough for three people since Taehyung and Justine helps you, just a way for thanking them.

Speaking of Justine, he mentioned earlier that his family doesn't want to talk about him that's why Jeongguk didn't mention a single thing. You wonder why, but you thought it is not good questioning it since both of you barely know each other. He also said that he moved to L.A when he was 18 years old and live there alone which you find really shocking and he plays game for living, he is a quiet popular streamer but some did happen making him going back here in Korea. He doesn't explain why but he said it is not a big deal.

You called Taehyung to come over you also told him to bring Justine with him. Taehyung's room is just 2 rooms far from you. It didn't took long enough after you heard him knocks over your door. But instead of Taehyung, you were greeted by Justine. He is holding a three cans of beer.

"Taehyung said I would head first, he is buying snacks somewhere" he said swaying his waist, he looks cute.

"Oh I see.. well come in!"

"So you were working as his secretary?" He asked putting the beers on the table.

"Yeahhh.. I've been working there for like 2 months." You said as you stir, making the sauce. You heard him humms as response. You smiled mentally, he maybe looks exactly as Jeongguk bit this one is more shy but looks bad boy outside. You slightly glaze over him, he is just sitting there and he looks like he is dozing off whole fidgeting his fingers. You shifted your gaze over his knuckles, you can't clearly see what written in there but it looks like he also got some over his arms all the way to his shoulder. You decided to ask about it, just to clear the dead atmosphere.

"Your tattoos are really familiar, it seems like I saw it before. I mean... I think I already saw you somewhere." You said turning off the stove.

"I think you did.. but I bet you can't remember where." He let out a small chuckle. You crushed your eyebrows together.

"We did already saw each other, I think last week? In cafe, near your office" He said making you gasp.

"Ohhh that's you? The one who asked me if I work there?" You asked aand he nods That's why his tattoos are really familiar to you.

"Yeah.." he giggled.

"Oh let me help you with that" he said as he helps you putting plates and utensils on the table. You smiled at yourself again, you find it really cute that they have different attitude. Placing everything, you heard someone's knocking at the door.

You immediately went, opening it.

"I bought foods." Taehyung said wiggling the plastic bags in front of your face.

"You bought a lot Tae." You giggled at him, you mouthed him 'thank you' and you both went to the kitchen.

You all happily ate your dinner. You talked and laughed. This two makes you comfortable even tho this is your first time talking to them, I mean second time for Taehyung but you are really happy because it doesn't feel awkward talking to them.

"Yeah that's right! Yoongi hyung loves to steal my clothes! Even my black underwear!" Justine said, making you and Taehyung laugh. Hell, you didn't even know who is 'yoongi' but Taehyung laugh is so funny and you can't help but to laugh at it too.

You are interrupted when you heard someone knocks at your door. Taehyung and Justine looks at you.

'who could it be?' you asked yourself as you stand from your chair and excused to them. Half of you is nervous because no one knows where is your new apartment except Jimin and Jeongguk.

You were relieved when you saw Jimin standing as you opened the door. He got some groceries in both of his hands as he greeted you. But what makes you gasp is when you saw Jeongguk standing right next to him. You shivered at his glaze towards you.

'what is he doing here? Is it okay if he will see Justine? Why do I feel like something's gonna happen really bad?' you can't help but to feel nervous as you thought about it. You can tell that both of them are not okay with each other.

"Jeongguk? What are you doing here?" You asked lowering your voice. He just coughed and looked away, Jimjn answered you question anyway.

"He said he wanted to come with me, he even bought a lot of groceries for you." Jimin said smirking at Jeongguk.

"I didn't told you that I wanted to come. I j-just want to c-check the apartment." He said coughing in every word. Jimin tried not to laughed at him but he stopped as he saw Jeongguk looking at him with his killer eyes.

"Yeah yeah whatever. So y/n, do you want us to come inside or no? This groceries are really heavy and he is not even helping me to carry it." Jimin said rolling his eyes making Jeongguk grab all the bags from him in annoyance. You step aside giving them space. The atmosphere becomes heavy as you saw Jeongguk walks towards the kitchen.

Jeongguk stops when he saw Justine, they were both in shocked. No one dared to talk. They were just staring to each other. You saw Taehyung gulp, he looks nervous and he then looked at you with his worried eyes. Jimin was just standing there beside you, unable to move he seems shock too. What is happening now is came like a bolt from the blue. Everything is in tense. The air is stuffy and it is really hard to breathe.

"Long time no see, brother" he smirks and crossed his arms.


𝒉𝒊~ 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖?

𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒄𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓? 𝒊𝒎 𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒚𝒚𝒚𝒚𝒚.
