
Game of Thrones: The Sun of Winter

The Wandering Wizard, Sean Cliffer, is one of the last wizard of the modern day of Earth. he  lived his life for a hundred of years, learning and experiencing the real world. Especially for a wizard, always hiding and lurking in the shadows. And always afraid someone will find out, as they say, humans are afraid of what they don't understand. This time, his magic has failed him. It was already past of his limited time, only with his power was holding his life in a thin thread, finally snapping. But, what he did not expect was, it was only the beginning of the end. Another life of challenges. Reborn as a second son of an highborn family, a spare in case the heir met a terrible death. His new name is Torrhen, of house Karstark, born of the year 266 after Aegon's Conquest. The second son of Karlon Karstark and Berena Flint, younger brother of Rickard Karstark, the heir of Karhold. There's a new player in 'the Game'. **************************************** Disclaimer: I do not own Game of Thrones. A/N: This story was inspired by 'Harry Potter Reborn as Bomeric Bolton', 'The Road to Hell'. and so much more Fanfics about Game of Thrones. I don't know any good pairings for now, so suggestions can be written on the chat. And, my English isn't that very good, so be easy on me. As for the update rate, maybe I can put 4-5 chapters per week. Having college studies to think of. Also, there will be foul words and violent actions in the novels. What can you expect in Game of Thrones, eh, lad?

DaoistbmKU1Q · TV
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19 Chs

Foster Peace

In the Lord's bedroom, Jon is lying on the bed, unconscious. They say they were ambushed on the road, Jon ordered reinforcement on the Eyrie. Thankfully, his faithful wards saved him this time, along with household guards that also came with the trio.

"Why would Jon risk his life by selecting only few guards in his person? People of the Vale knew they were the ones living in the mountains, but these people basic walk through them." Robert growled.

"You know Lord Arryn. The only thing I can guess is that he's making peace with them. For thousands of years after the Andals invade Westeros, they were always in fights. To be honest, I pity them." Torrhen said, looking at the pale Jon Arryn.

"Bah, why would you pity them? They kill and steal from the people." Robert smashed the horn cup at the table. He looked at Torrhen and Ned at the bedside, "Because they have the blood of the First Men? Is that it?"

"Partly, aye. But, like the wildings, they have no choice. They have no knowledge to sow grains or to breed livestock, but they do like fighting. All their lives, they only know how to survive." Torrhen sighed, he turned to Robert, "Maybe, Jon has seen to that the fightings have gone long enough. Both side had murdered each other for a long time; it will not be easy but it isn't impossible."

"Ugh, this is why I don't like ruling. All I want crush skulls and f*ck whores." Robert grunted, but laughs hollowly a moment later.

Ned gave a sad and worried look toward Robert, "You know you're betrothed to my sister, right? You'll not dishonor her?" He flashed a squinted look.

Robert choke at his drink, "Of course, not." He drank the whole cup, and continued, "From what I hear from you, she is wild as a wolf! Ah, there's no one better than that. When we are married, all I ever want to do is hunt and ride to the forest of Storm's End."

Torrhen gave the small laugh, "Aye, that's good. But..." He looked directly to Robert, very seriously, "But what about your bastard here?"

"Will you forget her? You know her mother died giving birth to Mya, right?" He continued.

Robert was silent, thoughtful in his mind, "I... do not know. I know that Lyanna and I aren't married yet, so there's no dishonor for her, but Mya will be a reminder of my recklessness." He drank furiously from his cups.

"Bastards are always an evil creature in the eyes of those who know it, especially after the dread of Blackfyre rebellion. Maybe, except Dorne, but Mya has your blood. He needs his father more than ever." Torrhen said, standing up and took the cup from Robert, who grunted.

Robert gave Torrhen a stink eye, and said, "She'll remain here. I know she'll be protected here. If not, then I'll send her to Dorne."

Torrhen sighed, while Ned looked uncomfortable.

Torrhen drank at the cup, tasting the bitter red, "Maybe I'll take care of her." He looked at the surprise Robert.

"Why?" Robert growled.

Torrhen gave a smirked, "She's an unfortunate mistake from my friends recklessness, but she's still a life. She's valuable."

Robert stared directly at Torrhen. Moments later he stood up and walked in front of the latter, meeting his gaze seriously, "You'll protect her, remember it."

"Of course, she'll grow up knowing she's a bastard, but she'll live to be strong like her father. I will always protect her." Torrhen said seriously.

Ned stood up, patting Torrhen's shoulder, "You have a good heart, I am proud that you have decided on this, even if it's not your responsibility."

"I've always have a good heart." Torrhen bellowed a laugh, while Robert did the same, patting hard at the latter.

"Robert... quiet down."A voice interrupted the moment.

The trio froze, before turning to the center of the bed. Robert shouted, "Jon! You're bloody alive!"

Ned smiled, "Of course, he's alive. The Maester said so himself."

Torrhen had a cheeky grin, "Robert's laugh was loud, he woke the dead." He laughed hard after.

Jon Arryn gave a weak smile, "Not dead yet."


Torrhen slid into his room, looking around them. He smiled and sat on the table. In there, a book can be found, he opened and took his self-made pen.

He wrote, "Mya Stone, Robert Baratheon's bastard daughter. Plan to teach management, how to fight and... the plan to give her a proper name. Legitimation, perhaps."

He turned pages upon pages, a several plan in a different language. A book full of information about great changes and upgrades he'll implement in the future. Though, he can't do it without inheriting lands and titles to make it work. He has another plan, become rich, buy a land, become rich again and expand. Only then he'll implement great changes.

Torrhen was lucky he did not reborn into a lowborn person.

Closing the book, he sighed.

Prince Rhaegar told every Lord and Ladies of Seven Kingdom was invited to the Tourney in Harrenhal. It was to "celebrate" the first name day of his heir, Aegon Targaryen.

Too bad, it was his chance to be known in the Realm; Knighted would have been nice too, but he does not worship the Faith of the Seven.

And a chance to see the beauty of Elia Targaryen nee Martell. Her dornish skin glowers, it was told. Along with Ashara Dayne, another dornish beauty, but her haunting violet eyes. It's a chance.

He's at the marriageable age, his family back at Karhold was sending ravens of matches in the North. It was all stopped after Father died two years earlier, now Rickard is the Lord of Karhold now. Also, Rickard now had his firstborn, an heir to Karhold, Harrion Karstark, a babe of two name days.

Maybe, he should convert to the Seven, be knighted and win the tourney boons to start fresh in the North.

Torrhen stood up and walked to the chest on the side of his room, open it and saw the contents inside. A white and gold plated armor, enchanted with featherweight rune, increased durability and instant-cleaning. A cloak, cyan in color, was enchanted with protecting from a stab at back. A white and gold helm, a crowned one, was unintentional, but Torrhen kept it anyway. Beside them, a long sword is in there. The sword that Rickard gifted upon his leave at Karhold.

He took it and touched the runes, shining in black colors in the center of the blade, a instant-repair after absorbing iron from blood. Torrhen sheathed the blade and walked out of his room, turning to the training yard.

A,N: Harrenhal is here. Next chapter, he's finally going to meet other characters.