
Game of Thrones: The Stark Shard

As an SI wakes up in the body of a 10-year-old Robb Stark without his memories, he knows that to avoid the original end, he has to to win the game. Thankfully, he has connected to something that should not have been possible in this universe: a Shard of an entity with a power well-known to him, but with a few twists that may be the key to winning the game, After all, Winning means being willing to go farther than the other guy. It means scraping the bottom of the barrel, doing whatever it takes. Dying means you don’t win. And he does not lose.

Infinityreads · TV
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59 Chs

Chapter 54: A King's Promise.

Author's Note: Hey guys, I'm back with a new chapter. We're getting closer to Riverrun with each passing day! The next chapter will be at Seagard, and after that, the conflict against the Lannisters will begin.

The Twins. 

Robb Stark.

As I observed the defeated Freys kneeling in the courtyard, I felt an indescribable sense of pride in what we had accomplished. One of the main antagonists in the series, and for me, one of the most impactful and shocking moments, would never happen because of my actions. I felt elated by what I had done.

But even if the mere mention of this family sickened me, I would still keep my promise. The soldiers who survived would join my army or the Night's Watch; the choice would be theirs.

That was the main reason I was so pleased with Uncle Benjen's accomplishments at the Wall. With the Wight chained in my hands, I could provide proof to the lords and soldiers of the true threat to the living. With it, it would be easier to gain their support, and even my defeated enemies would choose to go to the Wall willingly.

I was sure there would be outliers who preferred to be petty and die by my hands, but I knew most of them would choose to fight against the White Walkers, even if they were my enemies. As long as I promised to be benevolent when I marched into their homes in exchange for their help against the White Walkers.

Either way, for now, my first capture in this war had gone smoothly. I didn't know if word of my actions would travel, but I hoped it would. The best way for people to surrender without much bloodshed would be for them to fear me so much that they would do it of their own volition.

Shaking my head to get rid of useless thoughts for a moment, I looked at my surroundings. The small army Lord Mallister had sent was shifting uneasily, and even Heir Patrek looked uneasy, glancing at the sky with clear concern.

"Heir Patrek, thank you for your support," I said in a calm voice.

He shifted in his spot but calmed himself rather quickly, making me respect him more. "We didn't do anything, Lord Robb," he said with a tremulous smile.

"He is Robb Stark, King of the North," Dacey Mormont scoffed.

"Dacey, he didn't know about it. Calm down," I ordered with a frown before looking at the dumbfounded heir. "Please excuse her; they've become quite zealous in their belief," I continued with a relaxed smile.

There was no way the South could know about my "coronation," as it had happened recently, and I didn't fault him for that.

"My apologies, King Robb," he said, dipping his head low, and I tried to hide my grimace.

"Forget about it," I waved my hand. "For now, we should finish things here."

"This is something I want to see," he grinned brightly. "The Freys have been a thorn in my family's side for a long while. It's good they're getting their due."

Nodding at him before looking at the remaining Freys, I walked to the center where everyone could see me.

"Freys…" I started, raising my voice to be loud and clear. "The lord of your house is the reason why you have suffered these past few days."

As I waited in silence for the tension to build, I noticed how many of them were crying in fear of their future, but I steeled my heart and continued.

"But fret not, I am a king who keeps his promises," I said loudly. "Walder Frey will die by my hand, but he is giving his life so that the name Frey will not be erased from the annals of history."

"With his death, you all will be spared, under some conditions, of course," I added with a smile.

Looking around, I saw soldiers, women, and children looking up with hope in their eyes, even if it dimmed slightly with my last words.

"There will be no more bloodshed, I assure you," I continued. "The only condition is that you help my army. You will continue living here, under my protection—under the protection of a king."

"You will have no power while we are here, but we will treat you justly. We will stay here while we wait for the rest of the army to arrive. After that, I will continue my campaign in the South," I smiled. "One lord of the North will be in charge here, but as I said, you will be taken care of."

"How can we trust you?" asked a particularly brave young woman.

"I am the King of the North," I nodded. "That may not mean much here, but I assure you, my word is my bond," I said, quoting the beloved Lucifer Morningstar.

"The lands and remaining people will thrive under my rule, just as the North has all these years," I continued. "I'm sure you've heard about the changes in my kingdom over the past few years. Even when the crown tried to stop us, we thrived, and so will you!" I said with great fervor.

I could see they were getting excited by the promises of a just king and everything else I'd said. I just needed one final nail in the coffin.

"I am your new king, and it is my duty to see you prosper." With that, I called some of my soldiers. "Bring the food," I ordered.

The inhabitants of the Twins had suffered these past few days, and it was time I rectified that.

As I watched with a smile as the people celebrated, happy to finally eat their fill, I frowned. "For now, eat. We will continue tomorrow."

Next Day.

With everyone gathered in the courtyard once more, I addressed the people before me.

"All who don't wish to witness the fate of Walder Frey may leave. And I beseech you, take the children away. There is no reason they should witness this," I said solemnly, happy to see the sighs of relief from the younger audience and the more mature ones.

As I watched them leave, I was surprised to see a young girl, who looked to be my age at most, staying in place, stubbornly refusing the older woman trying to make her leave.

"What is your name, girl?" I asked, ignoring Jon's barely concealed snort at me calling her that.

"My name is Joyeuse Erenford, my king," she curtsied.

"What is the reason you wish to witness this, Lady Erenford?" I asked with a grimace. If I remember correctly, she was the old lord's latest wife.

"I want to see it with my own eyes, my king," she bowed her head. "I suffered while being his wife, and I fear that if I don't witness his demise, I will never be at peace."

"I understand," I nodded with a sad smile. "You are permitted to stay."

"Thank you, my king," she bowed, before turning her laser-like focus on the scene.

"Anything you wish to say before going to the Seven Hells, Walder Frey?" I asked.

"I only ask that you keep your promise, Robb Stark," he replied with a defeated air. "I know I've lost. Just get this over with."

"I will, do not worry," I nodded. "I know you don't understand what it means to be a good person, but I assure you, when I promise something, I mean it."

He only nodded and bared his neck on the chopping block.

"Under the name of Robb Stark, King of the North and Champion of the Old Gods, I sentence you to die," I declared, using Ice to cut his head.

The longsword was sent to Moat Cailin along with the new banner, as my father said I needed to practice using it, and it was my right.

As Walder Frey's head rolled to a stop, I addressed everyone. "As I promised, with the last Lord Frey's death, you will be spared and cared for."

"Now, we need to have some serious conversations," I continued. "The soldiers here have two options: they can continue with me against the South, or they can head back and help humanity against the true threat."

I could see them shifting in their places, but I continued without care. "Jon, bring in the proof."

As Jon nodded and went to the back with ten other guards, I waited while rubbing Shadow's head. He had grown so much, and I loved it. Thankfully, the insect mixture hadn't stopped working.

As Jon entered, pulling the cage with the guards, everyone heard the wight's screeches, and even without seeing it, they shivered. When Jon removed the cover, I shook my head at the screams of fright from the women and even some soldiers.

"As you can see, north of the Wall, a threat unlike any we've ever faced is brewing. We need every kingdom on board if we are to defeat them. Their numbers are greater than ours, they don't tire, and some are likely stronger than us," I said solemnly, looking everyone in the eye. "I truly hope at least some of you are brave enough to fight for the living. While I and my army continue marching south, more and more people will join you."

"But fret not," I added, looking at those who seemed unconvinced or afraid. "The Wall stands strong, we have time, and we will win."

There was a deathly silence in the courtyard before the master-at-arms stepped forward. "I'll go," said Garret Haigh, who, if I remembered correctly, was part of one of the Freys' vassal houses.

As he set an example, more and more soldiers voiced their approval, and I nodded in satisfaction. Everything was moving along. For now, I just needed to wait for the rest of the army to arrive at the Twins, and I wondered who Lord Glover had chosen to take control of this land. Either way, the pieces were moving, and I couldn't afford to lag behind.


If you want to support me or read up to Five chapters ahead, you can find me on patr*e on . co m (slash) Infinityreads99

Discord link: discord .gg/ 85WTCT5G

Ugh, i hate exams. I barely have time to eat but whatever, i felt i did good on the ones i did these past few days. Hopefuly im not wrong lol.

Were getting closer to the 5k chapters, bear it with me please. If i could i would write them daily but some of this have been difficult to write, besides the lenght obviously lol.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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