
Chapter 3

NOTE: If you see any spelling mistake im sorry, english is not my first lenguage and i try to do it the best possible.

Do you guys think that the parts are too long? Or they have a good lenght?

Daenerys POV

Tyrion had left Dragonstone a couple of hours ago, along with four Unsullied and a ship. Outside was a storm like the one that two decades ago existed on the day of my birth, or so those present say.

I just wait for the return of my hand, safe and sound looking out the window of the map room. I don't know what to expect from Tyron's nephew, I don't want to seem paranoid or anything like that; but I don't know him and I don't know what he can be capable of.

In addition to that, I doubt that after spending his entire life with the now queen Cercei Lannister, the evil and cunning of his mother has not rubbed off on him. So he is a person that I have to take care of and that I have to observe to be sure that i´m not in danger.

I hear the door to the map room being opened, so I immediately turn around and watch my hand creep in. I look at the features of his face, realizing that they are contracted and the concern can be clearly seen on his face.

Daenerys: Has something happened? - I ask curiously, thinking that perhaps he is worried about not finding his nephew and about his condition.

Tyron: No my lady, everything has gone as planned.- He answers me with a small grimace.

Daenerys: Then why do you have that face? - I ask, taking a couple of steps towards where he is.

Tyron: It's been a long time since the last time I saw him.- he answers me and I look at him confused. -It has changed and I couldn't tell if it was for the better or for the worse.- He comments and all my alarms go off.

Daenerys: I must talk to him.- I order and walk towards the door.

Tyron: No, please.- He says, grabbing my arm gently. -He needs a while to process what happened and feel safe here.- he explains and I shake my head.

If his own uncle says that he has changed and that he does not know if it is for the better or for the worse; it is an alarm signal. A sign so that my presence is necessary and I can see with my own eyes what I may face in the near future.

Daenerys: He will have all the time to process what he needs after I talk to him.- I say bluntly. -I have trusted you to bring him to my house, now as your queen I have the right to see your nephew and make sure he doesn't suppose any danger to me.- I finish saying and look at Gray-Worm to follow me. -Don't let him out until i come back.- I say to the guards at the entrance over my hand.

I walk through the castle with Gray-Worm at my side, feeling my heart pounding with intrigue and the insecurity of having a Baratheon in my castle.

And not just any Baratheon. The legitimate son and heir of the usurper of my family and the ones in the throne.

I won't rest easy until I see him and make sure he's not a threat to my reign and personal life. I stand in front of the door of the chambers that have been prepared for him, taking deep breaths and gently knocking on the door.

When I don't hear an answer, I glance at Gray-Worm and he cautiously starts to open the door. As soon as the door opens, I can appreciate the dim light in the room thanks to the candlelight and look at the seemingly empty place.

I take an unsteady step into the room, fearing a surprise attack. But that fear turns into surprise, when I look to the right side where the bathtub is and I find myself with a semi-naked body.

My eyes scan the exposed skin, revealing multiple bruises and cuts with dried blood all around. I see the slight relief of the ribs on the sides of his body, looking at his slightly swollen stomach; possibly due to air and the pale color of his skin in the areas free of bruises; although they barely exist.

I glance up his neck, meeting a sharp jawline and the features of a thin face. The cheeks of his face are somewhat deflated, revealing the bone of his cheekbones and several bruises and small cuts on his face.

I see the dark bags under his eyes, probably due to a possible lack of sleep and finally I meet his eyes. I open my eyes even more surprised, when I find myself with a green eye and a blue one.

I had never witnessed anything like it, I had never before seen a person with an eye of each color and I would not have imagined that it could be so hypnotic. But I come out of my thoughts, when I see something familiar being reflected in his eyes and I can tell what it is: fear.

Tyrion may be right and many years have passed since he last saw his nephew. But what I have right now in front of my eyes is not a prince, it is not an aggressive deer or lion and heir to the throne.

What I have in front of me right now is a scared, beaten person who looks more like a man in the street than a prince. Something stirs inside me at the thousands of possibilities and for everything he has had to suffer to see himself like this.

Daenerys: You must be Y/n Baratheon, Tyrion's nephew.- I say with a calm voice; trying not to let the fear grow in his eyes.

Y/n: Yes.- He answers barely without a voice, hoarsely and with just an imperceptible tremor in his voice.

Daenerys: It's a pleasure to have you here.- I assure him with a small smile, seeing how his eyes pass between Gray-Worm and me with some fear. -Wait outside, I'll call you if anything.- I tell my personal security in Valyrio.

I watch as Gray-Worm looks at me uncertainly, then nods and leaves the room closing the door behind him. I glance back at the guy in front of me, noticing how he's taken a step back and is staring at the hot tub next to him.

Daenerys: You can take a bath if you want.- I remember looking between him and the bathtub.

Y/n: I don't think it's appropriate to do it in front of a lady.- he whispers hoarsely without looking at me.

Daenerys: You won't be the first man I've seen naked, I've been married and the male anatomy is not unknown to me.- I clarify, downplaying it and walking towards the table with the wine.

Y/n: Even so, your majesty, I don't think it's appropriate.- He comments still in a hoarse voice and in a low way.

Daenerys: Then I won't look.- I assure him, pouring me a glass of wine. -Do you want wine?- I ask him, turning to see him completely still where I found him when I entered the room.

Y/n: No thanks, I don't drink.- He slightly shakes his head and I raise my eyebrows in surprise.

Daenerys: You don't drink wine? - I ask curious and he just denies.

Y/n: I've seen what wine can do to people, not all people are the same and not all react the same.- He begins to explain to me in a low way. -But I've seen the worst that can come out of a person and the damage it can do.- he tells me and I nod somewhat in agreement.

Daenerys: So water? - I ask and I notice how he plays with his hands insecurely.

Y/n: I... this... there´s not... there's no water left.- he says in an insecure manner, I raise my eyebrow in surprise and look at the water pitcher, finding it empty. -I was... I was thirsty.- He comments and sighs taking the jar.

I walk with the jar a few steps, watching as he backs away quickly in fear and I widen my eyes in surprise. I stop walking immediately, trying not to scare him anymore and unable to help but feel my heart sink at his reaction.

Daenerys: Hey no, I'm not going to do anything to you.- I deny sympathetically. -I'm just going to ask them to bring you more water.- I whisper in a soft voice, trying to reassure him and not feel afraid.

Y/n: No need, I don't want to bother anyone.- He denies immediately without wanting to look at me.

Daenerys: Of course yes, you are clearly thirsty and the jar is empty.- I assure him, since I have seen his lips completely dry at first and that is a clear example of the lack of hydration in his body. -Besides that, it won't be any inconvenience.- I clarify with a slight smile.

Y/n: No.. no need, I can wait until tomorrow.- He assures me and I shake my head.

Daenerys: It's okay, just let me ask for more water and they'll bring it to you right away.- I assure him and walk back to the door.

I open the door a few inches, seeing Gray-Worm handing the mug to another of the Unsullied. I ask them to fill the pitcher with water and bring it back immediately. I close the door and turn around to find Y/n in the same corner.

Daenerys: Now you can get in the bathtub.- I indicate pointing to the still hot water.

Y/n: I'm not sure.- He denies looking at the bathtub and then at me.

Daenerys: I promise not to look.- I tell him with confidence. -But I have to talk to you and I won't leave until I do.- I assure him seriously.

(someone told me that his eyes should be green and blue not green and brown thanks for that but you don't have to an ass about it. It is just a mistake)