
Chapter 1

NOTE: If you see any spelling mistake im sorry, english is not my first lenguage and i try to do it the best possible.

POV Narrator

House Baratheon of Storm's End is a noble house of the Stormlands. With the emblem of a sable-crowned deer, on a field of gold and the motto "Ours is the Fury" .

House Baratheon gained renown when Robert Baratheon, head of House Baratheon and lord of Storm's End, led a rebellion against the Targaryen Dynasty and emerged victorious.

King Robert married Cercei Lannister, with whom he later had four children and a bastard son out of wedlock. All the king's children were completely different from him in appearance, they were blond, blue-eyed and had features identical to their mother's. All but one; the oldest.

Y/n Baratheon has always been completely different from the rest of his siblings, from his physique, to his personality and to the treatment he received from both parents. He had brown hair like all Baratheons, his eyes were green and brown.

In fact, from the day of his birth, they discovered a disease in his eyes, a disease that only made him look more identical to his Baratheon blood. The prince was born with Heterochromia, thus having the right eye of a leafy green color like the forest and the left of the color brown characteristic of his surname.

His physique at a young age was identical to that of his father, when he was his age and had a healthy physique. He had a personality very similar to his father, playful but serious when he should be, he knew how to behave when he was told, he liked to enjoy the little things and he has a heart that is too big.

King Robert saw in Y/n the perfect son, he saw himself reflected in his little fawn and from the day of his birth; It became his most precious possession. Especially after the rest of his children were born and none had a single faction similar to his.

And on his deathbed, the only one King Robert wanted to see and the only person he wanted to say goodbye to was his first son. The son who should have reigned after his father's death, but who, due to guilt and insecurity, did not accept the crown. An act that would bring consequences and great regret on the part of the young deer.

While Y/n was his father's sweetheart and his clear favorite child, his mother was the complete opposite and she never missed an opportunity to show her contempt for her first child behind closed doors.

When Y/n was born, his mother was in love with him and his eyes. Cercei spent hours and hours looking into the different but mesmerizing eyes of her first cub. But a year later, after the birth of her second son Joffrey, Y/n faded into the background and was never her mother's priority never again.

When Cercei saw Joffrey's blue eyes and blond hair, she knew what that combination meant. In Joffrey she saw herself and her brother Jaime reflected in the child. As her children grew and two more were added to the family, the clearer was Cercei's contempt for her first heir.

Y/n didn't look like a Lannister, it wasn't one of her cubs but a deer and she didn't want him. Especially when Joffrey began to adopt a personality very similar to his mother's and became everything his mother wanted him to be.

The day Joffrey died in his mother's arms, everything around her ceased to have so much importance and a part of her died with her son that day. Y/n tried to take the throne, but his mother forbade him and made sure he felt the guilt of his father's death, to prevent his coronation. And he got it.

Then it was Myrcella, the sweet and innocent only daughter of the lioness. A twisted death and in the form of a cruel revenge. Ellaria Sand poisoned Cercey's only daughter, through a kiss and an irreversible effect poison without the antidote.

Tommen was the next to reach the throne, but it did not work out very well when the Red Sparrow appeared and severely punished his mother for her sins. Cercei herself carried her youngest son into the arms of death, when she destroyed the Sept of Baelor and with it the beloved of her last two living children.

And that leaves us with now, where a Cercei Lannister is crowned queen after the explosion of the Sept of Baelor and a Y/n Baratheon is locked in the dungeon to prevent his coronation.

Daenerys POV

Tomorrow we leave Meereen for Dragonstone, my home and the home of my family. Home of the Targaryens, where dragons soared through the skies and my family was alive. Oh at least until King Robert Baratheon started the rebellion and usurped what is rightfully mine.

Tyrion: Your Majesty, can I talk about something with you? - asks knocking on the door of my chambers and sticking his head out.

Daenerys: I didn't think there was anything left to say after our talk a couple of hours ago.- I comment confused, stopping helping Missandei to pick up my clothes and alluding to our conversation about leaving Daario in Meereen ruling on my behalf.

Tyrion: And there wasn't.- He assures me entering my chambers and walking towards the wine table.

Daenerys: So what do you want to talk about? - I ask confused, walking towards where she is and sitting in one of the chairs.

Tyrion: Five minutes ago a letter arrived from King's Landing.- he announces, pouring himself a glass of wine. -A letter reporting the death of Tommen Baratheon, the coronation of my sister Cercei and the alleged disappearance of my last living nephew.- He informs me, sipping his wine.

Daenerys: I'm sorry for the death of your nephew Tyrion.- I assure him with a small sad smile. -The coronation of Cercei was something that we both saw coming, what I don't understand is why mention your other nephew.- I comment confused.

I have known Tyrion for a year and he has hardly ever talked about his family. The times he has done it has been to make a negative comment against his sister and father. His nephews are something he rarely talks about and when he does he never mentions them much.

Tyrion: I am afraid of the well-being of my nephew, my queen.- He assures me with some concern. -He is the only one who can take my sister's crown and his disappearance could not have happened on a better occasion for Cercei.- he tells me. -I fear for the life of my nephew, he has never been very loved by his mother and as much as he is her last living son, my sister does not have much esteem for his life.- he explains to me and I avoid opening my eyes surprised by what that my hand is insinuating.

Daenerys: But it's her son, I don't think that your sister, no matter how bad she is, inflicts pain and less death on her own blood.- I deny scared by the idea of it.

Tyrion: And believe me I wish that was the case.- Agrees with me. -But I know my sister, I know her ambitions and what she is capable of doing to get what she wants.- he assures me and I see the slight panic in her eyes.

Daenerys: You fear that your nephew is dead or is going to die so that Cercei keeps the crown.- I say a little unsure, understanding what he means and receiving a nod. -And what can I do? - I ask interested and wanting to help.

Tyrion: Just take him in.- He answers me simply and I look at him confused.

Daenerys: Take him in? What do you mean by that?- I ask in confusion.

Tyrion: The letter has reached Varys from one of his contacts, in the letter they report on the disappearance of my nephew and the extra presence of guards in the castle dungeons.- he tells me calmly.

Daenerys: But I still don't understand what my role is in this.- I comment still confused with the situation.

Tyrion: Varys has contacts in the city, contacts that can free my nephew and put him on the first ship to Dragonstone or a nearby port.- He explains to me and I see where he is going.

Daenerys: And you want me to take in one of the sons of a traitor, a usurper and the same person who kicked my family out of his home.- I assure myself, getting up from the chair furious.

Tyrion: I know it's a lot to ask my queen, but as the saying goes for you; it also does it for my nephew.- He comments, leaving the glass on the table. -You are not your father and you cannot be blamed for what he did in the past, therefore; my nephew should not be judged for the acts of his father as you have not been for those of your father.- It reminds me of the phrase that I myself have repeated several times.

Daenerys: I know you're right about that, but I don't think I can trust the son of my enemy.- I deny going out to the terrace of my rooms.

Tyrion: Please my queen.- he asks me leaving behind me. -I'm not asking you to trust him, but to trust me and give my nephew an option.-  he says pleadingly.

Daenerys: I don't think it's the best time Tyrion, we're just a little bit away from getting my throne and proclaiming my position as queen.- I remind him seriously.

Tyrion: That's why my nephew can help you proclaim the throne.- he says quickly.

Daenerys: How can your nephew help me? - I ask without understanding.

Tyrion: Y/n Baratheon is the only legitimate son of King Robert, he is the true heir to the throne and believe it or not, he is very loved by the people in King´s Landing.- he answers me quickly.

Daenerys: I don't know Tyrion, I'm not sure.- I say a little worried. -Because if he is the heir, he has never before risen to the throne and has allowed his brothers to be kings?- I ask curiously.

Tyrion: The day his father was attacked by a wild boar, he was hunting with Robert and blamed himself for his death.- he tells me with a small grimace. -He refused to accept the crown because he felt guilty, at that time Y/n was 17 years old and seeing his father, the only person who really wanted him to die before his eyes destroyed him.- he explains to me and I can't help but feel sorry for him.

Daenerys: And then, because Tommen was crowned and not Y/n? - I ask interested.

Tyrion: I don't know, my queen, but I wouldn't doubt my sister's presence in her decision and in the coronation of Tommen instead of Y/n.- He answers me and I think for a few seconds.

Daenerys: Okay.- I nod letting out a sigh. - Tell Varys to get a ship to take him to Sharp point and you will go look for him on a ship to take him to Dragonstone.- I tell him seriously.

Tyrion: Thank you very much, Your Majesty.- He thanks me with a huge smile before running out of my chambers.

I stay silent for a few seconds, enjoying the views of meereen for a few last moments and going back inside my bedroom. I see Missandei putting away my clothes and I go back to help her pick up.

Missandei: It is very generous of you to help young Baratheon, Daenerys.- She assures me with a shy smile.

Daenerys: I don't know if it's generous or not, but I just hope it doesn't bring me problems.- I whisper with a sigh.

I hope that Tyrion does not betray me and his nephew tries to assassinate me on the orders of his made. I don't want to regret opening the doors to both of them and ending up having to kill them both for treason. I just hope this doesn't blow up in my face.

AN:Should I continue or should stop it