
The Golden Drink

The Imp, Tyrion Lannister headed to a whore shop. To his surprise he found the shop empty. He started to inquire about it to which he got the same answer from everyone.

"A young gentlemen with Golden Hair bought and freed all of them saying they have the right to be free."

He noticed all of the men were afraid, where the women to be inspired as they said it. He then went to his Beloved Brother Jamie Lannister to unburden his feelings. Tyrion sighed with disappointment with his brother as Jamie noticed and inquired about it.

"What is it, you look exhausted."

"Some hero brought all the whores in the entire north."

"The Entire North!?"


"He must be filled with very rich goodness and very lustful feelings."

"He freed them all."

"Like before doing anything at all."

"That would be something, I don't know the deatils if he Did or not but he said that he freed them all and cinvinced them all of them to not to work as whore again, he not only brought them but made them rich as well, A not only with money but pride as well."

Jamie laughed and inquired further about it curiously.

"So who is this 'Hero' of everyone and Yours Villain."

"Everyone is glorifying him and calling him A Young Gentleman with Golden Hair."

"Golden Hair? I have not seen soneone like that in the North yet other than me ofcourse."

"You have blonde hair like All Lannisters offsprings but me."

"Hey, Our father himself don't have golden hair too and besides you are way better I think he would go Bald preety soon even though he techinnically He still is he's too afraid to admit it."

Tyrion laughed followed by Jaime. As the two brothers laughed.

"Even I think I can be seen In A Golden Hair if heroically told."



"They are glorifying him and describing them in thier own light he could have blonde Hair but noone want to say it specifically they are fixed on saying It's golden hair as heroic tales. I did thought for a moment it could be you."

"Hey, I wouldn't spend this money to take your fun away from you."

"I know, it couldn't be you."

"Because I won't you."

"Because They said It's A 'Young Man'.

"Hey, I am not that old."

"Time flies and so do your eyes."

They both looked at each other and started to laugh. Jaime didn't paid much attention to the tales of Hero as much as Tyrion was concerned. He still wonders who 'This Golden Hero could be. As Jaime brought another topic.

"Have you seen Joffrey lately, I hsven't heard of him since this morning for some reason."

"Unusual of you to ask about about him to me."

"Not as unusual As he introduced himself to the Daughter of Starks."

"That's what this is about, I did found it unusual My self that he talked nicely but as much as you are thinking about it my brother."

"Do you think he fell in love?"

"The only thing he could fell is on his own two feels and nothing else."

Jaime looked down with fixed expression.

"I told you I didn't found it as unusual as you but what I did found unusual is that it wasn't lust either, I couldn't feel anything when I looked at his morning. I couldn't figure him out on what he he us thinking or expressing but then again I never figure out on what he is thinking at all."

"I couldn't figure him out either But I understand."

"He is a wild card. No Matter what we do he does what he likes. One thing I will give him that no matter how stupid his goals and reasonings are he somehow always achieve it, if only those were good he could have been one of them most respectable person."

"Maybe it's my fault."

Jaime said that slowly, he pretended he didn't said it. Tyrion heard it but pretended not to as he put his hand on his brother's shoulder.

"I think I got drunk and blabbered at lot like you, I loved it, let's go for another round."

On the following night, there was a banquet held. The Two Lannister brothers despite drinking a lot didn't missed it. Sansa looked for Prince Joffrey but he couldn't be found. He finally showed up as she run towards him but his mother Queen Cersei reached him first as she hugged him.

"Where were you? I didn't see you for a while."

"I was just sight seeing The beauty of our North."

"I was worried and just about to tell your father to inquire about wereabouts."

Prince Joffrey smiled.

"I was just gone for a while."

Prince Joffrey held his mother's hands.

"But I am sorry worried you, mother."

Queen Cersei Was taken aback but smiled warmly with comfort as she hugged him again.

"It's Alright My Son, you are back now but don't make me worry like this again."

Prince Joffrey smiled.

"Don't worry mother I will always make you proud and I will always love you."

"I know, now come On let's sit together."

Sansa finally took courage and called Prince Joffrey.

"M-My Prince"

Queen Cersei and Prince Joffrey looked at her as she stood there frozen. Prince Joffrey smiled at her and then looked at her mother.

"May I sit With the Strarks today, it would build our relation with them."

Queen Cersei looked at her son curiously.

"Ofcourse, if it's what you wish."

"Don't worry mother you will always be the woman That I love the most."

Queen Cersei smiled and let her son sit With Starks. As Prince Joffrey walked with Sansa, they held hands together to thier sits. After a while Starks youngest Daughter Arya just sitting beside Prince Joffrey was about to get up. As Prince Joffrey given her advice.

"If you are going to greet my mother then don't unless you are prepared."

Sansa looked at themas They talked. Arya got confused and inquired what Prince Joffrey meant in a blant manner.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You see My mother gone through a lot in her childhood days, that made her cold towards others so You may not like what you will hear from her, She may ask you question that you would at the least find awkward."

"I don't care, I am just showing my respect."

After saying that she quickly went ahead to greet the queen as she came back with a slumber face. As Prince Joffrey offred her a drink.

"What's this?"

"I call it a drink."

"Yes, but I never seen that kind of colour drink and it smells suspicious."

"You Mean delicious. It's a golden colour, atleast I like to call it The Golden Drink, I have made it myself you won't find it anywhere else around here, I would drink It if you have suspicious then."

Prince Joffrey drink from his own glass amd offred that drink in another to Arya with a smile. Arya grabbed and drank it and found it Very delightful.

"It's, Is Alcholol really this good!?"

"It's not alcohol it's just a normal juice drink that I made."

"You are a magician, It's so good. How did You made hands."

"I didn't made that."

"A good magician doesn't reavel it's secrets and that aside What did My mother said? I hope it didn't offend you."

"It did."

"Oh... So what did she say."

"She asked... If I started to bleed yet?"

"Oh so do you?"


"Sorry, I am just lightening the mood doesn't everyone bleed once in a while, I am myself bleed a lot When I got injured?"


"lightning the mood."

"Try to lighten the mood again and I will lighten you next."

Prince Joffrey started to laugh, Arya did started to feel a little better after talking with Prince Joffrey as he started to tell more jokes about himself. Arya thought it was all made up but she did enjoyed it all regardless and almost forgot the conversation with the Queen and started to laugh with Prince Joffrey together.

"So your name Is Ariya huh?"

'Hmmm where did you heard it?"

"Ofcourse I paid attention when you were introduced and inquired about you too."

"I thought you were interested in my sister."

"That's exactly why I need to know about you too."

"So are gonna tell me I am gonna tell me I am beautiful too?"

"You look like A warrior."

"Huh? So not beautiful?"

"A beautiful warrior, and besides warriors have charm of thier own."

"You sure do have a Prince Charm toungue."

"Oh, impressed already, I haven't even started yet. Don't fall me it would get complicated."

"Hey, I meant You are very little good bow that much."

"Ha ha ha, Oh is that so? I thoight I finally impressed one Of Starks family for approval"

"Hmph, we are not that easy. Even though i don't care about hee that much but she is still part of my family so you better be atleast be a standard as per Starks."

"Hmph, don't worry I won't try to catch up to your standards."


"I will surpass your standards to meet your approval."

"Hmmm. Yeah we will see about that when the times comes."

After a while when they laughed out everything they had, they finally calmed down. As Prince Joffrey took a breath and calmly requested Arya of forgiveness.

"Anyways, Arya I hope you forgive my mother and don't take ut to heart what she said. She may act cold and harsh But is a Very gentle and kind person, and The way my father treats her doesn't halp it either, So please as A Prince and a Son I request you on to forgive her if she offended you amd please don't hold any hurtful feelings for her."

Arya looked at Prince Joffrey whose eyes were down and hoping with sincerely to forgiveness. Arya don't understand herself why was she feeling bad looking at him as she decided to accept his request with another request of her own which she presented as a condition.

"On One Condition."

"I will do anything you ask."

"Give me more these drinks. And I will remember Queen's words as a lesson of wisdom instead."

Prince Joffrey Smiled as He poured another glass. Sansa who was watching from back finally came behind and Prince Joffrey amd took the glass and drink the mujse herself.


"Hey that's mine..."

"Haa, Sorry but I am sad you didn't made me a drink like this My prince."

Prince Joffrey smiled as he brought another drink with Was a very pink and milky.

"For you I specially made another one, Millady."

Sansa was stunned and quickly drank it as Prince Joffrey presented it. Arya didn't sit quit either and taken a glass from

Prince Joffrey's hand which he was drinking.

"Hey, That's my...."


Sansa was more furious but Arya didn't bother on her and while ignoring her said calmly.

"Hmph, You should keep end of your deal, Right Prince Joffrey."

"Ah.... Yes."

Prince Joffrey looked at Sansa and calmed her down.

"Hey, Don't worry it's alright Sansa."

"No, It's not, Drink this too."


"You will drink it right Mr Prince?"

"Oh, Yes."

Prince Joffrey drank it and as he finished it half and then suddenly Sansa grabbed the glass and drank it herself.

"You are really greedy."

"Says you."

"Don't he is your prince, I am only after his drinks right Prince Joffrey?"

"Ah... Yes."

"Also you have to teach me how to make those, do you know some delicious food too."

"Yes and I also know how to make them."

"Yes, not interested in that just make me some when you have time."

"Oh... Yes."

"Well, My prince you can teach me how to make those."

"Yes, Milday you all be the first person I would teach them to."

"If that's the case I changedy mind teach me too."

"Aria, stay out of this."

"What, Can't I change my mind."

Prince Joffrey chuckled a little an made an excuse to go.

"Oh, Yes I would go now that my dinners over I think father would scold me if I am late, I will see you both of again, Milday and Ariya."

"Huh... Okay, My Prince."

Prince Joffrey toon Sansa hand and kissed her as he said goodbye. After that Sansa angrily looked at Ariya.


"Don't worry, I was just teasing you, He's better than I expected hold on to him I might steal him."


"Hey, I was teasing, Don't blame me I learned it from your prince. I guess he did teach me something Before you."


Ariya took of quickly with a glass of bottle that Prince Joffrey brought as Sansa couldn't catch her up. After the banquet was ovee everyone went to thier own room and chambers. In the room of Starks, Ned and his wife Lady Catelyn were discussing the offer made by the king to Lady Catelyn's husband. As She was suggesting his husband to refuse the offer of The King to be his hand and saying she will fight the king herself by threatening and calling him Fat Man, if he insisted further. As they were just about to make love the sudden small noise at the door caught at thier attention. As Ned Stark prepared himself and opened the door, he found Prince Joffrey standing infront of him.