
Chapter 9 - Warg.

[Chapter Size: 2131 Words.]

Third Person POV.

Somewhere on North.



The setting sun tinted the vast horizon beyond the Wall with shades of orange and red as Jon Snow led Val to a secluded area away from the camp, surrounded by trees and bushes. The distant roar of a mammoth echoed, but the serene scene contrasted with the intensity of the lesson about to unfold.

"Val, I know you're a skilled warrior with the spear, but today, I'm going to teach you something new. We're going to work with swords," Jon remarked with a smile, wielding his distinctive sword instead of the usual spear, signaling the shift in focus.

"Let's see how you fare," he challenged, as Val accepted the challenge, gracefully wielding a sword, though a hint of uncertainty crossed her gaze. The tension in the air was palpable as the two prepared for the duel, each movement calculated and muscles tense.

The first strike came from Jon, fast and precise, aiming to test Val's defense. She skillfully blocked it, but the exchange of blows revealed the difference between Jon's experience and Val's sword skills. Jon was agile and strategic, exploiting openings in Val's defense, while she struggled to keep up.

The concentration on their faces indicated the seriousness of the training, each move calculated amidst the dance of sharp metal. Jon sought to teach, demonstrating techniques and correcting postures, while Val absorbed the lessons with evident determination.

The exchange of blows continued, a choreography of swords cutting through the air. Jon, always a step ahead, offered guidance and corrections, helping Val adapt her spear skills to the new weapon.

After an intense sequence of movements, Jon paused. "You're making progress, Val. The sword requires a different approach, but you're adapting well."

Val, breathing somewhat heavily, nodded gratefully. "It's a challenge, Snow, but I'm willing to learn."

Thus, under the setting sun, Jon continued to instruct Val in the nuances of the sword, sharing his knowledge and experience to strengthen the warrior beyond the Wall.

With Val resting after the training, Jon turned his attention to Lucis and Lafy, to share his knowledge and enhance the skills of the two warriors.

"Let's start with some basic defense and attack techniques," Jon suggested, picking up two swords and additional shields nearby. Lucis and Lafy positioned themselves in front of him, ready to absorb the lessons. Just like with Val, he wouldn't deny teaching them, even if he didn't receive anything in return, as he did with the blonde beauty.

Jon began with Lucis, observing her posture and initial movements. "Keep your feet firm and balanced. The sword and shield are extensions of your body, not just weapons," he instructed, guiding her through the initial movements of attack and defense.

Lucis absorbed the guidance with focused attention, her eyes fixed on Jon as she tried to internalize each movement. Shyness still marked her expression, but there was evident determination to learn.

Lafy, on the other hand, displayed a more evident confidence. His movements were agile and precise, revealing previous experience with the sword and shield. Jon adapted his instructions to further challenge his skills, encouraging him to explore different combat strategies.

The training continued with a series of exercises, each designed to enhance specific aspects of the combat skills of the two warriors. Jon demonstrated the moves with fluidity, encouraging Lucis and Lafy to apply them in response.

The sun had already completely set when Jon decided to take a break. "Both of you are doing very well. Lucis, your fundamentals are improving. Lafy, your dexterity is remarkable. Now, try a more direct confrontation, applying what you've learned."

Lucis and Lafy faced off, their swords and shields colliding in a controlled dance of attacks and blocks. Jon watched attentively, occasionally interrupting to offer additional guidance.

The exchange between the two warriors was intense, a demonstration of their newly acquired skills. Jon felt satisfaction in seeing their progress and knew that the training would continue to strengthen not only their combat abilities but also the bonds among the members of the tribe beyond the Wall.

As the sun set on the horizon, Jon felt the need to change the training routine. He decided to dedicate that day exclusively to the development of the combat skills of the trio: Val, Lucis, and Lafy. The atmosphere in the clearing where they trained was charged with energy, and the metallic sounds of bronze blades clashing echoed among the trees.

In contrast to previous days, when they focused on learning the ancient language, on that specific day, swords and spears became the teachers. Jon was determined to strengthen not only linguistic knowledge here but also improve the trio's ability to defend themselves in the challenging lands beyond the Wall.

Val, with her spear prowess, was an eager learner, absorbing every move from Jon with a concentrated expression. Her eyes reflected a passion for the art of war, and Jon could sense the constant progression in her movements.

Lucis, still shy, tried to overcome her reserved nature in thrusts and blocks. Jon, with patience, guided her through the movements, observing with satisfaction the gradual improvement in her posture and technique.

Lafy, Lucis's younger brother, showed a natural ability with the sword and shield. His movements were fluid and precise for his age, and Jon could perceive the latent potential waiting to be explored.

As the day came to an end, Jon interrupted the training, taking a step back. "Today was dedicated to improving your combat skills. The three of you are progressing very well. Tomorrow, I will learn the ancient language with Val, but remember to continue all the exercises you've practiced; endurance is crucial on the path of a warrior, strengthen yours."

The trio, panting and sweaty, exchanged looks of gratitude and determination. Jon led them back to the camp, passing by some sentinels in the forest, a sight becoming quite common in the past few days.

It has been a week since Val began teaching him the ancient language, and he was progressing at an alarming rate in the blonde's opinion. However, Jon, being a polyglot and a scholar proficient in the arcane arts of two complex schools, as well as a runic master and somewhat skilled in healing magic, found learning not difficult, and he was unafraid to showcase his progress.

The learning cycle had shifted to a scheme where, on one day, Jon dedicated himself to teaching with Val in a closed tent, and on the next day, practice extended outdoors, including Lucis and her brother Lafy, as Jon felt a protective responsibility for the young girl.

Now, as Jon led the way back to the camp, he sensed a disturbance in his keen perception. His senses alerted him, causing him to quickly turn in the direction of a suspicious movement in the treetops. Jon's abrupt gesture caught the attention of the girls, who immediately went on high alert.

"Snow?" Val inquired, while Lucis and Lafy also looked at Jon for an explanation.

Tense silence hung for a moment until Lafy, following Jon's gaze, identified the source of the disturbance. "A crow?" he suggested, noticing the small bird perched on a branch above.

The crow rested quietly on a branch, its black feathers gleaming in the soft light penetrating through the tree leaves. Its piercing gaze seemed to carry a peculiar sagacity, as if it were aware of the tension its presence had generated. The sharp claws gripped the branch firmly without moving, while its eyes were on the group, but especially on Jon.

The crow's presence in the tree, observing Jon with keen eyes, fueled a flame of irritation in the dragonborn's chest. The atmosphere around became tense, as if nature itself awaited the crow's response to Jon's impetuous demand.

His narrowed gaze didn't waver, reflecting not only suspicion but a growing anger at the situation. The crow remained impassive, a silent spectator challenging Jon's patience.

Jon, in a firm and authoritative tone, finally broke the silence: "Who are you? And why are you spying on me!"

Jon's voice resounded like thunder, laden with authority and a fury that made everyone behind him instinctively step back. The air around seemed to weigh with the intensity of his demand, and the group waited in silence, anticipating the intruder's response.

"Jon... is that?" Lucis was a little frightened.

"That's a warg..." Val commented, understanding the situation as she observed the crow.

The crow, sensing the threat, began flapping its wings frantically in an attempt to escape, but Jon reacted immediately. With a quick and precise gesture, he raised his right hand and invoked telekinesis. Ethereal energy enveloped the crow's body, suspending it abruptly in the air, causing surprise and agitation. As it struggled in the air, Jon skillfully controlled the invisible force that kept it suspended, showcasing his mastery over magic.

"That, how does he do that?!" Val exclaimed, admiring and surprising herself with Jon's ability to control telekinesis.

"Is he a wizard, sister?" Lafy asked, fascinated by Jon's demonstration.

Ignoring the reactions around him, Jon observed the suspended crow, analyzing it carefully. The creature struggled, unable to escape the invisible force holding it. Jon, dissatisfied with the sensation the bird conveyed, decided to end the situation decisively. With a closing and determined motion, he broke the crow's neck, emitting a dry sound that echoed through the clearing.


The creature's now lifeless body gently fell to the ground.

"It seems easy to deal with these spying creatures, but I doubt others have this ease..." Jon reflected, his thoughts immersed in the peculiarity of his ability.

"I heard about being a warg, but I hadn't been interested until I saw this crow. It seems to be a useful skill..." Jon commented, pondering the implications of his newly discovered capability. His strange dreams involving a white wolf no longer seemed mere fantasies; he was aware that he was experiencing something real, not just dreaming.

"It looks like I'm a warg too..." Jon noted, finding it curious that he had never felt this ability in Skyrim. It seemed to have manifested only in this world, awakening a new facet of his abilities. Curious and determined to explore these newly discovered skills more deeply, Jon was determined to understand the extent of his gift.

Jon stood before the dead crow, his eyes fixed on the creature as he contemplated the possibilities his new warg abilities could offer. Delving into his thoughts, he considered different ways to use this unique connection with the animal realm.

Firstly, he recognized the potential for espionage. The ability to see through the eyes of a crow could prove to be a valuable tool for gathering information about what was happening beyond the Wall. This could be particularly useful in situations where direct contact was risky or impractical.

Furthermore, Jon pondered the possibility of communicating with wild creatures. If he could establish a deeper connection, perhaps he could influence or even command certain animals.

However, he also understood that these abilities did not come without challenges. The thin line between man and animal could be dangerous, and he wondered about the ethical limits of exploring this connection.

"Val," Jon called, interrupting the trio from their stupor since they saw him manipulating the crow in the air like a wizard from legends and, just as impressively, ending the creature's life with a simple hand gesture.

"Y-yes," Val responded, a slight tremor in her voice. Lucis, though still impacted, was somewhat calmer, having witnessed some of Jon's exceptional abilities.

"I want to deepen my knowledge about being a warg because I believe I have this ability. Do you know anyone who can guide me in this?" Jon inquired, his gaze still fixed on the lifeless crow.

"You're a warg? Well, Visemyr is the most powerful warg in the camp, although he doesn't seem to appreciate you much. I can try to find someone, maybe with my sister." Val replied, recovering from the initial shock caused by Jon's demonstration.

"That would be helpful, especially since neither Karsi nor Tormund seem to have a warg in their tribes." Jon pondered, resuming his walk. He had realized that there was still much to learn since he arrived in this new world.


Author's note:

* Help me to reach 10 reviews!

* Thank you in advance, I hope you have a good read.

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