
game of thrones samurai dragon

rhaegar targaryen win the war

chibikon · TV
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2 Chs

chapter 1



Eddard Stark 

It's been ten years since Damien disappeared, and my children and I believe he's still alive somewhere and hope he returns. Catelyn, on the other hand, thinks that he's dead but still blames my sister and Damien for her father's being sentenced to the wall.


Three years ago, a strong earthquake hit the north that changed the entire northern river system. A canal was formed connecting the fever river to the White Knife; the creation of the canal was like a gift from God. Not only did it separate the north from the south, but the north also earned the said canal, as ships from Bravos now don't need to sail to Stepping Stone to go west of Westeros, and the west of Westeros only uses the canal to sail to Essos. 


And now another shocking news comes to me: a descendant of Brandon the Shipwrigth, Cregan stark, returns home to give the house stark even greater news: his lost nephew is alive, and he is coming home with his wife and children. 


My family was happy, with the exception of Catherine and Theon. Robb, Sansa, and Arya were excited about seeing Damian again. Bran and Rickon were all so excited to meet their cousin, whom they had never met.


Since Cregan has been living in Winterfall for four months, he has been telling my children stories about Damian and his journey to the land of Wano, where samurai live. His tales of how Damian ended in Wano were my breaking point, knowing that Damian was stranded in the sea for a month and almost died. That boy, I should have put him in chains, leaving his home on a boat all alone to go god knows where. He has too much wolf blood in him. Even the former queen, Rhaella, was angry at her grandson's action. Among all the royal family members, Rhaella is the only one who cares about Damian. 


And now we are waiting for Damian. Cregan said Damian would take a long time to sail home because of his wife's pregnancy, which is why Cregan sails ahead of them. Damian and his wife are expecting a twin, as Cregan has told me. Finally


Finally, after ten years, he comes home, and his wife, sh*t, this rascal, actually finds a very beautiful wife. Are those his children? I too thought they were having twins.


Damian stark

It's been ten years since I last saw Winterfell.

"Lord Stark"

"Robb, Sansa, and Arya, let go of your cousin now." Eddard saw Damian on the ground.

"Think you, Ancle Ned." I thought I was going to die. Robb, Sansa, and Arya, and who are these two little ones here?" Damian is asking about Bran and Rickon.

"This is Bran; you remember him, and this is Rickon," Robb told Damien.

"No way, your Bran "I remember you so little." Damien jokingly told Bran.

"I'm grown up!" Bran tells Damien.

"And Rickon, here this is for you, toy." Damien had given Rickon a wolf toy.


"Aw, everyone, this is my gorgeous wife, Amelia Stark." Damien's wife, Amelia, was gorgeous with her black hair and red eyes. 

"And these are my triplets: my eldest Charles, my second Vincent, and my youngest Lyan," Damien introduced his children. Charles inherited Demien's white hair and silver eyes; his second son Vincente inherited his wife's black hair and red eyes. The third one, named after Lyanna, was a combination of both parents' black hair with a strip of white hair, and his eyes are different; the left is silver and the right is red.



Robb and Sansa are both already holding Damien's baby; Robb with Charles and Sansa with Vincent in her hand is Lyan. My children were playing with the baby when little Lyan grabbed my beard. You're definitely Lyanna's grandchild, little one. You'll be a handful when you grow up, I told baby Lyan.


"This is Nobume Imai," just like Amelia Nobume, a girl with black hair and red eyes, and she wields a sword like a Cregan katana.

"And lastly, this Kumara is a Kitsune," said a large white fox with nine tails walking right beside Demien. 

People were amazed to see an animal with nine tails, and then six troublemakers showed up in the form of direwolves, and behind them was an albino direwolf. 


"Are those direwolves?" Demien asked.

"Yes, we found four adult direwolves, two males and two females, in Wolf Wood. Your uncle Benjen has the two direwolves, and I have the other two, and these are puppies." I told Demien.



To the shock of everyone, smoke came out of Kumara, and then there were two Rickons by the old gods explaining what was happening.

The other Rickon transforms back into Kumara, surprising everyone.


"It's alright, don't worry, Kumara; here is a kitsune that can mimic objects and people's appearance." Demien explained to them.


catelyn stark

The bastard returned with his wife and children, but didn't he just live in that land for ten years? and he brought with him a girl who wielded a sword and a monster that could change into anything. My family was happy when he was gone.


Theon Greyjoy 

That bastard got himself a beautiful wife.



I called Demian for a private talk.

"Your brat!"   "What were you thinking, sailing on a boat to God's nowhere?" 


"I'm sorry, Ancle Ned," Demien says, but he feels no sorry at all.

"Did you know your grandmother was looking for you when you disappeared?" She demanded the king look for you; she'll be glad you're back." Hearing about his grandmother put a smile on Demien's face. He loved his grandmother; she was the only targaryen he cared about.


"She'll be here; I sent word of your return a month ago," Ned told Demien.

"And Queencrown has been rebuilt; there are people living there because of the abundant harvest north, less food to the south; with you back, it's time for you to rule Queencrown; your. Your uncle Benjen and his wife Decey can finally return home to Sea Dragon Point."

"Say, Ancle, have you thought about selling ice to the south?" Demien asks.


"No way would the south need ice." 

demien    "Well, ice can be used to preserve meat and food and can be mixed with water for drinks." 

"I never thought of that; we could try that."


Demien: "Alright, who wants to be present?"

Demien starts giving their presents: Robb got a katana made of dragon steel, Sansa got a fabric from Wano, Arya and Bran got a katana made of damascus steel, and Rickon got a toy sword. 



Looking at his dragonsteel sword, sandai kitetsu, it has a red handle, and the sword edges have a pattern like ice. I can't wait to test it. 



Demien had gifted me with fabric that was smooth and colorful.



Demien gives me a sword, even though it is not made of dragonsteel. OK, now I have my own sword.



I don't remember Demien since I was yours when he disappeared, but now he's here, and Ancle Cregan says good with a sword. Maybe I should ask you to teach me.



Today someone came to his home; they said it was one of our cousins. He gifted me a toy sword.



I named the Albano puppy Ghost; he and Kumara are getting along well.


Amelia Stark

Seeing Winterfell, my ancestor Brandon Shipwrigth Castle, When Demien told me that Winterfell had a large castle, I didn't think it was this large.





"Your grace, my little bird from the north, saw Demien stark returning home with a wife and three children."

hand of the king.

"Triplets, you said the bastard is having twins."


"Yes, little bird, I heard Cregan say that Demien is having twins." "Appearantly, not lord Demien's firstborn Charles inherits lord Demien; his secondborn Vincent inherits his mother's colors; and the three-one-lyan is the combination of both his parents."



"Where in the world did he get a woman to marry him?" 



Prince Aegon was spoiled by his mother and father growing up. The prince already has a bastard of his own. I blame Oberyn for that.

"In the place called Wano, my prince, west of Westeros."


rhaegar targaryen 

"Wano, the same place as gerion lannister come from."



"Yes, your grace is in the same place."


Prince Ageon 

"I heard Gerion Lannister bringing back the Lannister valyrian sword brightroar."



"Yes, my prince Gerion indeed brought Brightroar back and also brought a sword from the land of Wano called Dragonsteel."

What got their attention was the sword, which is superior to Valyrian steel and can still be made in Wano.


rhaegar  targaryen 

"Lord Demien also has his own dragonsteel lord?"



"Yes, your grace indeed, Lord Demien has two dragonsteels, and Robb stark was gifted with one."


Prince Ageon

"Two dragonsteels!   Bastard has three and gifts one to his cousin but not to the royal family. That bastard is insulting. "


John Connington 

"Prince Aegon is right! That bastard has no shame; did he forget that, if, for his grace, the king legitimated him even though it was just a mistake?"


Ser. Gerold Hightower

Lord Commander of the King's Guard

"You can't just take the other house's sword, the Lord's hand; even the King doesn't have that kind of power." Taking those swords forcefully means war."


Prince Ageon

"So what?" "Then let's go to war."



"Aegon!  Your behavior is unbecoming of a crown prince. How are the preparations for the tournament in Harrenhal? Lord Hand"


lord hand 

"Your grace, it's getting there." "Within a year, Harrenhal, we'll be ready."




The prince's arrogance has no limits. I blame it on Martell. Pity the prince was brilliant when in his youth, but the hand and Martel ruin




Princess Rhaeny 

Since returning from the small council, Aegon has been ranting about our bastard brother in the north, thinking the son of that whore is still alive and now has his own family of bastards.

"Well, you stop it, Aegon." "I'm tired of hearing it."


Queen Elia 

Rhaella is very happy now that her favorite grandchild is back. I will never know how she likes that baby over her trueborn one. 


the next day.

lord hand

"Your grace, Lord Gerion Lannister, is here to speak with you."



"Lord Gerion, you want to see me?"


Gerion lannister 

"Yes, your grace, when I went to look for my family sword, I also found this; it's only right to give it to you since your family sword is your grace." Gerion then gave the blackfyre to the king.



"how?  Did you get my family sword from the Golden Company?"



"When I was looking for Brightroar, I found it in the Golden Company along with Blackfyre. It stole the two from them."



"I see, I think you're gerion for returning the blackfyre to its rightful owner." Lord Gerion, you're in the land of Wano, right? "Can you tell me what it's like there?"



"Oh, well, your grace, Putting Sample Wano is a magical place where dragons, kitsune, and other magical creatures live."


Prince Ageon

"There is a dragon in that land, my lord, a real dragon." 



"Is it true, Lord Gerion, that dragons live in the land of Wano?"



"Yes, your grace dragon does live there, but not like your ancestors used to ride your grace dragon. The dragon on Wano doesn't have wings. They look like snakes with legs, and they fly by gliding in the flame clouds that they make. " "They can also control the weather and live in the mountains where the dragon steel ore comes."



"Really a dragon with no wings and flying through gliding flaming clouds."



"I know what you're thinking, your grace. When I first heard the locals talk about dragons, I didn't believe them. How can a dragon with no wings fly and control the weather? But what I saw with my own two eyes was a dragon flying above the sky of Wano. On its head was Lord Demien stark."


Prince Ageon

That bastard gets to ride a dragon; even though it's a different kind, it's still a dragon.



"Are you telling me that Lord Demien Stark owns a dragon, Lord Gerion?"



"I don't think so, your grace. When Lord Demien rode the dragon, he just returned to his home, and the dragon flew back up the mountain. I never saw it again And those dragons protect Wano; to them, Wano is protected."


lord hand

"How are these dragons protecting the land, my lord?"



"Well, the land of Wano has rock formations that surround Wano and a strong tidal wave. The shore near Wano has calm waves, but in those rock formations, if you make a wrong move, the ship will crash into those rocks. There is only one way in to Wano and one way out. Lord Demien was just lucky; when his boat crashed on those rocks, he managed to survive thanks to his barrel.



"Lord Gerion, you mentioned Kitsune; are they like direwolves?"



"No, don't my lord, Kitsune are like foxes but bigger, and unlike direwolves, Kitsune can change their appearance every hundred years. They grow one tail. That is why they are sometimes called "nine-tail foxes."


lord hand

"Lord Gerion's tales were more ridiculous than a dog that changed has appearance."



"I'm sorry, Lord Hand, my little bird also saw these Kitsune in Winterfell, and indeed, they can change."



"As that must be Kumara, her lord Demien Kitsune."



"I thank you, Lord Gerion, for returning Blackfyre to my family." Is there anything I can do in exchange for this, my lord?"



"Yes, I wish for my daughter to be as legitimate as Lannister's grace."



"Very well, lord Gerion, it shall be done, lord hand right, the document I will sign."


lord hand

"Yes, your grace."



Sir Jemei Lannister

I can't believe my ancle has returned with a bright roar.



"Hello Jemei,"  "How is it, Brightroar?"



"I still can't believe that I'm holding Brightroar in my hand." "Uncle, is that dragonsteel?" Jemei said, seeing his uncle's new sword.



"Yes, Wado Ichimonji, it was a gift." "Do you want to see it?"



"Of course I want to see." Holding the sword, its single-edged blade and lighter than brighter, I wish I had one.



"Jemei, I'm going back to Wano."



"What! But you just got home."



"You know, joy has no future here. That's why I'm living. Westeros to live in Wano with joy. " "I'm just here to ask the king to legitimate your cousin."



"Well, I will be seen again, uncle."



"Of course you, Tyrion, can visit, as in, there you find a sword like no other." Jemei raised his uncle after saying goodbye.







Rhaella targaryen 

 My grandson,  I curse your rhaegar; how dare you remove Demien's true name? He's grown up, and with my family, I'm now seeing my great-grandchildren, Charles Vincent and Lyan, all three of them. When I saw Demien, I ran straight to him, fearing he would disappear again. Demien also had a huge back.



"Oh Demien, my boy, look at you having a family of your own and children all looking like you. "I'm proud of you."



"Think of you, grandma." "I have a present for my beloved grandmother," Demien said, then gave her a necklace.



After seeing the Damian gift in my hand—the diamond that forms like a flower—it's pretty. My children and other grandchildren never even bother to give me anything.

I've been here long enough; I was only waiting for Demien's second name day. Now it's time to go back to that shithole city.



Queen's crown 


The town is getting larger as more people live in Queen Crown because there is a lot of work here. The farm land was also expanded. Think about this: the north no longer has to worry about food from the south; with the sea dragonpoint providing sea food alongside the white pearl, people's lives are a lot easier because they no longer have to worry about food in the winter, and ice production has increased as people from the south and Essos want more, 

Right now, a new drink called vodka and whisky. The first batch is on its way to the south and Essos.



Raising three children at once is a lot harder. Lucky for me, I'm not alone. Now where is that husband of mine?





Catelyn Stark  

"Ned, why did you give that land to him? Why not give it to Rickon or Bran? Why not to your sister, Bastard?" 



"Enough!"  "Catelyn, you've been insulting my nephew since he was a boy."



"Because true, if your sister did not spread her legs, the king, your father, and your brother, my betrothed, would still be alive. and my father would never be on the wall."



"Catherine, you are my wife, but not by choice; Jon Arryn and your father force me to be. You've been living in Winterfall for seventeen years and still have not accepted being apart from this family. " Time and time again, you insulted this family; this is the last time, Catelyn, if you even do something against them, I will divorce you."



"You will divorce me!" The High Septon will never give us a divorce, even if you have the King's help or not! "You have no right." catelyn 


"I have every right to protect my family, even from my own wife! Now leave."

"You can't do that, Ned! I'm your wife." catelyn 


Evidently, the conversation and discussion of divorce did not scare Catelyn, as once again she was seen in Wintertown by Robb giving a letter to someone. Robb apprehended the said person and found the letter his mother had given him. And what inside Shocking Robb's own mother sent secret information to his uncle in Riverlands. His mother asked him to kill his cousin and his children. A father has to know about this.


"I told you, Catelyn, that if you move against this family again, I will divorce you. A month has just passed, and you did again, and this time you want my nephew and his children dead, even you want me dead." I believe that Catelyn is capable of such things.

"Ned, all I did was for the good of my family; your bastard nephew is the problem; he is poisoning this family," Catelyn explains her action.

"I heard enough, Catelyn; this paper is the thing I need for divorce." Pack your things, Catherine. You're going to your brother's home on River Run." 


When my children learned that their mother sent some people to kill Demien and his family, thankfully Demien and his man managed to kill them. They all hate her, knowing that she also wants her own husband dead. So when I send her away, none of my children go with her. Thankfully, the King and High Septon accepted my wish to divorce Catherine. 



One year later,



Me and my family are heading to Moat Cailin, where my brother and his children are waiting for the king. had invited House stark to the Harrenhal Tournament for the Crown Prince's Name Day. 


Moat Cailin, the stronghold, has been rebuilt to its former glory.


Ned, who's staying in Winterfell?

Ben is Cregan, his stark of winterfell, tells us we will return."

Is Demien here?

"Yes, he's over there; tomorrow we leave for Harrenhal Ben."