
Game of Thrones: Rise of the North [Dropped]

I died while watching the last episode of Game of Thrones. Now, a new life is expecting me and I intend to live it fully. ************** North Wank/Overpowered MC/Manipulative MC ************** Except for the plot, nothing is mine, cover included.

YellowScarf · TV
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Starks Popping Out Right and Left

The next morning, I woke up to a new day with a happy smile on my face. Life was great and I had everything I could wish. I sparred with the guards in the yard for two hours and then went to break my fast. I ate eight eggs, twenty slices of bacon, a big chunk of cheese and many other things. I could see the looks on other people's faces as my mouth devoured the whole table.

After that, I bid farewell to Benjen and his group. Seventy people were travelling with him. Today was going to be a critical day in Winterfell as I was going to talk with each person working in the castle. Of course, I was going to meet only those who worked here for less than 20 years years. After all, I don't have time to meet all of them.

My system was something that could show me the opinion of other people and their names so I was planning to send off those who were lower than 20 and didn't tell me their real names. After all, they were working here for many years and I didn't want anyone who had the potential to harm my family or spy on them.

I sat in my solar and all the work came one by one. Even Maester Luwin and my other companions were going to be amongst those who were going to meet me. The first one to come was Hullen, master of the horse.

[Name: Hullen

Diplomacy: 5

Martial: 10

Stewardship: 2

Intrigue: 1

Learning: 2

Opinion: 72]

Damn, his attributes were low but his loyalty was nearly absolute. I couldn't find a better man to be my master of the horse. After all, it's an important position. If he had been a spy, he could give my horse something that stimulates my horse, to make me fall and die from it.

"Hullen, come sit." I spoke in a friendly manner, "I heard your mother is bedridden. Why didn't you bring her to Maester Luwin? Maybe she could do something?"

Hullen was taken aback at my sudden intrusion but I can see that he was glad for my offer. "Aye, I brought her, milord. But Maester Luwin said there was nothing he could do and age took its course for her."

Hullen was older than me so her mother must be over fifty. Probably she is Alzheimer. Hmm, maybe Styr could help them. "You probably saw the weird man who travelled with us. The one who was wearing leaves."

"Aye," he hummed in agreement.

"He joined me when I visited the Isle of Faces. Maybe there could be something he could do for your mother. Go to him and try your chances, everything is possible, don't forget it." I have intentionally mentioned my visit to the Isle of Faces. The lords and occupants of the castle still see me as someone who grew in Vale and don't know the ways of the North. What's better than to bring a Green Man to tell the lords I'm still a Northerner.

"I thought he was a fool you brought to entertain your children, milord." Hullen's eyes widened but he quickly shut his mouth and apologized. We spoke for a while then I sent him on his way and told him to call the next one.

The residents of the castle came in one by one. There were only three women and two men who had a lower opinion of me. One of them was Septa Mordane who had "-5" opinion of me. The woman probably thought of me as a barbarian like the rest of the small-minded people of the South.

I was adamant about sending her away but that would probably sour the relations with my wife so the idea of sending her was put aside for now but I sent the rest away. There was also a man who faked his name but when I called him by his real name, he scared and told me everything as I threatened him with his family. Apparently, his family had been dogs of Boltons for centuries and they were living in Dreadfort. However, the offer of a good house and standing made them go to other castles and serve for centuries. Unlike others, I had this one killed and threw his corpse to dogs. Lucky for me, his family was living in Bolton lands and I didn't have to deal with them too.

When I was done with everyone the sun was already falling. I prepared myself for going to dinner but the door opened and Old Nan came in.

"What do you want boy? I was just telling little Robb and Jon one of my stories and they told me that I need to go to lord's solar." Her single black tooth was visible even from here but weird enough, I didn't begrudge her for her attitude towards me. After all, this woman nursed my grandfather's brother, my father, me and my brother and sister. She sat on the chair without waiting for approval from me and continued her stitchings while waiting for me to speak my mind.

However, what surprised me was her character screen.

[Name: Alysanne ̶S̶t̶a̶r̶k̶

Diplomacy: 20

Martial: 5

Stewardship: 6

Intrigue: 10

Learning: 42

Opinion: 100]

Holy titties!! She is a fuckin' Stark!! But why is it strikethrough?

Wait a minute… who is Alysanne Stark? Hmm, I guess she was the youngest daughter of Beron Stark. But why did she take the name of Nan? Why didn't she claim descent from her father?

"Nan, what is your real name?" I asked with curiosity as I wanted to know whether she was going, to tell the truth, or not.

Old Nan dropped her stitchings and looked at me with slanted eyes, "I forgot." She said and continued to her stitchings.

"Is it Alysanne?" My question stopped her from doing stitches and made her head rise sharply.

"Where did you learn it?" she asked with a thin voice.

"You are a Stark," I stated with certainty. "Why don't you use your real name. Does your grandson know it?"

"No," she shook her head like she was resigned to her fate. I didn't understand why she was overreacting. After all, it was a good thing that she was family. "There are things that must be kept secret, lest they become a source of trouble."

"I don't understand. If you told my father, you and your children would have many privileges. There is no reason for you not to tell." I said with confusion on my face.

"Being raised in Vale did you no good, indeed," Nan sighed, "There are rules every Stark must obey. There can't be more than one pack in a place. The last time there had been, a civil war broke out in the North. That is why every Stark who marries other than the lord leaves Winterfell. I had five brothers and a sister. My eldest brother died with no issue but others had children. They all left Winterfell. Your father knew this, that is why he was planning to build a castle at Sea Dragon Point."

"If that is so then why did you stay?" I asked. Although it was a little bit cruel, this rule had its benefits. It was better than what the Ottomans did to not have a civil war. The one who became the king was killing his brothers but here, Starks had their own rules which forced others to leave the keep and create a new home outside. However, if this is a rule then why didn't Nan leave the keep?

"I always loved Winterfell. Its hot springs, icy air, croaking doors were something that made me feel I was alive." Nan looked around the room with misty eyes, "I made a deal with my father before his death. I was going to stay in Winterfell but I and my descendants were going to abandon the Stark name. As I was not a Stark anymore, I was not eligible to marry a nobleman so I married a common folk and lived in Wintertown."

"Then how did you come to live in Winterfell?" Did she become a kitchen woman?

"My brother William's wife, Lyanne Glover, died soon after giving birth to his son. My brother brought me to the castle to nurse his son. However, the boy died at the age of three. Then, I became the wetnurse for all Stark children. My sons and grandchildren worked in Winterfell as well."

"Aye, I remember your sons. They fought by my side at Trident. I never had the opportunity to tell but I'm sorry for your losses." I said with sorrow. Old Ned became fast friends with Nan's children during the war. Although not many knew, they even saved his life at the battle.

"I am old and won't live long. The only thing I have is my grandson who went with Benjen and his son Walder. I only want them to live a happy life." Damn, this woman had a really sad story. She must be nearing her eighties.

Suddenly, I felt the wheels turning in my mind as my eyes focused on her. Old and Stark… I yelled to the servant waiting at the door to call Styr immediately. Luckily, I didn't send the letters yet or it would have been a real problem.

"That Green Man? I was worried you went soft because of your time at the South but you bringing a Green Man to Winterfell would win you the loyalty of many. I think I was a little useful with my stories." A pride appeared in Nan's eyes as a toothless smile took over her face. Of course, I wasn't going to break her happiness so I had let her be.

While we were chattering, Styr came in with the help of a servant. He sat on the chair before Nan and asked me why he was called.

"I'm sure you met Nan." Styr nodded his head, "I just learned that she was a Stark."

"Was?" Styr tilted his head in confusion.

"She abandoned her name," I said as Styr nodded his head in understanding. "I was wondering whether she still had magic in her blood…"

I didn't say it explicitly but Tyr understood my intentions and told Nan to extend her hand. He took her hand and mumbled some words then let go of her hand. "The magic is there but the family name is refusing her. It will be useless as long as she isn't accepted to family again."

I nodded my head thoughtfully as Nan's stares burrowed deep into me. "What is this magic thing, Ned?"

I ignored her question and instead answered with another question, "Do you love North, Nan?"

"Aye, I do," she said with confusion.

"Would you like your grandson to be a lord?" I asked.

To my surprise, Nan snorted and her voice hardened, "Spill the beans, boy. I lived long enough to know that there is nothing free."

I sighed and told her runestones and sacrifices that were needed. She listened with rapt attention until the end and never interrupted. After my words ended, she laughed.

"If you have told me directly, I would have agreed anyway. But you already made the offer, I will accept it on behalf of my grandson." she smirked and turned to Styr, "So how does this thing work? What about my grandson, is he going to become a real Stark too?"

"As long as Eddard accepts you back into the family your children will also be accepted. Of course, this is only valid if you are wed before a heart tree." Styr said.

"I'm not stupid enough to wed a man without the approval of Gods." she snorted and continued to her stitching like we were not talking about something important which would involve her life.

Suddenly, I remembered something. "Wait… did you just say that for family magic to pass to the children, the wedding must happen before a heart tree?" As far as I remember, old Ned was wed in a sept in Riverrun. That means Robb is considered a bastard in the eyes of Old Gods. Fuck!

"Aye, or else the child will not have a connection to any name and he will be cut from magic," Styr said.

"Soo… let's say, someone who follows Old Gods is wed in a sept and had a child, what would he need to do to accept his child and future children to his family name again?" My words caused shocked faces on both Nan and Styr.

Nan squinted her eyes and looked at me, "You didn't wed before a heart tree? I told your father it was folly to send you South but he didn't listen to me and why would he?! Your father was a right cunt and he did nothing but weaken House Stark! Look at you, you know nothing about our traditions and you wed in a sept. What next? Are you going to build a sept in Winterfell?"

Contrary to Nan, the shocked face of Styr dimmed and he spoke calmly after Nan's ranting, "The wedding must happen before a heart tree and for Robb to be accepted by Gods as your trueborn and a member of your family, you need to do the same ritual you are going to do with Alysanne."

"We should do the wedding discreetly," I said with a thoughtful expression. "No need to make a fool out of ourselves."

"Aye, you should," Nan spoke with a berating tone, "At least, you are trying to correct your wrongdoings."

Soon, they left the room and before Styr went out, I told him about the stone books I found in the crypts. He was really excited and wanted to see them tomorrow.

Everything was going perfect. With Nan's sacrifice, I wasn't going to need Arnolf Karstark's help. Thanks to Old Gods, I didn't send the letters yet or else I would have needed to find another excuse for it.

Nan's grandson was going to die in Greyjoy's Rebellion according to the canon and after that, the lands would return to me again as Walder… or Hodor was not qualified to become a lord. To play with people's lives like this, I'm really a motherfucking bastard. Hahahaha!!!