
Blessing and Traits

"Who are you?" I said. I knew his name but what he was or who he was was a mystery to me.

"I am the last Green Man. Many came before you to seek council but many left here with nothing but a scrap of the order's guidance." Styr turned his back to me and went to the human throne and sat upon it. Even if he was blind, I could feel his eyes on me. "Oldest of the Gods, Zurvan, blessed you. Green Men must serve you."

"You say 'you shall serve me' then tell me how or why this happened and start from the beginning," I said while backing away from the runestone. All of these were foreign to me as the Game of Thrones universe I know didn't have a blessing or that sort of thing. Though it doesn't have systems either.

Styr frowned and mumbled something then his blind eyes turned to me like he was seeing something. "Runestone has already shown you what happened in the far past but I will tell you the finer details… Many think the Pact of the Isle of Faces was signed when the war ended but the pact was nothing more than a truce. It was the Oathkeepers who was responsible for keeping the pact intact. The last Oathkeepers of the men was Merle I Gardener, he who broke the truce and killed the other Oathkeepers."

"Who is this Merle I?" I didn't know who he was and I never heard of him. The only thing I know about House Gardener is that they ruled Reach before the Tyrells.

Rage took over Styr's face and he spat to the ground. "Accursed bastard he was. When a new Oathkeeper was chosen, every Oathkeeper had to convey in this isle. The truce was renewed and the oath was reforged. However, he used the poison of the men to kill the other Oathkeepers. The deep woods were torn from the ground and the blood of the giants filled the lakes. He cut every weirwood in his lands and slain every child of the forest."

"You call yourselves Green Men. As far as I know, every Green Men had the ability to foresee the future. Then why didn't you warn the others?" I asked.

Styr shook his head at my words, "Those who joined the order were not greenseer. We smeared weirwood sap to our eyes to see a glimpse of the future and only the ones from the Isle of Faces did work. However, they tend to make us blind." Styr pointed his eyes, "Thus, only the head of the order had the right to use the sap."

Styr suddenly stopped and touched the words engraved on the throne. They were written in the Old Tongue and I didn't know how to read them.

"The breaking of truce was indeed seen by the head of our order but she didn't tell it to others and instead went to the Gardener King for council. I didn't know the cause of this betrayal but it was our order who became the reason for the broken truce. Only a true greenseer could see the truth."

"So House Gardener betrayed the others and a truce was broken by I still don't understand why all of these are related to me?" I asked with confusion on my face. I know for a fact that the coming of Andals was a huge blow to the Old Gods but it was the treason within which caused it so they had no one to blame but themselves.

Styr rose from his seat and walked back to the runestone. "Everything is written in the runestone. When the blessed one comes, all shall serve him and he will bring back the power of the Gods. His kin will become the land and give life to mortals."

I felt a headache coming to me as I rubbed my temples. I just wanted to live a relaxing life. Was that too much? Besides, what was that my kin becoming land and giving life thing?

"I guess you won't accept refusal?" I asked with a sliver of hope but the answer I've got was only a shooking head, "Then tell me do you know what this blessing entails?" I hope it is not just the system.

Again, Styr shook his head, "I don't know what blessing it is but you need to do a ritual to receive it. It was the Gods who showed me your face and brought you here. The ritual passed from generation to generation."

"How does this ritual work?" I asked.

"It is very easy. All you have to do is smear your blood on the runestone and recite the ancient words."

That doesn't sound so bad. I mean he could have wanted me to cut one of my hands or eat a man's heart.

"Are we going to do it now?" I took a deep breath and asked. Honestly, I was nervous as this was pure magic, not a system.

"Whenever you want," he said.

I pulled out a small blade from my belt and cut my hand. I hissed and smeared the blood on the runestone and waited for him to say the words so I could repeat them.

Styr's ears twitched at my hissing and with me smearing the blood, he began reciting some foreign words. They were like the words spoken by the giants in the TV show.

"Tha an dàn dhomh sgrìobhte mu thràth. Nì mi seirbheis do na Diathan. Nì mi a h-uile rud as urrainn dhomh gus an toirt air ais gu na h-àiteachan dligheach aca." He slowly spoke the words as I repeated them.

Instead of bright white light, the runestone shone darkly and I heard a deep groan coming from beneath the earth. I pulled back my hand in fear as soon as I finished speaking the words. I didn't know what was happening but a screen popping up made me jump in fear.

[Zurvan's Blessing - This person is blessed by Zurvan and his blood will carry the power of Gods.

+7 Attribute Points

+10 Trait Points

+100% for Fertility]

WOAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH… Fuck attribute and trait, I will become the next Walder Frey!! I began to laugh maniacally. This was one of the best traits I did get.

When I pried off my eyes from the blue screen, the light on the runestone was gone. I looked at Styr and saw him looking at me with a frown on his face because of my laughter.

Styr told me he was coming with me as he needed to serve me. Of course, I wouldn't deny a greenseer because he could be one of the most useful in the realm as he had knowledge some might consider non-existent.

I told him that a little boat was waiting for us at the shore but he told me the waterman was already gone. I'm going to skin that bastard alive if I find him. Did he think I would not do what I said?

"He and his family served the order for centuries after the fall of their house. I was the one who ordered him to leave the isle so you don't need to do anything," said Styr.

I nodded my head as he led me to a very small cove that had a boat in it. I let him paddle all the way and he kept asking me how long it was going to take. Well, his eyes were blind so he was literally "blind" on the water.

We landed on the shore and I walked him to the camp. Styr knew the isle like his palm but outside the isle was foreign to him. When we reached the camp, they were already ready to depart and were waiting for me.

We rode for days and finally reached the mouth of the Neck. Fuckin' Lord Frey wanted me to stay in his castle for a few days. He probably wanted to get some marriages. However, I refused and stated that I was homesick and had a wife waiting for me.

We passed the Twins and entered the Neck. Howland, Ashara and Arthur parted from us there. Arthur wanted to come with me but I told him it was not time yet. The next day by the evening, we reached Moat Cailin. I decided to camp here and also send a raven to announce my entering the North. That night, I opened my character screen and distributed my attribute points and searched for some useful traits.

[Host: Eddard Stark

Diplomacy: 23 (+3)

Martial: 41

Stewardship: 31

Intrigue: 17

Learning: 16 (+6)]

When I looked at my attribute points, I saw 2 random points distributed amongst "diplomacy" and "learning". I was going to require them so I also distributed the ones I got from Zurvan's blessing to "learning" and "diplomacy".

While searching for a new trait, I found one that caught my eye and it had the highest cost amongst all traits.

[100 Stat Man - This person descended from the Gods and held the power of Gods at his hands. A touch from him will obliterate the world.

+100 Attribute Points For All Attributes

All Trait Are Upgraded to Maximum Level]

This is pretty good but it is 100 trait points!! Actually, come to think of it, it is pretty cheap because it gives me hundreds of attribute points and upgrades all of my traits. However, it would take me dozens of years to save that many trait points so I will pass that. Instead, I have chosen three different traits that will be very useful in the coming years.

[Master Architect - This person is one of the best builders in the world. He loves buildings, architecture and anything related to siege warfare. The things he built will be more durable and the time it costs to build will be shorter.

+1 Martial Attribute Point

+2 Stewardship Attribute Points]

This trait costs 5 trait points but it will be very beneficial for me as I plan to renovate many parts of the North and build so many things. I was worried about finding skilled architects but this is so much better. Besides, I would be more assured if it is me who creates the plans for the buildings.

[Diligent - This person is dutiful and diligent. He is someone who works very hard and is very careful at work.

+1 Attribute Points For All Attributes]

This trait costs 4 trait points and has very low attribute points. However, the mentality it gives me is probably one of the best amongst the traits because it forces me to be more diligent at my work and prevents me from doing them half-heartedly.

For my last trait point, I bought a "random trait" with hopes of something good coming out. However, luck was not by my side but at least it wasn't "crippled".

[Gluttonous - This person eats and drinks excessively or voraciously. He is a person with a remarkably great desire or capacity for something: a glutton for work; a glutton for punishment.

-2 Stewardship Attribute Points]

I hoped for something like "strong" or "schemer" but this was what I got. This wasn't good as it might be a problem if I eat too much. However, if I also exercise accordingly, something good might come out of this. I was done with choosing traits so I looked at my new character screen and all of my traits.

[Host: Eddard Stark

Diplomacy: 25

Martial: 43

Stewardship: 32

Intrigue: 18

Learning: 17]

Remaining Attribute Points: 0

I feel like I have a +10 Raptor at my hand. With only one slash I could kill a god, hahaha!!

[[Brilliant Commander - This person is one of the best commanders in the known world. The army he leads will be a herald of victory.

+7 Martial Attribute Points

+2 Intrigue Attribute Points]

[Heavy Infantry Leader - This person is skilled at leading heavily armoured infantry into battle. His leadership will allow heavy infantry in his command to be more skilled.]

[Lead From the Rear - This person prefers to lead from the back, so he can get a better overall picture of the battlefield and not risk harm to himself.]

[Formidable Fighter - This person is one of the greatest fighters in the known world, favoured by the gods and dreaded on the battlefield. Only legendary heroes can contest with him.

+5 Martial Attribute Points]

[Temperate - This person believes in the virtue of moderation; a valuable trait in rulers and stewards. Angering him will not be easy.

+2 Stewardship Attribute Points]

[Proud - This person prideful of his lineage and culture, he will not allow people to undermine him. People will be wary of their words in front of him.]

[Brave - This person never shies from personal danger, enjoying the respect of vassals but the envy of cravens. He will not be afraid of the threats against his life.

+2 Martial Attribute Points]

[Authoritative - When this person speaks, he speaks with a natural authoritative tone. His words will hold more weight and make people listen to him.

+1 Martial Attribute Point

+1 Diplomacy Attribute Point]

[Green Dreams - This person dreams of the future.

+1 Intrigue Attribute Point]

[Duelist - This person is a masterful fencer and a duelist. His losing in a duel would be a miracle.

+3 Martial Attribute Points]

[Genius - This person is blessed with a towering intellect which will be reflected on the person's attributes. Learning new things and implementing them will be easier for him.

+5 Attribute Points For All Attributes]

[Zealous - This person burns with religious fervour and cannot tolerate heretics, infidels, or heathens.

+2 Martial Attribute Points

+15 Same Religion Opinion

-5 Foreign Religion Opinion]

[Zurvan's Blessing - This person is blessed by Zurvan and his blood will carry the power of Gods.

+7 Attribute Points

+10 Trait Points

+100% for Fertility]

[Master Architect - This person is one of the best builders in the world. He loves buildings, architecture and anything related to siege warfare. The things he built will be more durable and the time it costs to build will be shorter.

+1 Martial Attribute Points

+2 Stewardship Attribute Points]

[Diligent - This person is dutiful and diligent. He is someone who works very hard and is very careful at work.

+1 Attribute Points For All Attributes]

[Gluttonous - This person eats and drinks excessively or voraciously. He is a person with a remarkably great desire or capacity for something: a glutton for work; a glutton for punishment.

-2 Stewardship Attribute Points]]