I own nothing. Girl who was asked to go to an Alternate Game of Thrones Universe where they couldn’t stop the Night King, Three Eyed Raven took over Bran, and they all lost. She ask for one wish but that one wish is all she needs to win the game of thrones. Daenerys is Gip, mostly girl but with a male organ and OP.
Dany POV
I was wearing crown of Aegon Targaryen as I was crowned The High Queen in the new age since Aegon The Conqueror with the two ancestral swords at both my sides.
I was sitting by the garden as I know that the people were weary of me as I am the daughter of the Mad King.
Earning there trust is paramount as to the other kingdoms.
Varys walked up to me.
Varys: Something on your mind your grace?
Dany: Before my father, all the way back to the dance of the dragons, Rhaenyra and Aegon II lost the trust of the people, there have been some Targaryens who were great leaders but none ruled long cause of there pride or lust.
Varys nodded with that.
Dany: Then Aegon the Unworthy made it worst with his nine bastards when he legitimized them.
Varys: A great reminder of how heavy the crown can be.
Dany: Yes well, now we got another issue, who I've got to marry plus the war still going on, since now I've got five enemies to deal with now that the Greyjoys to deal with as well.
Varys: Well, what would you like to start first?
Dany: We should start with building a new small council, it's only the two of us really.
Varys: Do you have someone in mind?
Dany: Yes but I think you would no need to know.
As a sword appears through Varys chest as he died right there, I burned the body as the knight walked over to me.
Dany: I'm sorry Varys, but you are too untrustworthy as I'm cleaning up the old council.
I look at the remains as there is nothing left to look out again.
Dany: Now, I want for my council:
Grand Maester: Maester Luwin
Master of Coin: Willas Tyrell
Master of Laws: Ned Stark
Master of Ships: Monford Velaryon
Master of Whispers: Oberyn Martell
Lord Commander of the Kingsguard:
Barristan Selmy
Master of War: Brynden Tully
I turn to the knight.
Knight: All ravens have been sent to the ones mentioned your grace.
Dany: Excellent, has all wildfire been disposed of?
Knight: Yes and the pyromancers have all been killed your grace.
Dany: Good, what are the Lannisters up to?
Knight: Reports say Cersei Lannister have arrived to Tywin Lannister along with Joffrey Waters, they are taking up arms against us.
Dany: Right on schedule, let's go meet Lord Stark then.
We walked as Lord Barristan follows as we arrived to the Starks room as I entered to see Ned, Sansa, and Anya.
Ned: Your grace.
Dany: Don't bow, please as this conversation is long overdue.
Ned: Of course your grace.
Dany: Now, I know you were hand of the King at one point Lord Stark but I need someone like you on the council as there all empty, so I decided to offer you the position of
Master of Laws.
Ned: I-I'm honored your grace.
Dany: Excellent but there's one thing that needs to end, your son's campaign on the south.
Ned: Robb?
Dany: He called the banners the moment he heard of Sansa, Arya, and you.
Ned was surprised at this information.
Ned: I'll send a Raven to him.
Dany: Good, I'm so sorry for your bannermen, the Lannisters won't get away with that, add it to the list of crimes they committed.
Ned nodded.
I look to Arya as she had needle to which having an assassin like her would do good.
Dany: I hear you like swords?
Arya: Yes, I want to be a warrior then a lady.
Dany: Well I'm both, these swords aren't just for decoration, there my families ancestral swords Blackfyre and Darksister.
Arya: Could you teach me?
Ser Barristan smiled.
Dany: Of course.