
Game of Thrones: Prince of the North

A man from our Earth ends up in a peculiar situation. He is reborn, as the older brother of Torrhen Stark and Crown Prince of the North. He rebuilds the North as a mighty Kingdom, rich in wealth and power. When Aegon Targaryen lands on the shores of Westeros, he will not be ready to face the might of the North. (No harem, if you prefer it I don't recommend this story) (Upload schedule of 2-3 times a week)

Man_0f_Culture · TV
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3 Chs

Coming of age

(A/N: I have no idea what currency was used before dragons were introduced. So I will simply make up my own;

Bronze Aurochs.

Silver Suns.

Golden Wolves.

100 Bronze Aurochs = 1 Silver Sun.

10 Silver Suns = 1 Golden Wolf.

Enjoy the chapter, upload schedule is 2-3 times a week)


Time skip 4 years

(MC is 13 years old)

Today is my 13th birthday or name day as it is called here. Now, normally my name days aren't as celebrated as this one will be. The reason for this is because the 13th name day is seen as the coming of age in a way, at least in the North.

(A/N: Now something I had thought about is marriage. At this point in the story, it is hard to have a romance with anyone other than OC's. There is almost no information on this time period so let me know if you know anyone from this time period who the MC could marry. Also, they must be from the North, I will not have Aden marry Visenya or something, I just feel it wouldn't make sense to marry anyone that isn't from the North.)

Something that I had done recently was introducing my family to some modern techniques I knew for farming and such. Now, unfortunately, I didn't know too much about this topic other than what I had learned in an agriculture class in high school, which sadly wasn't much. Yes, I knew the basics like crop rotation and proper irrigation but more advanced farming techniques...I really forgot most of it.

Still, my family ate it up hungrily and already started implementing 'my ideas' throughout the North, granting us a 50% increase in crop yield. This was quite a bit, although not as much as I had hoped. It seems it isn't as simple as I thought, simply implementing crop rotation will not triple the output. This was a great improvement however and ended up lowering our imports from the south, which increased our wealth overall.

I wish that I had paid more attention in school right now, a lot of things would be great to have knowledge of. If I had remembered things such as Aquaponics I would most likely be able to triple or even quadruple the amount of food I would have.

Luckily, I was interested quite a bit in history, so militarily, I believe I have enough knowledge. Medieval and Ancient warfare were my two favorite classes in high school, so I know quite a bit about tactics and such. I planned to make a standing army in the north, copying a lot from the Roman Legions and Mongol cavalry. These two armies were easily some of the most successful armies of all time. With such successful armies and scorpions to defend from dragons, I was sure that I could defend my kingdom for when Aegon inevitably comes.

Now I was sitting on my bed while a maid prepares me for my name day celebration. Tomorrow after the festivities die down, I plan to introduce the different lords who attended my name day celebration to my different ideas for improvement of the north. Hopefully, I am able to convince them for their support, it would make it much easier to move forward.

As I walked into the hall, I was met with the thundering applause of the Lords. I made myself quite a reputation among them for my smarts and martial talents. My new farming techniques had earned me the loyalty of many lords, of course, bar a few, such as Lord Bolton.

Lord Bolton, I could tell, really didn't like me. I never really understood why, I had given his lands more prosperity, ensured his people will never starve, really anything a good leader would do for his people. At this point, I really gave up trying to gain his loyalty. Sometime in the future he and his family would have to go, instability among my lords when the Targaryens invade will be detrimental. I didn't really like the Boltons anyway, I mean the sadistic little shits most likely flay innocent people for absolutely no reason. Not exactly lordly behavior, considering that flaying was outlawed.

I took my seat near my family, with my father to my left and my mother one more over to the left. Torrhen was to my right, speaking of Torrhen, he had grown up quite well. Although only being 7 name days he was much like me in the way that he looks and acts older than most of his age. I believe he also took up learning the sword recently.

"My lords! Calm please!" My father had said jovially, "Today marks a great day, it is the 13th name day of Crown Prince Aden Stark, my son! He has become a man in the eyes of the gods and men! I thank you all for coming to celebrate this day with me!"

Cheers came from the surrounding lords as they celebrated and raised their cups. I smiled seeing this, it was nothing like the court politics of the south, simply men partying and enjoying themselves. This is one of the many things that makes me glad that I was reborn in the North, instead of somewhere else. It is truly the greatest place possible, Essos is currently in the Century of Blood and the south has its courtly politics and schemes.

That isn't to say that the north is without its fair share of politics. I am sure that Lord Bolton and his dogs are planning and scheming as I think. Today, I won't think such thoughts however, I simply want to enjoy myself. It was my name day after all, and one of the last days for a while I will be able to have time to do things like this.

Smiling I raised the cup of mead near me up in the air. This would be my first alcoholic drink in this world surprisingly. My mother was rather adamant that I don't drink until I turn 13. I cheered and brought it to my lips, the other lords copying my gesture. It truly was refreshing, having a drink after 13 years without it.

I really want to party today, without any thoughts about the future, simply the now. My mind now set on getting drunk and enjoying myself I once again raised my cup to the cheer of the lords before drinking. I spent the next hours socializing with the other lords and making friends with their heirs.

It really was a great day, and one I would remember fondly for a while to come.


(A/N: Sorry for any mistakes or if the chapter looks rushed. I'm actually writing this in the middle of history class as I won't have much time for most of the week. The next update should be by Thursday absolute latest. Thanks for reading!)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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