
Game of Thrones : Nano Machines

After having dealt with the case of Jacob in the TWILIGHT saga and Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter universe, primordial entities fans of human works decided to improve the story of Jon Snow so that he is no longer the chicken that we have been served in the last two season. I don't own any characters from the work, I don't know the books but I've been told about some interesting characters so maybe they will be in the story. It's a different reality and some behaviors will be quite different. Jon will be very different here, he won't be an asshole with a harem but let's say he'll have no problem with free sex. I wish you a good read, if you don't like the story, There are other authors 100 times more talented than me who have written about this universe. This fanfiction is an English adaptation of the same story I wrote in French on my old account(TheDarkOne241) . English is not my first language so bear with me, sometimes the grammar will sting but the regulars of my stories certainly already know that. I hope you enjoy reading and thank you for your time

The3Entities · TV
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chapter 14 : The Lion and the Wolf

The next day, Tyrion and Jon were woken up completely naked by the hound, Sandor Clegane.

 They were in a room where Tyrion was sleeping on the bed with a woman and Jon was sleeping on a bear and wolf fur rug with several prostitutes cuddled affectionately to him.

 Sandor: Is the Night's Watch prodigy breaking his vows?

 Jon: (yawns) I swore not to marry and have children, not to stop fucking and drinking. Night watch is not a prison but an honorable duty.

 Sandor: Hum, that's pretty clever. Your Lord Commander and your uncle have already returned to the Wall. On the other hand, they asked you to ensure that the king was happy.

 Jon: THE TRAITORS! They abandoned me here because of this troublesome king !!


 Tyrion: Why am I awake so early when for once I have found a real friend.

 Sandor: The queen has sent me to find you because his majesty the king wants to hunt, he also requests the presence of the young captain of the Night's Watch. Furthermore, Lord Tywin has also made his way here.

 Jon: (drinks wine) "Captain commander" now, not captain.

 Sandor: I don't give a fuck. Are you planning to get dressed?!

 Jon: Ahahahah.

 Tyrion: What is my father doing here?!! He hates the North.

 Sandor: Ask him yourself, little lord.

 Jon went to take a bath and Tyrion left too. Later, when he arrived at the castle, Tywin was already there, apparently he had moved shortly after the king left King's Landing.

 Tywin had never seen Jon but his eyes were enough for recognition according to the general descriptions and he advanced towards the young man, analyzing him with his gaze.

 Tywin: Young Stark Captain Commander.

 Jon: Welcome to the North, Lord Tywin. Why are you here ?! It is common knowledge that you dislike the North and despise its inhabitants.

 Tywin: You are a frank and direct boy, I appreciate that.

 Jon: I don't like to waste my time on hypocrisy and anyway, between the Lannisters and the North, the contempt is mutual.

 Tywin: Is that true ?

 Jon: Absolutely! Why are you here, Lord of Casterly Rock ?

 Tywin: Curiosity and interests.

 Jon: Well, you attract my curiosity.

 Tywin wanted to speak but Robert and Ned interrupted their discussion.

 Robert: Aaaaaaah the young prodigy from the North is here.

 Jon + Tywin: Majesty (bow) 

 Robert: I really want to hunt and I heard that near the wall on the Gift lands, game thrived and a very particular game.

 Jon: Majesty, these beasts have the best meat I have tasted but their size and ferocity make them extremely dangerous beasts. I strongly advise you not to hunt them, these beasts and the fruits that grow in these lands are gifts from the old gods on Night's Watch, only the elites of the order can hunt them effectively, there are many who tried and lost their lives.

 Robert: You're there, aren't you ? So it's settled and I insist, your king orders it to you.

 Jon: You forgot that the Night's Watch is independent now and no longer under the authority of the crown.

 Ned: Jon.

 Jon: (Sighs) Very well, we will go hunting majesty but for safety you will not leave me. We'll take the opportunity to visit Nightfort and the mines as I promised you.

 Robert: Magnificent! Everyone get ready, we are going to hunt wild beasts. (To Sandor) Tell Prince Joffrey to start preparing, he's not a child anymore.

 Jaime: Your Majesty, and my duel against Jon Stark in your honor ?

 "It will take place when I want it, kingslayer." Robert said as he left. Tywin looked at Jon before following too and he stayed with Ned who entrusted him with something.

 Ned: The king asked me to be his hand.

 Jon: Let me guess, you accepted?

 Ned: He's the king and my sworn brother, I'm the only one he can truly trust. I have to go with him.

 Jon: Lord Stark, your father and brother also left at the behest of a king and didn't return. The danger will not come from him but from those who have put their claws on the crown, the Lannisters.

 Ned: My wife made exactly the same remark to me, not counting the letter she received from her sister, the Widow Arryn.

 Jon: I'm listening.

 Ned: According to her, the Lannisters killed Jon Arryn by poisoning and the circumstances of his death, everything shows that the previous hand of the king was poisoned.

 Jon: Yes, but why? From what you told us about this man, he had no desire to sit on the throne, he was no threat to them at that level. He must surely have discovered something very compromising.

 Ned: Do you think so?

 Jon: This is the most plausible fact if Lisa Arryn is true in her suspicions. To come to kill the hand of the king, the secret discovered must really be enough to cause them to fall from the crown or even death by betrayal of the crown. In short, I advise you not to go there Lord Stark but do what you want…


 They prepared their horses and Jon sent Night flying on an errand to Nightfort to bring back his bow and arrows. Everyone was greatly surprised by the size of Jon's horse but also of his crow.

 Tyrion on his horse came near him.

 Jon: You do very well on a horse despite your handicap.

 Tyrion: It wasn't without difficulty, my young friend. Your horse is gigantic! Where did you find it ?

 Jon: Beyond the wall, they are extremely rare, powerful and almost impossible to tame. Their intelligence would surprise you.

 Tyrion: My father seems to have great interest in you and the mines of the Night's Watch.

 Jon: Let him continue to have interest because he won't have anything else. You are the only Lannister I can bear.

 Tyrion: I'm flattered, I guess it's because we understand each other.

 Jon: He asked you to come closer to me and become a good friend?

 Tyrion: (surprised) I've been discovered ! What do you think ?

 Jon: That I already consider you my friend Lord Tyrion. Without hypocrisy or detour, I appreciate who and what you are.

 Tyrion: A dwarf?

 Jon: A man full of common sense.

 "You are far too mature for your age, Jon Stark." Tyrion said smiling as they continued galloping.