
GAME OF THRONES Jaehaerys Targaryen

Reincarnated as Jaehaerys Targaryen the son of Aerys, the mad king.

MachoSpartan047 · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

Chapter 19

A week later

POV Qyburn

As I walk and enter the seneschal's court, I observe on the high dais, there are sitting four Archmasters Cetheres, Agrivane, Norren, Ryam [damn, because there are these four Archmasters with whom I have had my disagreements, these damned egoists and Tricksters who always want to keep knowledge just for themselves] I walk to the chair at the front of the dais and sit in the chair.

[At least one of the Archmasters Walgrave, Theobald, or Marwyn would have been present, he would have had some favorable chance]

Archimaster Norren – Master Qyburn, by conducting research into your experiments, which are an aberration that is against all that is the citadel, and by unanimous decision of this court, you Qyburn expelled from this order, expelled from the Citadel that will never again be able to set foot in it, you are stripped of your chain and his position as master, for his experiments in necromancy and for subjecting living people to vivisection. –

Archimaster Norren – Qyburn, do you have an objection to this decision? –

Qyburn [if I have an objection?, damn I won't give them the pleasure of pleading]

Qyburn – I have no objection-

Archimaster Norren – Qyburn, you have three days to leave the citadel and Oldtown –

I get up from my chair and leave the seneschal's court, walk to my room

[Damn archmaster principally Norren, what do you believe, what are you? that your experiments are ethically and morally better than mine? I know that you have done worse experiments than I have done, that monopolize knowledge to maintain control over the lords of Westeros]

I get to my room, take the bottle of wine, pour myself a glass and sit in the chair next to the window, proceed to drink the liquid from the glass.

[In three days I have to get out of this damn place, I will have to join a mercenary company and sell my healing services, to survive and see how I can continue with my studies and experiments]

I watch a crow fly standing at my window, I observe that the crow on its right leg has a message, I get up from the chair, and from the drawer of my desk I take out a small sack with food, I deposit some food on a plate, I put the plate in the window for the crow to feed, Sappho the message of the crow's paw.

I unroll the message and read it.

"Master Qyburn, if you want to know the magic, come to King's Landing, come to the port in the tavern of the Shining Fish ask for MORGHE KLIOS, Master Sarto Grinlind"

[interesting that the young Sarto Grinlind writes me this message, MORGHE KLIOS es valyrian means dead fish, interesting]

While I touch with my fingers the frame of the sale.

I pronounce in a loud voice - The luck is of the bold -, [Then I go to travel to King's Landing]

POV Jaehaerys Targaryen

Three weeks have passed since Utias set sail with the crew for Grandview Castle, last week the galley arrived at the small port of Grandview, Utias, the squadron of Harkod, and the archers of the summer islands when they arrived at the village separated from the crew of the galley and set off towards the ruins of Summerhall, to cross the dangerous Red Mountains to reach their destination, Hugin accompanies them.

While Briany, sets sail for the other castles of Dorne to market the products to avoid suspicion, on her return she will be a stopover in Grandview, to pick up Utias and the others.

Hugin has been vital to Utia's group to prevent ambushes by the Red Mountains bandits.

Qyburn replied to Sarto that he would undertake the journey to the capital.

In addition, last week my father King Aerys II returned with my brother Rhaegar and the entourage to King's Landing, since the news of the disappearance of Master Pycelle was given, they have searched for him throughout the city and in the lands of the crown, but they have not found a trace of Pycelle, it is as if the earth had swallowed him.

We are currently having dinner, I am with my mother Queen Rhaella, and her belly is getting bigger, according to Sarto, she revealed to me that at most in a month she will be giving birth to the baby.

While we wait for my father and brother to arrive, my brother finally enters the room, a tall man, with beautiful silver-blonde hair and purple eyes, a very handsome man, with a melancholy look.

My brother comes up and lifts me in his arms – For seven o'clock, mother what are you feeding Jace? –

My mother smiles – Rhaegar, lots of food and lots of love – my mother winks at me and smiled at her.

After a while of jokes between my brother and mother, my father King Aerys II Targaryen enters the room, we keep silent

[According to the original story, with my death, my father would have attacks of paranoia and madness, which deteriorate his physical condition and appearance, but thanks to the fact that he manages to survive despite all the attempts on my life, my father has been away from this paranoia and madness, then he has managed to maintain his good appearance, with his beard well trimmed, his fingernails trimmed]

Rey Aerys II Targaryen – How good it is to be with the family again, well done Rhaella for taking care of our little dragon -, my father puts his hand on my head and moves my hair, smiled at him and he gives me back the smile.

I manage to see for a second the surprised expression of Ser Gerold Hightower and Ser Arthur Dayne guarding the door of the room, to see a show of affection from my father, I turn my gaze to Ser Barristan Selmy but I can only observe a face that shows no emotions.

King Aerys II Targaryen, turns his gaze to my mother – Well done Rhaella, so your master Sarto told me, that you are soon to give birth to a new dragon – my father pauses and says – it would be better if you gave birth to a dragon because Jaehaerys needs a wife –

My brother and father laugh at seeing my surprised face.

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