
Chapter 56: Making Decisions

"You seem quite knowledgeable!" Rhaenyra remarked with a teasing grin, pinching Rhaegar's cheeks affectionately.

"Indeed, I've been exposed to countless books. My head is bursting with knowledge," Rhaegar replied, a hint of exasperation in his tone as he recalled his extensive but tedious education.

Humming softly, Rhaenyra leaned closer. "Since you're so smart, help me solve a dilemma."

"Go ahead," Rhaegar replied confidently.

"Father has proposed a marriage alliance for me with Laenor Velaryon, the Sea Snake's son," Rhaenyra revealed, her tone matter-of-fact, though she omitted the fact that Rhaegar himself was another potential suitor.

Rhaegar was taken aback, not expecting her question on the matter. Still a child, how could he understand the intricacies of politics?

After a moment's hesitation, Rhaegar ventured, "Do you have feelings for him?"

"No," Rhaenyra replied flatly.

Trying to process the situation, Rhaegar struggled with his young mind. "Is Father trying to make an alliance with the Sea Snake?"

Rhaenyra hugged him tighter, her tone light as she explained, "The Sea Snake is a renowned naval commander, and the Velaryon family's wealth and possession of three dragons make them a valuable asset worth pursuing."

"That sounds like a sound strategy, in line with Father's approach," Rhaegar observed, sensing his sister's reluctance and adopting a more serious tone.

"Tell me, should I accept the responsibility of being the heir?" Rhaenyra asked, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

"In your position, I would have agreed," Rhaegar admitted quietly, looking away.

Rhaenyra grunted lightly and pushed him away. "I knew you and Father were in this together."

"No... I am not," Rhaegar protested anxiously. "But as heir, you may have to face challenges until a better solution is found."

"Am I the problem?" Rhaenyra asked, her displeasure obvious.

"No, It's the Sea Snake!" Rhaegar exclaimed as the realization dawned on him.

Rhaenyra choked on his words and rubbed her forehead, remembering, "Ever since Aunt Rhaenys missed out on the throne, the Sea Snake has held a grudge. His reputation as a troublemaker is well known."

"We may not be able to eliminate the trouble, but we can neutralize the source," Rhaegar asserted firmly.

"Rhaegar, I must warn you against such dangerous ideas!" Rhaenyra interjected sternly, taken aback by his suggestion.

Shaking his head, Rhaegar clarified, "I am not suggesting that we eliminate the Sea Snake. With so many members of the Velaryon family, removing one sea snake, Corlys, wouldn't make much difference. There are many more sea lions and seals."

"He's driven by a lust for power, and we can use that to break down his defenses," Rhaegar explained with a serious look on his face.

Perplexed, Rhaenyra asked, "What would you do if you were in my position?"

"In the Velaryon family, nothing is as formidable as their sea fleet and the three dragons. The recent Battle of the Stepstones inflicted considerable damage on the Sea Snake's fleet, so they'll be vulnerable for some time," Rhaegar strategized.

"Our focus should be on their dragons," he continued, his brow furrowed in thought.

"Aunt Rhaenys, as a Targaryen princess, is unlikely to be a threat to us."

"Her two children, especially her eldest daughter Laena, who has successfully tamed Vhagar, are of concern. I've heard rumors that she is already betrothed and will soon marry into another house."

"And her brother Laenor, whose dragon Sea Smoke has proven its strength in battle, are formidable opponents."

Encouraged, Rhaenyra's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "What is your plan?"

"We need to establish clear rules to break up their trio of dragons," Rhaegar suggested. "One option is to create a Royal Dragon Rider Regiment to bring back and regulate dragon riders outside the Targaryen family name."

"But won't that be too obvious, considering that the Sea Snake's children are the only non-Targaryen dragon riders?" Rhaenyra asked skeptically.

"Convincing them to join voluntarily is unlikely. We may have to resort to coercion," Rhaegar admitted with a determined nod.

Rhaegar pondered for a moment, feeling a sense of helplessness in the absence of sufficient deterrents. "If only Father had a full-grown dragon, we wouldn't be in such a passive position."

"Don't be naive. Father's interest in dragons has waned considerably since Balerion's death," Rhaenyra reassured him, gently smoothing his furrowed brow. "You're already quite perceptive. You'll make a fine politician when you grow up."

Disappointed, Rhaegar said, "I wanted to help you."

"You will, when you're older," Rhaenyra assured him, her tired voice softening as she planted a kiss on his forehead. "It's not too late."

Suddenly, Rhaegar's expression became serious. "I do not wish to tame another young dragon. If I can't hatch one myself, I might as well try to tame an adult dragon."

Surprised by his sudden declaration, Rhaenyra asked, "What has caused this change of heart?"

"I may not be able to help you now, but harnessing the power of an adult dragon could be an invaluable aid," Rhaegar explained, rising from the bed to pull on his shoes. "I will find Lord Robert. He knows of Vermithor and Silverwing's nest."

"Do not be foolish. Haven't you learned enough from Dreamfyre's lessons?" Rhaenyra warned, grabbing his arm. "Adult dragons are dangerous. Vermithor in particular is known as the Bronze Fury. His temper is even fiercer than Dreamfyre's."

Rhaegar remained unperturbed, his confidence unshaken. "I almost tamed Dreamfyre once. I have the ability to tame a full-grown dragon."

Rhaenyra's gaze softened with a mixture of relief and helplessness as she squeezed his shoulder. "I will never allow you to risk your life for me, Rhaegar. Do you understand?"

Rhaegar's expression softened and he nodded in agreement. "I understand. I'll try to be a good brother."

Satisfied with his answer, Rhaenyra gently guided him back to bed, and Rhaegar fell silent, his mind consumed with thoughts of how to tame Vermithor or Silverwing.

As the lights dimmed, Rhaegar lay on his side, his resolve firm. "Father needs me, and so does Rhaenyra..."

With that, he drifted off to sleep, his determination to tame a full-grown dragon firmly planted in his mind.


The next day arrived and Rhaegar was awakened from his sleep by a knock at the door.

"Princess, the King has sent for you to discuss matters," Cole's voice echoed through the door.

"Understood, Ser Cole," Rhaenyra replied, quickly dressing before turning to Rhaegar. "No wandering off, understand?"

"I promise," Rhaegar assured her, patting his chest.

With a final admonition to Cole to keep an eye on her brother, Rhaenyra left the room.

Meanwhile, Rhaegar was fully dressed when the servant arrived with breakfast.

As he nibbled at a piece of bread, he glanced at Cole standing guard at the door and asked, "Would you like to join me for breakfast, Ser Cole?"

"Thank you, but there's no need to bother," Cole politely declined.

Accepting Cole's refusal, Rhaegar continued to eat alone, feeling a pang of regret that Erryk was not present and that the Kingsguard contingent consisted only of Captain Harrold and Cole. If Erryk had accompanied them, they could have shared a meal.

"Ser Cole, any news on the search for the young dragons?" Rhaegar inquired suddenly.

(word count: 1188)