
Game Of Thrones: House Dustin

How the hell did it come to this?! - A young man is reincarnated in the Game of Thrones world as an only son to House Dustin in the North but there is always more to every story. This is a small side project that I thought about. This is strictly for fun so dont expect correct dates and all that stuff investigated. I will just write what I want. Can't guarantee stable updates. Again. It's for fun and I have another story for now. Don't even know if I will follow the canon or not. I didn't watch or read GOT except FF's so don't get angry if I make mistake. EDIT- This is strictly for fun. If you are a person who can not understand what’s written above and expect accuracy and whole background, save us both some time and don’t read it. Every review stating how unrealistic it is will be deleted. Go feed your ego elsewhere. Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. The author of the fan fiction does not, in any way, profit from the story and all creative rights to the characters belong to their original creator(s). Anything used in the FF belongs to their owners. This is strictly for fun. The cover doesn't belong to me. The owner can contact me and I will take it down.

EnderPL · TV
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109 Chs

Time to leave

I'm now telling everyone that this will be a fast paced story till the Greyjoy's rebellion. Then will be a small recap of lands and we will finally start to do the fun part so basically I don't care anymore. If someone has objections and better ideas I'm listening.

We left the Bear Island after a hefty breakfast during which I meet the rest of the girls.

It was a happy and joyous moment to respite after the battle that took place the the day before.

We sent a falcon to my mother confirming our victory and return, asking her to prepare with grandpa the wedding of my uncle Roose Ryswell and Lyra Mormont.

The ten bear guards and Lord Mormont ccompanied the young lady on her trip.

We made a small stop at the previously burned village to let the captured small folk go back home at least those who wanted to and returned on our trip. We took all the orphans that were left after the Ironborn raid back with us.

The ships moved slowly on the sea allowing us to rest and Gods know we needed it.

We left four of the seized Iron ships for the Mormont's to use in trade, House Ryswell got three and House Glenmore two leaving the last two to us, but we will still probably sell them to Harlaw's or just use them as merchant vessels.

I was standing at the bow of the ship with Bri in my arms, the girl looked at everything with fascination and curiosity like a child should.

"M'lord will I be left alone after we arrive?" She abruptly asked lifting her head to look at me.

I was a bit surprised at the question not knowing from where it came from.

"Why do you think so little girl?" I asked and squeezed her nose playfully making her cheerful again.

"Because children without parents are left alone on the streets right?" Well that was something that I wasn't expecting to hear.

"No! Of course not little Bri. Where we go the children that are alone are learning and working as apprentices without any worry and we pay for their upkeep. You will as well, so that you could help me in the future. Would you like that little Bri? Would you like to help me when you grow up?" I looked at her and she smiled brightly and nodded her little head repeatedly.

We looked in the far distance and I remembered a song that I heard in my previous life that would be perfect for the occasion so I started to sing.

"My mother told me

Someday I will buy

Galley with good oars

Sail to distant shores

Stand up on the prow

Noble barque I steer

Steady course to the haven

Hew many foe-men"

I still remember listening to it on loop, being fascinated with it.

When I finished I turned around just to see the crew and the soldiers looking at me with opened mouths, oh that's true I never sang in front of my men after I started my lessons.

"That was beautiful my lord." Lady Lyra and Lord Mormont came up starting a conversation.

"Beautiful m'lord!" Bri like a little parrot repeated after her making everyone laugh.

"It's my lord little Bri, not m'lord." I smiled and corrected the obedient little child. "And thank you Lady Lyra. Good thing you didn't hear me sing before." I smiled and watched as the last Ryswell ship split up from our fleet going back home.

We decided that the Bears will first visit Barrowtown and make deal for the materials they need and then we will all go to my mother's family.

I really couldn't wait to start my own adventure, I knew that after the wedding celebration is over it will be the time to leave. I only have five years to finish my plans for Essos.

Doesn't bother me much as the template was already prepared by the TV show and the little dragon queen managed to do it in a year or two, so I should be able to as well in the time I have.

I want to make few stops but the plan is to sail to Dorne first, then move to Summer Isle to see if I can get my hands on some goods there.

I still dont know exactly how their conquering law works and to tell you the truth I don't want to do it, but that doesn't mean I don't want to find a proxy to install as a puppet using the resources at my disposal.

How realistic it is I don't really know, but if I can find some fallen nobles and use my trained to win the competition for them it would be for the best.

I would have a stable footing for my business at the very least.

Next we will go to Meereen and then to our fort to the east of it, where my soldiers are stationed.

I hope to gather 30.000 men just from our lands to train in the years to come not counting auxiliary forces that we might recruit or gather there.

Old Gods know I will need all the help I can get for the wars to come.

I want it to be a training ground for my armies when I decide to implement my plans in the future if everything goes as in the show and the first step in ruling the lands in Slaver's Bay in view or in the shadows.

Since I can play bandit as much as I want there, I will use this to my advantage.

Raiding, pillaging, conquering, selling our swords. You name it we will do it.

Not in the cruel way of course, I don't plan to kill the innocents, but no one said anything about kidnapping.

Daenerys did few things wrong in my opinion.

She was too merciful for once, and I'm not planning to make the same mistakes she did.

I have two options here.

The first is to go as she did and take all after eradicating the previous rulers. The second is to put my men from some of the ruling families or institutions and just stay in the shadow increasing my power until the girl comes.

The first option is alright, but how will it change what I know? Should I even worry about that? Then there is the managing of the cities.

Still it would be worth my while if I can do so. I can tell my men to sell her her army. Not the unsullied. They will be mine but creating a new formation from "freed" slaves and giving it on credit to the child would be alright. I just want to know how the story will progress.

We will see how it works out.

I watched as Barrowtown came into our view.

Lady Lyra and Jorah were hypnotized by the picture in front of them. It's easy to understand why.

We arrived at the partially build port and they saw the already big but still growing, clean city.

Children running happily playing knights and ladies, all kind of ships being unloaded and loaded with merchandise around the clock, bustling markets and the smell of fresh, just baked bread and patisseries.

Little Bri was salivating in my arms when we disembarked from the ship with my two guards and 20 soldiers following us, but she never asked for anything.

I smiled and waived at the small folk who cheered as we returned from our victory, they surely already heard the news about us destroying the squids.

I stopped at one of our bakeries on the way and bought a beautifully decorated box of sweets and cookies for Lady Lyra and Bri.

I know it's our bakery but I still pay even if they don't want to take my coins.

I have to admit that the box was nice looking and the girls stuffed their faces enjoying the sweets. I love the cheesecake!

We arrived at the castle and my two wolves came running from the keep scaring the girls, even Jorah grabbed his sword, but when I placed Bri on Loki's back she was so happy that she didn't want to stop hugging or let go of him.

Then a visit to my mother's solar to introduce Lady Lyra and Jorah and give my report.

Of course the scolding for my wound followed and after we were left alone I told her about my little adventure on the island.

She couldn't believe at the beginning until I showed her the seeds.

It had to be done now as she will be the one taking care of the whole process.

There were good news waiting for me as well as the Warden of the North confirmed the change of the name of our city to Neverwinter.

One week later we attended the wedding of my uncle and the alliance was officially established with that.

Jorah left leadings few additional ships with materials and food.

I was even happier when I saw Lady Lyra and uncle Roose mesmerized with each other.

Since all is done it's time to leave.