
Game Of Thrones: House Dustin

How the hell did it come to this?! - A young man is reincarnated in the Game of Thrones world as an only son to House Dustin in the North but there is always more to every story. This is a small side project that I thought about. This is strictly for fun so dont expect correct dates and all that stuff investigated. I will just write what I want. Can't guarantee stable updates. Again. It's for fun and I have another story for now. Don't even know if I will follow the canon or not. I didn't watch or read GOT except FF's so don't get angry if I make mistake. EDIT- This is strictly for fun. If you are a person who can not understand what’s written above and expect accuracy and whole background, save us both some time and don’t read it. Every review stating how unrealistic it is will be deleted. Go feed your ego elsewhere. Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. The author of the fan fiction does not, in any way, profit from the story and all creative rights to the characters belong to their original creator(s). Anything used in the FF belongs to their owners. This is strictly for fun. The cover doesn't belong to me. The owner can contact me and I will take it down.

EnderPL · TV
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109 Chs

Surprise after surprise 2

"Kitty!" She pointed on a picture but later got really sad. Need to do something! Where the fuck are they! They should be here already! I looked on the guard at the door but he only shook his head. I kept looking, my eyes started to get colder but for some reason the guard started to sweat.

"Big brother, kitty?" I looked back at the sweetheart on my side and could swear I heard a relieved sigh coming from the direction of the door.

"Yes kitty! Cute kitty! Do you like cats?" I asked trying to make her smile but it doesn't work. It was at this moment I realized I fucked up! Help!

I looked at aunt Elia and aunt Ashara but they just turned their heads! Traitors!

"Balerion..." I could hear her whisper and some tears started to gather in her eyes.

"Rhae! Do you want delicious cake? Or-or maybe play horsy with big brother? Or maybe... maybe a story? Do you want me to buy you anything? I can sing to you too!" What the fuck am I supposed to do?! My voice when I sing is like a boar grabbed by the balls! Even sell swords in my army cry like tortured babies when I sing!

"Stupid..." She said and turned around ignoring me. Me! The big brother she always sticks close to!

"Balerion was her black kitten in Red Keep..."

I know! There's a myth he's one of the cats Aria was chasing!

Elia said while she came and picked her up. The little Rhae snuggled into her. I was about to say something when there was a knock on the door. Is it...?!

I looked as the guard open the door. I could see one of my men whispering something to his ear and then leave.

My guard with now relieved look nodded at me making my day better.

"Aunty Elia, aunty Ashara, Rhae!" I shouted enthusiastically making them jump. "I have a present for you!" I said to the three curious people.

"Present!" The sweet little princess reacted first, totally forgetting about her sadness.

"Hmm I wonder what should I do... I don't think there's a Lady here deserving one..." Yes! I am vengeful! I am unforgiving and vindictive! My three best traits! So what?! Bite me!

"Looks like our little lord is angry..." aunt Ashara came up to me, got on her knee and hugged my back. I could feel her breasts and breath on my neck!

"Oh no! Rhaenys what should we do now?!" aunt Elia played along.

"Oh no! Angry! Big brother no angry!" She struggled from her mother arms and ran up to me and patted my head while repeating good boy...

Great! Now I'm the immature one!

Princess Elia came as well and we had a group hug! Can't take it anymore!

"Alright! Alright! Get dressed! We're going out!" Rhae was the first one to run to the servants to get dressed for our trip. I could hear Princess Elia and Lady Ashara whispering to each other "I knew he would break...".

Women! But it's nice to see them relaxed and behaving so freely.

I looked a moment longer with a smile on my face when Rhaenys shouted for me to hurry up.

We arrived at our destination just before sunset, I will have to hurry up and get back to castle or my mom will be worried.

She wouldn't hesitate to mobilize our army and small folk to look for me if I'm too late. I feel bad when she justifies it by "I don't want to lose you too!".

We got off from the carriage and the first thing the Ladies saw was a large estate with sea view. That's my retreat when I want to be alone or just want to think and relax.

No one can enter besides my trusted servants and my personal guards. My. Not my mother's guards. Yes, there are things I don't want even for her to know about. Dark things.

I placed a pealed orange into Rhaenys wide open mouth as she admired my personal hideout.

The older ladies were a bit better but still it was the first time they saw this kind of building and style.

I moved through the yard to the doors with the ladies following me, but never stopped looking around, whenever we passed my guards lowered their heads in respect while saying "My lord."

Princes Rhaenys was holding my hand. She is sticking to me like glue whenever were together.

The doors were opened by the guards and the steward were waiting for us in the extravagantly decorated hall.

"My Lord." He bowed as well. I like him, quiet, efficient, direct.

"Where?" I asked trying not to give my excitement away.

"Second floor east wing My Lord."

I moved to the stairs with the ladies keeping up. They didn't ask questions knowing they will find out soon enough.

On the second floor we've meet a group of 30 fully armed men guarding the whole floor but mostly concentrated on one specific door.

"Is there really a need for all that?" I asked the man that came up to me and nodded.

"That was the last time I trusted you when you said it will be a piece of cake M'lord!"

"Haha Bryce what happened to your courage?" I joked but I'm happy he's back in one piece.

"Ay, but it ain't good for anything if you're dead." His reply has some wisdom to it.

"My ladies, this simple man here is Ser Bryce Smallspear, commander of my personal guards." I introduced the man.

I looked really funny as I didn't even reach his chest level. He was a lean build man of the North. Tall, fierce, loyal and unyielding.

The first time I saw him I liked how he was so similar to Bronn.

Ex sell sword, Hedge Knight. Not because he wasn't competent, no. There were lords from Reach to North willing to hire him, but as he said himself.

"And why would I bend over and get myself donkey-cocked for someone I don't like?"

Fortunately he agreed to serve me. "Things will be interesting with a little monster like you, so I might as well ride it out to the end by your side." That was his oath to me for life. He's as good as the old Kingsguard with a sword and shield and even better with a dagger that he started to train me in, wooden dagger of course. He's so experienced that it would be a sin not to dig and use his knowledge.

"It's a pleasure Ser Bryce." Elia and Ashara acknowledged him.

"Princess, it was his team that was responsible for your evacuation, it was his men that died to the Mountain while protecting you the prince and the princess." I said as their reaction was lacking in my opinion.

"Ay, and I'm planning to pay him every bit of it back." He placed his hand and patted his sword hilt. "Thank you m'lord for hiring their families to serve here." He again bowed to me and I nodded.

"They were the ones to stop you as well Lady Ashara..." She looked shocked after hearing my words.

"T-Thank you Ser Bryce..." Now that's better.

"And! He was the one to bring this gift to you Princess Rhaenys." I took the box with holes from his hand, came closer to my little sister and opened it slowly under her curios look.

"Balerion!" She grabbed the black cat and hugged him as he meowed.

Both ladies were surprised and looked at the man.

"How...?" princess Elia couldn't believe her eyes.

"Kitchen wench, servant boys and a handful of silver stags." He shrugged while replying.

This whole time his men didn't even budge while guarding the corridor. Not even a turn of their heads! Now that's discipline, like unsullied but with better equipment.

"You think that that's impressive then look here." I nooded at the door guard and he slowly moved to open the last barrier between the Ladies and the present.

We watched the ladies as they put the arms to their mouths just after the doors were opened.

"H-How..." Lady Ashara and Princess Elia had tears in their eyes.

"Told you." I extended my hand and Bryce put a silver stag in it with a a Tch sound.