
Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

[Author’s note- you can read this novel even if you haven’t read the book or watch any episodes from TV series as smaller explanation will be given in story … and lengthy explanation will be added as notes after end of chapter .] After many years… the legendary lord known as the dragon knight, the son of the holy flame, the nightmare of the schemer, the smasher of the order of the game, the undefeated myth on the battlefield, the ruler of the seven kingdoms, and the guardian of the whole territory___ As Samwell Caesar sat on the Iron Throne, he couldn't help but reminisce about the distant afternoon when he received the pioneering order from the Rose of Highgarden. It was a time when no one could have predicted that this young man, who had been abandoned by his father, would set off an iron-blooded storm that would sweep across the entire continent of Westeros. Interactive map of GOT - https://quartermaester.info/ Mtl source- https://www.mtlnovel.com/game-of-thrones-holy-flame-king/#tabreview

Tortle121 · TV
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242 Chs

Chapter 197: Eagle Island

"Lord Caesar, Eagle Island is just ahead," the captain announced with an uncontrollable smile on his face.

He was relieved to have finally reached their destination and eager to rid his precious ship of the dreadful dragon that had caused him sleepless nights.

While Samwell heard the captain's words and made his way to the bow, he witnessed Eagle Island emerge in the distance.

It appeared peaceful and beautiful in the morning sunlight.

"Sam, you finally have a decent wharf in your territory," Margaery exclaimed, her hands shielding her eyes as she surveyed the surroundings excitedly. "And there are many more people! Sam, how many inhabitants does Eagle Island have now?"

"More than 50,000," Samwell replied uncertainly.

This was the population count when he last visited, but he had been away for over half a year this time.

He wasn't sure how many new residents he had gained.

"The growth is remarkable!" Margaery marveled. "At this rate, Eagle Island will soon be upgraded to a Viscountdom."

Samwell shrugged. "I abducted the daughter of the Duke Mace . As long as he doesn't want to sever my head, I'll be satisfied ," he chuckled.

Margaery smiled, her eyes narrowing. "Don't worry, Sam. My father is quite reasonable. I'm sure he will forgive you."

Samwell smiled noncommittally.

The day Margaery mustered the courage to run with him in Skyreach City, he couldn't refuse her. However, their relationship might bring about a series of problems—and opportunities.

If he could persuade the Duke Mace to acknowledge their marriage and officially wed Margaery, it would save them from the struggles. But if the Duke Mace refused, things would become troublesome.

Samwell had already offended the Lannister family to the point of no return in Skyreach City. He had also killed the "Red Viper" and earned the wrath of Dorne.

If there were any further missteps, he would alienate half of Westeros.

Now, his hope rested on the exposure of Queen Cersei's affair with her younger brother, which could trigger a battle for the Iron Throne.

Perhaps it wouldn't escalate to a full-fledged "War of the Five Kings" as in the original plot, but at least there would be three claimants to the throne.

After Joffrey's death, the Lannister family would undoubtedly install Cersei's second son, Tommen Baratheon, on the Iron Throne. However, the two brothers of the late King Robert Baratheon, Stannis and Renly, would likely challenge Tommen's legitimacy, just as in the original book.

This would result in three claimants to the throne.

Eddard Stark's avoided death meant his son, Robb Stark, wouldn't become king as in the original plot.

Eddard himself was unlikely to claim the throne, but he would support Stannis Baratheon.

There was also Balon Greyjoy of the Iron Islands, who took advantage of the chaos in the original book to declare himself king.

While the current situation regarding Balon's ambitions remained uncertain, as long as Westeros was in enough turmoil, the restless old squid wouldn't be able to resist seizing the opportunity.

Therefore, this time, a "War of Three Kings" or "War of Four Kings" was expected.

In this way, the Lannister family wouldn't be able to take revenge on him, a mere baron. Samwell saw this as an opportunity for his own advancement.

Of course, if he could gain approval from the Highgarden and officially marry Margaery Tyrell, the situation would be even better.

Even if the Lannisters decided to come after him in the future, he wouldn't be easily shaken.

However, he knew it wouldn't be easy. It was like trying to convince a pufferfish to marry off its only daughter to a minor baron.

Samwell planned to test the Tyrell family's attitude first.

Lost in his thoughts, the fleet slowly sailed into the pier of Eagle Island. A group of people had already gathered on the pier to greet them.

Samwell disembarked from the boat with Margaery, but he sensed something amiss in the atmosphere.

His steward, Gavin, and knight, Todd Flowers, stood at the forefront of the welcoming party, wearing smiles on their faces but with a hint of worry in their eyes. Priest Ivan stood beside them.

The servant of the Seven Gods wore a gentle and compassionate smile on his face, resembling the embodiment of the Father. However, as he spotted the creature perched on Samwell's shoulder, his smile turned into a look of shock and disbelief.

"A dragon?" Ivan heard Todd, the knight standing next to him, whisper in astonishment.

"It's impossible!" Ivan denied. "The dragons are long extinct!"

Yet, as Samwell approached, they all saw it more clearly. It was indeed a dragon!

Its milky white scales glistened in the sunlight, its translucent wings spread out, creating misty trails in the air. Its slender, coiling tail wrapped around Samwell's arm, and its bright red eyes seemed to pierce through their souls.

"It's a dragon..." Ivan muttered to himself, overwhelmed by complex emotions.

"It's a dragon!" Todd muttered , his doubts dispelled. He strode forward, knelt down, placed his sword in front of him, and pressed his face against the ground. "Welcome, Lord Caesar!"

This was the proper etiquette a vassal should display toward their lord.

"Welcome, Lord Caesar!" Gavin echoed excitedly. All his worries and melancholy vanished.

He, too, imitated Todd's gesture, prostrating himself on the ground and welcoming the return of his lord with the utmost humility.

"Welcome, Lord Caesar!"

One after another, the retainers followed suit, prostrating themselves and shouting fervently. The wave of reverence spread outward like a gust of wind, and soon, the entire Eagle Island had fallen to their knees before Caesar.

Even Priest Ivan.

Under the threat of the white dragon, even this servant of the Seven Gods dared not act presumptuously.

Ivan found himself worrying if his previous attempts to expand his influence within the territory had been too aggressive.

At this moment, he could only join everyone else in kneeling on the ground, silently offering respect .


After a grand welcoming ceremony, Samwell returned to his castle, accompanied by his entourage. Cleopatra, the dragon, danced excitedly in the castle hall, emitting triumphant roars.

Intimidated by the power of the white dragon, the vassals and retainers who entered the hall held their breaths, their bodies trembling.

They were still trying to grasp the astonishing reality of their lord's return from Dorne with a dragon.

Priest Ivan secretly speculated about Samwell's true identity. Was he a descendant of House Targaryen? A survivor of Valyria? Or remnants of the Blackfyre?

Regardless, for hundreds of years, this was the first time a dragon soared over the continent of Westeros.

From this day forward, Caesar's name was destined to become extraordinary.

"I've been away for so long. Has anything gone amiss in the territory?"

Samwell sat down on the lord's seat with a smile. Cleopatra settled back on Samwell's shoulder, and he gently scratched her chin with his fingers.

The vassals and retainers, still in awe of the dragon's presence, awaited their lord's words.

Gavin hesitated for a moment before speaking up. "My lord, there is a murder case that we haven't been able to resolve.

Due to the complexities and conflicting opinions of both parties, we have put it on hold. Now that you have returned, we request your judgment."

Samwell was taken aback by the news but nodded in response. "Very well, bring the individuals involved here."

"Yes, my lord," Gavin nodded and motioned for the parties to come forward.

One of the individuals, Gongga, knelt before Caesar, acknowledging his status as a retainer. Soon after, Timett, the victim's sister, was brought into the room.

"My lord, due to the complexity of the case and the differing accounts from both sides, we have been unable to reach a verdict," Gavin explained, glancing at Brother Ivan. "Priest Ivan suggested forming a seven-member jury to decide."

"A jury of seven?" Samwell murmured.

A jury of seven was a trial procedure associated with the Church of the Seven. In the past, during the unification of the Seven Kingdoms, the church held significant power and had the authority to pass judgment. However, their influence had diminished over time, and their judicial power had been curtailed.

Surprisingly, Ivan had proposed reviving the seven-member jury system on Eagle Island.

"Yes," Samwell said with a smile. "As a knight of the Seven Gods, I agree with this proposal."

Everyone present was taken aback, including Priest Ivan himself. He hadn't expected Samwell to support his suggestion. However, before he could fully comprehend the situation, Samwell spoke again.

"Timett, are you a virgin?" Samwell asked, directing his attention to the victim's sister.

Timett was momentarily startled, but she responded without hesitation. "Yes, my lord."

"Very well, let you represent the 'Maiden'," Samwell declared.

Brother Ivan's unease grew. Timett, being the victim's sister, couldn't possibly serve as a member of the jury.

Furthermore, the members of the Seven-member jury were traditionally appointed by the Church—at least until Jaehaerys I the Arbiter's reign.

Yet, Ivan found himself lacking the courage to object to the lord who now possessed a dragon. Samwell's gaze then shifted to Una, Gavin's wife.

"Wuna, if I recall correctly, you recently gave birth to a son. You shall represent the 'Mother'," Samwell said.

"Yes, my lord," Wuna replied.

"Priest Ivan," Samwell turned to him, his gaze fixed on the lantern necklace hanging from Ivan's chest. "You dedicated yourself to the 'Crone', so you shall represent Her."

"My lord, I appreciate your trust, but the seven-member jury representing the 'Crone' has always consisted of females..."

"Very well," Samwell interrupted, turning his head away. "Lady Melisandre, I shall seek your assistance."

"It's an honor, my lord," Melisandre nodded , gracefully bowing.

Ivan suddenly realized he had been deceived. Samwell had deliberately prompted him to object, knowing that his rejection would render the seven-member jury unrelated to him. However, he couldn't accuse Samwell of intentionally excluding him, especially with a dragon by his side.

"Sir Lucas Dayne, please represent the 'Warrior'," Samwell continued, designating members of the jury.

"Yes, my lord," Sir Lucas Dayne nodded .

"Blacksmith Buso, please represent the 'blacksmith'," Samwell said.

"Happy to serve, my lord," Buso replied.

"Gavin, you shall represent the 'Father'," Samwell assigned the next role.

"Yes, my lord," Gavin nodded.

"As the lord, I will personally execute judgment upon the sinners, thus representing the 'Stranger'," Samwell announced, assuming his role as the final member of the jury.

With his proclamation, Samwell's commanding gaze scanned the room, finally resting on Priest Ivan's face.

"I now declare the trial begins!" Samwell declared with authority.


Note:- Sorry, guys, for the fluctuating daily uploads. I'm currently working on correcting or re-editing beginning chapters and a new novel in the Infinity genre, and it's really good. Best of all MC will be giant .. not too tall but still like 3 metre …

I'll be uploading a bulk of 50 chapters at the beginning and then continue with daily uploads.