
Attribute’s explained

Attribute values are not multiples in the intuitive sense. For example, a person with agility of 2 does not mean that his speed is twice that of ordinary people.

  When we first made the settings, we set the limit attribute value of the human body in the world of Game of Thrones to 10 (this limit can be broken after the magic tide comes), so like the most agile human beings in the original book, "Red Viper" and "Syrio Forel" ", the agility attribute is about 8, the agility of the "Kingslayer", Barristan and others is between 6-7, and some elite knights are between 4-5, ordinary knights and elite knights are around 3, and trained ordinary soldiers are around 2.

  So the protagonist's agility is at the level of an ordinary knight, which is really not fast...

  The strength attribute is also set in the same way.

  As for the spiritual attribute, it is quite special, and will be explained later.

  This explanation should be more clear.

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