
Chapter 1 - Departure from White Harbor

Gaemon P.O.V 293 AC 1st Day of Third Moon

' I have to wait for another 50 days before 10 of the ships are ready to set sail, fill them with crew and then sail to Bravoos to inspect the other 20 ships that Iron Bank is paying for' thinking about a journey to YiTi has my blood pumping. A far away land that is filled with exotic treasure. I first planned on going to AssHai with barrels of fresh water and meat but that seemed to scare a lot of the first time sailors.

Iron Bank bought the designs for Seed drill and have started making their own. They have some farming going on as they need to feed over 2 million people and just buying the grain would be very expensive and drive the price up.

"The ships are ready captain" I am bought out of my musing and I see Lancel Snow, the bastard son of Lord Hornwood who wanted to join me on the adventure.

Lady Catelyn Tully almost had a stroke when she heard that a couple of bastards from North wanted to join me. Lord Stark was quick to ease her supposed fears. Honestly her bullshit has reached a limit.

I walk out of my manse that I am leaving here. I wanted to sell it but decided against it. I meet captain Niitis that I hired to help me out to sail and show me the ropes. Also, right now we only have about 35 people on board per ship. I plan to hire more once we get to Bravoos.

"What's the plan captain?" Lancel asks as load the sailor up.

" Well first we need to stop by Bravos, and unload all the merchandise and get as much as coin we can make from selling. Then we need to pickup the rest of the ships that I have a feeling will not be ready in time." I say with a smirk

Lancel is a good lad and a couple of years older than me. Lord Starks says I am 10, my birth certificate says I am 11.5 but I look like 15. Whereas Lancel looks 20 years older. I first meet him in a tourney Lord Manderly threw for Robb's 7 nameday. We both participated in the tourney Lord Manderly threw last moon and I won the squires tourney and a knighthood. Lancel was knighted as well.

"I have 5 ships worth of wool cloth, 3 ships of spinning Jenny & flying shuttle in addition to 2 ships worth of sewing machines. It should take us about three to four moons of time to sell everything. If we can't sell everything within that time we leave for lys with the merchandise anyway and try to sell there."

"alright, I wanted to try brothels in lys for a long time." Lancel says with a smirk

"You wanted to try brothels huh." Comes a voice from below deck and lancel is horrified. As he sees Aemma Umber coming out. She can wield mace and is a giant compared to us. Lancel and her have been getting quite hanky panky during the last few moons. She is also a daughter of minor branch so she is okay with marrying a bastard and their children having the name umber.

We hope to reach YiTi and come back in about two years, from Volantis to YiTi is about a 6 month(30 days each) journey with a stop in Qarth.

************************************************Time Measurement:

A year has 14 moons and each moon has 45 days