
Hunt - Road to Lorath - 4º Part chapter 13

A very dark night, even though every night there was evil prowling everywhere and some light trying to purge it, that night was special for King's Landing.

It was the darkest first hour, the moment when greater darkness devoured smaller darkness.

These minor darknesses were somewhat crueler, more brutal than the one that hunted them, for they hunt innocent, but undoubtedly, the monster that eats monsters must receive their due respect.

That night, some fear makers felt its coldest, purest form.

They felt the dread.

William was very hungry, so hungry that the moment the first drop of blood was seen in his eyes, his hunger took him.

It was supposed to be just a snack before bed, but now it has become a massacre.

Blood splatters and body debris are everywhere.

The great white monster was covered in blood.

Only after satiation did William manage to control himself. It was hard to say that he controlled himself; it was more as if hunger returned control of his body.

If it were another world, William could be known as the sin of gluttony.

22 men and 22 sinners were visited by the white dread.

Strength filled every inch of William's body—the sensation of pure delight. Wonderful.

Slowly, William returned to his human form but still stood, eyes closed and a satisfied smile on his lips.

Flexing your body muscles while extending your arms William felt his strength growing.

Lycan's form maximized the power of his senses and provided him with monstrous form and speed, but William was still fragile in his human form, yet after each kill, after devouring, his strength increased in both forms.

Even if the improvement does not focus on strength, speed, or even increasing more than one point at a time, his senses were enhanced one at a time, and at that moment, after devouring so many beings, William gained an improvement in his strength.

If before that moment, William, at 14 years old, was almost as strong as an elite soldier, now he could, in his human form, fight against some of the best together.

Disregarding your other powers, of course.

Already in its Lycan form, the measure was never separate individuals, but in groups, William did not know how many could face head-on; he walked a path that could oppose the world with only his flesh and blood.

The power that William, as the first Lycan, possessed was immeasurable; it was impossible to see how long he would grow up or how long his power would increase.

But undoubtedly, his strength would be remembered forever alongside the strongest beings in this world, perhaps as the most powerful.

At least it was William's thought as he felt the force run through every cell of his body.

Some time before.

William was looking at the bandit that attacked him, now all covered in blood and with twisted limbs—such a horrible sight.

No doubt William knew that trouble would arise, but the result was far more brutal than expected.

With a sigh, William tried to comfort himself; at least there was a lot more trash to clean in this city.

Looking at the night-covered sky with no sign of any sunlight, he had time until dawn; maybe finding a snack was good.

William looked at the twisted body and shook his head. He would not eat this thing. After trying to perform the ritual, it was impossible to know what could happen if swallowed, not to mention that it was disgusting.

He eventually decided that he would hunt something else in town, but first, he had to discard that body.

Running silently over the structures, William was hunting, guided by the smell. He was after those who had a specific smell and who had a specific mark.

Chasing one of his prey, William was guided into a remote area of King's Landing, to a decaying midsize house that appeared to be long abandoned.

It was similar to a ruin.

Carefully, William moved close enough to hear what was being said from within.

The voices belonged to several men.

"Lucky" 1º voice.

"You damn lucky bastards, you found a hot little whore, while Daddy here had to fuck a mangy bitch," 2º voice

"The seven are good for their faithful, heheh," 3º voice.

"As if the gods would help you," said voice 2.

The men's voices inside were jubilant; it was obvious that some were cheering and others were gnawing with envy that they had not been so lucky.

William was happy; dinner would be plentiful.

Bandit A was heading toward the warehouse for a few more beers.

Something seemed to have gone behind his back. He looked back.

There was nothing but darkness there.

'Shit, it would be nice to have some candles' Bandit A thought.

He grabbed some drinks and started walking toward the dorm. B and C should be waiting for him.

Looking around, several of his 'friends' were sleeping with other drunks while others kept bragging.

He heard some strange noises from afar.

'Damn Lucky, who choked and died, 'he cursed.

Slowly approaching the dormitory, a strange sound was audible.

Probably the damn termites; this house was almost falling over their heads. Damn old house.

While walking, he eventually slipped and almost fell, but luckily managed to avoid the fall.

The damn floor was wet.

Bandit A decided to blow his stuffy nose.

His nostrils were assaulted by the smell of iron, a familiar smell from his job.

Realizing what might have happened, he silently leaves the beers on the floor and picks up his dagger that was stored in the sole of his shoe.

He thought of warning the others, but it could be a prank on one of those shits, so not to be joked about, he chose to go it alone.

The sound stopped.

With courage, or almost, he kept walking; surely it must be those shits; they were trying to scare him.

"Motherfuckers, I'm going to gut one of them tonight," Bandit A thought as sweat dripped from his forehead.

Carefully entering the room where he was supposed to have eight of his 'friends' together with B and C, he knew there could be nothing wrong; it was simply impossible.

Who would go into a gang hideout to kill?

Well, apart from the guards... and the other gangs...

Well, there were some who would come in, but what would you do today when everyone was there?

Slowly pushing the curtain in place of the door through the dim light of a candle, he saw a horrible scene.

Bodies dismembered and blood everywhere.

A dreadful scene.

With a quick turn toward the exit.

In front of him was a monstrous freak before he could run or even scream.

A hand went through his stomach and suspended him in the air.

With good blood dripping from his mouth and wide eyes, he looked at the thing that attacked and then

A wet cracking sound sounded.

The hand that had crossed his stomach had grabbed his spine and broken it.

Shortly afterward, a hungry mouth attacked him; after a while, no bones remained.

Looking toward the sound coming, William began to walk toward his last fangs.

Most were unconscious from the drink; only 4 were standing, but not in a fighting condition.

It was only necessary for the wolf to enter the flock for the feast.

Quickly, William surprised two of the talking bandits, and with two hard blows with his claws, one head rolled across the floor, and one man had a half-head attached to his neck.

The other two men saw him and began to scream. Too bad the fear got in the way so much; his fumbling movements only made William's job easier.

With a blow with his right arm, one of the thugs was sent flying through some walls; unfortunately, this was not an anime shounen, and his body had several internal wounds. He would die quickly.

Looking at the last man who passed out in fear, William just approached and began to feed.