
Game Of Thrones: Clash of Lords

100 men and women's from all walks of life were chosen to participate in a Game Of Thrones: Clash of Lord, Not only were they suppose to conspire and compete for hegemony with the native lords and lady's of the original series of Game Of Thrones but they were also required to wipe out the other 99 participants in the game of hegemony and conspiracy. This will be a battler where 100 participants who are at the top of their field clashing against each other. From the best assassin to the best businessman from the best politician to the best strategies.

RainHearteeme · Book&Literature
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38 Chs

Chapter 31 Finale Preparation Before The Hunt

  "I am a generous person, very generous," Ian was very satisfied with Martha's performance.   "From the moment we entered the door, you have been calling us three knights. At that time, I did not correct you, but, in fact, the two of them are just my attendants."

  "Attendants?!" Martha suddenly raised her head and looked at Rohr and Keith, as if hoping they would refute. However, she was soon disappointed because these two knights and attendants sat respectfully next to Ian without any hint of displeasure.

  "These are rewards for loyalty and hard work," Ian withdrew his hands and placed them on the shoulders of Rohr and Keith, respectively. "I said that I am very generous, and I am also very rich.

  In an instant, the golden dragon was completely exposed in front of Martha. She stared at the golden dragon that was so close and did not dare to reach out to catch it this time.

  "My father has 20 ocean going ships. Our family's trading fleet returns from Volantis, Qarth, and even bravos every year, bringing back tens of thousands of golden dragons. And I will inherit all of this in the future. When i am questioned. They may say that I have no ability, that I lack wisdom and bravery. I tell them that none of this is necessary because I have money, and I have enough money to let the wisest and bravest people serve me. This will make me invincible. In the end, I made a bet with Uncle Jaime. He asked me to take my two servants to hunt down this group of fugitives who committed crimes in King's Landing. And I wanted to prove to him through this operation that I have the ability." Ian picked up a golden dragon and put it into Martha's palm.

  "If things are done well, I will be happy, and I can even give you all the bounty offered by the queen for this. But if things happen and I screw this up, I might become a very difficult person to talk to. Now, you should know how important this is to me, right?"


  "So, can you convince Black Falcon to do something for me?" Ian asked with a smile.

  The story he just told was not for Martha. For a commoner like her, the 20 gold dragons alone were enough to impress her. The main reason why Ian spent time telling her stories was so that she could relay them to the Black Falcon.

  Based on Ian's understanding of a commoner like Martha, he could basically imagine how she would tell this story to her old acquaintance after getting to know such a "great" person.

  After all, even if he was the one who wanted to cooperate directly with the Black Falcon. It would be a bit beneath him to brag to him personally about how powerful he was, so it was just right to let Martha be the messenger.

  "Of course, Sir, if it were you, I think Boss Morgan would oblige," Martha nodded tremblingly.

  Everyone knows how to oblige for money. "By the way, are all the mercenaries in your inn now from Black Falcon?"

  "Ah, no, only half. the others are from different groups" Martha paused for a few seconds, as if recalling. "There are 17 people in total. Six of them belong to the mercenary team of 'Sword Face,' who is Black Falcon's subordinate, and the other 10 people came to the inn with Black Falcon this afternoon."

  "You know all the people inside?"

  "Why do you ask?"

  "Because of this." Ian pointed to the golden dragon on the table.

  "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm too talkative. Well, the people that Boss Morgan brought today should all be..." Martha recalled for a moment, and then changed to a positive tone, "Yes, I know them all."

  "So among the guests staying today, are there any you don't recognize?" Ian asked again.

  "Oh," Seven Hells! Martha cursed in her heart. "This is a crossroads, Sir. It's impossible for a stranger to know all the guests here."

   "I don't expect you to know all the guests. I only need to know who the first time guests are who checked in here today, starting at 8 o'clock in the morning. I want to know the information about all of them."

  Although the probability of a player actually appearing among these people is not high, what if it happens? It never hurts to be cautious.

  "I'm not always in the hall, and I may miss some information about the situation. I need to confirm this with Jenny and the others."

  "You can ask her, but you can't tell her why. I don't want the news about the capture of fugitives here to spread."

  "But without Jenny's help, many things will be difficult to handle. Most of the time I am in the kitchen, and I will warn her not to."

  "No, If you really need her to join in, you will only be able to tell her everything after I have personally meet and warned her."

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Before breakfast tomorrow morning, I want to get a specific list of the strange guests who came here yesterday."


  "Not the names, just tell me who they are."

  "Okay, Sir."

  "Besides, you said that only half of the mercenaries living in this inn are Black Falcon's men?"


  "Then hire the other half for me. I want to have absolute control over this place." Ian paused.   "Of course, except for the strange mercenaries who arrived in the inn today, don't worry about the mercenaries who arrived in the inn yeasterday.

  Just note down those people." "Except for the strange mercenaries who arrived today," Martha was sensible enough not to question this weird condition.

  "Do you want other mercenaries? Including teams and individuals?"

  "Are there many individuals?"

  "Not many, just a few, I don't pay attention to them. i will take a closer look tommorow."

  "Who are the leaders of the mercenary teams?"

  "Two mercenary teams, the captains are 'Spiky' Denzel and Sir Grantham."

  "A mercenary knight?"

  "That's what he said himself."

  "Okay, like this, for those scattered mercenaries, first assign them any mission and send them out."

  "What mission?"

  "Whatever kind of mission it is. Delivering letters, delivering wine, anyway, let them get away as far as possible."

  "Then they will definitely not complete your mission faithfully, they will only take your money and find somewhere far away from here to settle"

  "So what was my original purpose?"

  "Let them get away." Martha stopped mid sentence, "Forgive my stupidity, Sir."

  "And those two mercenary teams, I can hire them at three times the market price, provided they are absolutely obedient to me, is that possible?"

  "Of course, if it's that price." You can make them do anything, Martha. I didn't dare to say the second half of the sentence.

  "When discussing with them, don't reveal my purpose, just mention the reward, and then arrange for the two captains to meet me when I think it's appropriate."

  Martha nodded again.

  "Are you sure you remember everything?"

  "Um," Martha was stunned for a moment, then quickly shook her head, "You just ordered too many things, and I'm worried that I might have missed something."

  "Are you literate?"

  "No, I'm sorry, Sir."

  "In this case, you'd better memorize my instructions, especially the details. I won't allow any negligence or omission." Ian repeated to Martha what he had said before.

  It's a hassle, but it's nothing compared to the hassle of screwing up.

  It took a full 10 minutes for Ian to get this old woman with a mediocre memory to remember all the details.

  "Then," Ian pointed to the golden dragon on the table until he was sure that Martha had remembered all his instructions, "take them away. This is your deposit. If things go well, I will pay it again after everything is over. Your final payment will be double this amount."

  "The Seven Gods bless you, generous lord." Martha beamed and eagerly took all the remaining golden dragons into her bag.

  "Have someone clean up the things on the table. I'm going to get ready to rest."

  Martha then noticed that just when the knight handed over the task to her, the table full of food had already been cleared. The two attendants who had never spoken a word wiped it clean.

  Martha left the room in a hurry, and soon two guys came up and cleaned up the room.

  Out of the habit of his previous life, Ian also asked the waiter to bring him a basin, rinsed his mouth and washed his face and feet before extinguishing the oil lamp and lying down on a three-layer straw mat.

  The prototype of the big plan is basically in place. He just has to wait until tomorrow to finish talking with Black Falcon and the two mercenary captains, and then it will be time to begin the hunt.