
Chapter 25: Meeting between Rhaegar and Edward

A/N: Hey guys,

The third chapter in today's mass release. At the first of every chapter, I would thank all those who supported me.

So, thanks to those who supported me.

Thanks, Osmund Okorie for becoming my Pàtreon.

Thanks, Jesus Esqueda for becoming my Pàtreon.

Thanks, Drone Footage for becoming my Pàtreon.

Thanks, ChinazomM for becoming my Pàtreon.

You could find more chapters on my Pàtreon.


For the next mass releases, If we reached 40 Pàtreons, there would be a mass release with 6 new chapters. If we reached 50, we would have another release of 5 new chapters.



"Why the fuck does Prince Rhaegar want to meet me? I already received my gratitude from the king himself. Or is the prince's gratitude more important than the king's? I am on a vacation here and I don't want to be disturbed." Asked Edward in a sarcastic tone while getting another pinch of his mother. Cassana was glaring at her son, wanting to punch him in the face for courting death. She thought that her son turned mad for giving such a reply to the prince's messenger.

"Sigh, where does his highness want me to meet him?" Asked Edward trying to appease Cassana. He did not know why she was so worried. Aerys and Rhaegar's relationship was at its worst now. Edward could fame the flame, making them even killing each other.

"The prince prepared a camp on the side of Kingsroad near Hayford Castle. He is waiting for you, my lord." Said the soldier with a weird expression after seeing the interaction between Edward and Cassana. He did not know if Edward was joking in the statement that he said before. But he was surely going to tell the prince with whatever he saw or heard.

"Lead the way." Said Edward with a lazy tone. He wanted to meet the adult Rhaegar and think how he was going to fuck the shit out of him. Edward had not seen him since the one time that his father took him and his brother to King's Landing to meet the king. And since Edward did not participate in any tourneys, he would not see the man.

The wagon continued its journey, and two minutes later, they could see a large camp beside the rood.

'How extravagant, To dare to build such a large camp two hours away from King's Landing. Aren't you afraid that your meeting with me is going to be heard by the king? Are you an idiot or what? The king is going to think that you are trying to gather followers. Thank god that I am the fucking Steffon's son, or else I was going to be dragged by the sissy boy to their shit, early than expected.' Thought Edward while cursing Rhaegar behind his back.

Two minutes later, they arrived at the camp. Edward's men, at once, spread through the area and guarded the week points. They inspected the whole outer camp. After the last assassination, the men were cautious against anything that could threaten Their Lord. Brown and another seven men followed behind Edward and Cassana as they headed to Rhaegar's tent.

Barristan Selmy greeted them at the entrance of the tent while welcoming Edward and Cassana. He looked funny, trying to be friendly as much as he could. Edward always thought of Ser Barristan as the ideal image of a knight. That was the reason why he had always compared his men to Ser Barristan and not Arthur Dayne. In his mind, Ser Barristan was the knight who protected his lord while Arthur was the knight who fought.

"It is great to see you again, Lord Baratheon, Lady Cassana." Said Barristan, greeting Edward and his mother. It seemed that he knew Cassana before joining Kingsguard. After all, House Selmy was located in Harvest Hall in Stormsland.

"Great to see you again, Ser Barristan." Said Edward with a smile. He tried to seem friendly as much as he could, or else his mother would kill him this time for disrespecting the prince.

"Good to see you again, Ser Barristan." Said Cassana with a smile. Edward was speechless as he gave his mother a disbelieving look. Why the hell would there be such a difference in treatment?

Cassana gave Edward a look that made him shut up and shift his gaze to enter the tent. It was as if she was saying. "Shut up, or I would deal with you later.". Edward could only sigh.

Edward loved the way he interacted with his mother. It gave him a good feeling and worked as a distraction from always focusing on his goal.

Entering the tent, Edward could see Prince, Rhaegar, and another four people. Edward knew who they were with just one look. The first was Rhaegar's squire, and now knight, Ser Myles Mooton. Next to Mooton, his friend who was also one of Rhaegar's squire, Ser Richard Lonmouth. The third was Rhaegar's companion, Jon Conington. The last was the one and only, Ser Arthur Dayne.

Looking at those faces, everyone would be afraid for his life. They were the famous knights and Kingsguards. But for Edward, they were passable at most, except for Ser Arthur Dayne and Barristan Selmy.

Edward did not want to bow, or he would feel hurt inside, but he had to do it, or else he would disrespect the prince. He would avenge himself later if his plan worked.

Edward would cuckold Rhaegar and would be the father of Rhaegar's supposed son. He would wish to do Elia Martell too, but the woman was so week and sick, and Edward did not want to hurt the frail girl.

Those ideas just came to him because he hated Rhaegar. Edward always felt pity towards Elia and he would not think of such a thing without his hatred.

It was the only woman that he truly pitied in the whole world. He would like to have her for himself if possible. But he did not want to fuck up with the events too much. Plus, he would not deviate from his goal for anyone.

"Your highness, prince Rhaegar." Said Edward and Cassana while bowing to the sissy boy. Edward swore that he would made Rhaegar his bitch for making him, bow.

Edward did not wait for Rhaegar to allow him to stand and did it himself. He had already done what was enough to avoid being too disrespectful.

"Come, Lord Baratheon. Have a seat. I have always wanted to talk with you. You too, Aunt Cassana. It had been long since I saw you and Uncle Steffon." Said Rhaegar, trying to look friendly and welcoming as much as he could.

Edward looked at the sissy boy and was a little surprised. He could already sense the hostility coming from Rhaegar's men for being disrespectful to Rhaegar, especially Jon Connington.

'So, he really loved Rhaegar. But what I want to know is if he really thinks he had a chance. It would be a great rumor in the future. I would make it the first task for my future shadow legion.' Thought Edward, imagining the funny scene. He was going to fuck them up. He just needed a little fire, and the whole ship would sink.


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