
Game Of Thrones: Another Dragons

Once upon a time, there was a guy named Jay, just your average college student leading a pretty ordinary life. But one weekend, he decided to watch the last episode of the Game of Thrones series. Now, Jay had mixed feelings about the ending. He wasn't thrilled with it, no matter which way you looked at it. If Daenerys survived, well, she went on a crazy killing spree due to her extreme emotional issues. That wasn't exactly a happy ending. And if she was dead for good, why did Jon have to go into exile? Jay thought Jon could've made a great king with Bran's guidance, the guy they call "the Broken." For Jay, there were just too many unnecessary deaths that messed with the emotions of fans, from the beginning to the very end. But, with a not-so-happy heart, Jay decided to call it a night. After all, he had to wake up early for class the next day. Little did he know that this would be his last night as a human. When he woke up, he had become something else entirely—a monster.

AmouxCreationsX · Book&Literature
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105 Chs

Chapter 64

Without hesitation, Bahamut unleashed his true form, transforming into a dragon with an imposing roar that seized the attention of both ground and wall. Soldiers on the ground responded by showering the dragon with endless fire arrows, but Bahamut pressed forward, unfazed by the futile attempt. The soldiers couldn't grasp the reality that the dragon before them differed from the stories they had heard.

As Bahamut closed in, scorpions hidden within the walls fired arrows in an attempt to catch him off guard. Yet, Bahamut, anticipating the attack, employed wind magic to deflect the approaching scorpion arrows. In swift retaliation, flames cascaded down from the sky onto Casterly Rock. The mercenaries outside the walls, originally tasked with confronting the approaching army, found themselves helpless against the fiery onslaught. Panic set in, and some attempted to flee, only to be met with flames seemingly emerging from thin air, causing agonizing screams.

Taking cover amidst the debris, Tywin observed the destruction of everything he had built. Dragon flames burned the castle he had so fiercely defended. His arm seared by the flames, Tywin, wounded and vulnerable, lay on the ground. Despite his weakened state, a glint of defiance remained in his eyes. With a sardonic smile, Tywin spoke his final words: "A lion does not concern itself with the opinion of dragons."

The dragon, its fiery breath visible in the cold air, acknowledged the irony of Tywin's statement. In the ensuing moments, flames enveloped Tywin, reducing him to ashes—the last vestiges of a lion's pride extinguished by the overwhelming power of a mythical beast.

The next morning, the combined forces of Tyrell and Baratheon, accompanied by the Crimson General and his 20,000-strong army, arrived at Casterly Rock, expecting to find a formidable fortress. To their disbelief, all that remained was debris—evidence of the dragon's destructive power. Mace Tyrell, known for his strategic alliances, now felt the weight of the impending threat from the dragons in King's Landing, making him consider strengthening ties with House Targaryen through marriage.

Stannis, ever the staunch and dutiful leader, found himself further in awe of Bahamut's capabilities. The Crimson General, who had served Bahamut faithfully for six years, couldn't contain his excitement. Once an enemy defeated by Bahamut, he had chosen loyalty over death, and in return, he only asked for more opportunities for war.

Witnessing Bahamut's flames once again, reminiscent of the destruction in Yi Ti, stirred the Crimson General's fervor. Bahamut, having accomplished his mission, decided to return to King's Landing, leaving the remaining tasks to Stannis and the Crimson General. There was no need for him to linger in the aftermath of Casterly Rock.

Returning to King's Landing, Bahamut assumed his human form to explore the city's streets and assess the living conditions of its residents. Over the time, under Aegon's rule and Bahamut's financial influence, improvements had been made. Aegon had reduced taxes for the common folk, and precautions were taken to transport wildfire to Dragonstone to prevent any accidental or intentional disaster in King's Landing.

As Bahamut strolled through the broad streets connecting gates to central squares, he observed various features such as customs houses, merchant stalls, pubs, inns, brothels, mummer shows, and executioner blocks. These squares served as gathering places for the city's residents. Bahamut then made his way to Mummer's Square inside the Old Gate, where a stage was often used by traveling mummer shows and theatre troupes.

In Mummer's Square, a lively performance was underway, showcasing the glory of Aegon and the great dragon Bahamut. Singers belted out tunes praising their feats. Bahamut found Aegon's method of capturing the commoners' attention intriguing, especially the songs comparing him to Balerion. Amidst the festivities, Bahamut couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement at the songs celebrating his own status.

In the realm of mystery, where dragons soar high,

A tale unfolds of a dragon, reaching for the sky.

Bahamut, the mighty, with scales that gleam,

Stronger than Balereon, in a Targaryen dream.

Oh, Bahamut, the true king of the skies,

With wings that span, where the sun never dies.

Balereon, beware, for your fire's just a spark,

In the shadow of Bahamut, you'll be left in the dark.

Yi Ti, the ancient land where legends are born,

Bahamut's roar echoes, like a raging storm.

In the City of the Golden Dawn, he stands tall,

A guardian of the East, the strongest of them all.

Oh, Bahamut, the true king of the skies,

With wings that span, where the sun never dies.

Balereon, beware, for your fire's just a spark,

In the shadow of Bahamut, you'll be left in the dark.

Yi Ti's tales whisper, of Bahamut's might,

His breath, a blaze, a celestial light.

Against the Black Dread, he stands without fear,

In the heart of the East, his legend is clear.

Balereon, the Black Dread, with a Targaryen's flame,

But Bahamut's power puts the Black Dread to shame.

In the scrolls of Yi Ti, his feats are renowned,

A dragon so fierce, in ancient battlegrounds.

Oh, Bahamut, the true king of the skies,

With wings that span, where the sun never dies.

Balereon, beware, for your fire's just a spark,

In the shadow of Bahamut, you'll be left in the dark.

So here we sing, of the dragon so grand,

Bahamut, the mightiest, across the land.

In Yi Ti's embrace, his legend does grow,

A dragon supreme, let his glory show.