
Game of thrones : Aemon the Conqueror

Not mine I just copied it to read in better settings Feel free to read Basically, Jon becomes Aegon the Conqueror and conquer all the divided kingdom of Westeros and Essos conquer by Aegon and Rhaegar rules it

SD_SR · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

Chapter 14: All Roads Lead to Harrenhal

Not in chronological order.

The conquest of Westeros XXXIV.

House Baratheon.

Though separated and on their own paths, the bonds between the newly formed House Baratheon and House Targaryen still ran deep. Orys knew full well that should he ever be in need then the dragons would come. While Aegon and his sister-wives were always aware that should the conquest fail, they always had a Leal ally in Westeros who would offer them safe haven. It was comforting too to know that their holdings in Dragonstone and the Velaryon's in Driftmark would never be at risk while Orys and his blood held sway at Storm's End.

Over time though even the bonds of blood grew weaker, absence may make the heart grow fonder when it comes to love, it does not when it comes to allies. House Baratheon charted its own course as one of the most warlike houses of the Seven Kingdoms and Aegon and his descendants found forging an empire left them little to no time to renew old bonds or remember past history. Out of sight became out of mind and even when it came to trade deals, House Baratheon received no more favor than any other house or kingdom in Westeros.

When the bad blood between both houses started though, few can say. Some put it down to proximity and arguing over trading routes between House Velaryon and House Baratheon. Others say that over time those at Storm's End feared that the Empire would look west and from Dragonstone to the Stormlands was only a brief flight on a dragon's back. Perhaps though it truly was born or at least in the case of King Robert Baratheon, truly took hold when the ship carrying his parents back from a visit to Volantis sank in Shipbreaker Bay. It's said that in his grief he blamed the dragons and if that's so then what happened with the Empress of the Ice and a broken betrothal was only more wood to feed the flames. Whatever the truth or the reasons, the Trial of Seven and the death of King Robert ended the animosity and House Targaryen and House Baratheon were finally back on the same side once more.

A history of the conquest of the Dragonknight,

Marwyn the Mage.

Riverlands 300 AC.

Aemon Targaryen.

His fingers brushed through her hair softly, moving it from her face and back to the pillow that she rested upon. Through his dark grey eyes, he watched the small little expressions she made as she slept. Little frowns, smiles, and once even looking as if she was concentrating on something really hard which almost made him laugh out loud, all of them were welcomed by him greatly. They'd celebrated with the men and spoken on what was to come and then they'd retired for the night. Each of them was as eager as the other to be alone and to get lost together. Their lovemaking had been both hurried and rushed and slow and very much not and it had allowed for him to rest easy as they both fell to sleep. Now though he was awake early as he always was and it gave him this time to just be at peace and enjoy looking at his beautiful wife.

Aemon had always known he was built for war and that it was his destiny to wage it, win it, strike down the Empire's enemies, and be the sword and shield at his father or brother's side. When he was but a boy his mother had told him that he had a destiny even bigger than that and that his name would ring out around the world louder than any Dragonknight's before him. What that destiny was he knew not as the gods had seen fit to take her from him before she could tell him more. Looking down on Rhaenys as she slept, the only thought he had in his head was that his destiny lay beside him. It had been her, always her, and no one but her and so after placing a soft kiss on her cheek, Aemon rose quietly from the bed.

He dressed in his armor, despite there being no true danger for him to face this morning. Old habits die hard and a warrior's habits were what kept them alive. With a last look to the bed, he then moved from the tent and nodded to the guards knowing that when she woke she'd ask for him, just as she always did. Aemon made his way to the fire to see Thoros sitting alone by it. The red priest was looking into the flames and did not notice him until he'd sat down beside him.

"Do you seek answers, my friend?" he asked when Thoros looked to him.

"I do, my prince. R'hllor has gifted me with some though I know not their context or meaning." Thoros said and Aemon bid him continue "Qarth, my prince. I saw visions of Qarth and of the Blood Wyrm."

"Future visions?" he asked worriedly.

"Past ones, my prince. Of our own time there and what we did." Thoros replied.

"You're sure it was a vision and not a memory?"

"I saw it in the flames, my prince. The same as any R'hllor gifts me."

"Then give him my thanks, Thoros, for I believe I know what it is your god wills of me." he said rising to his feet, Thoros looking at him curiously only for Aemon to shake his head and make his way to speak to Daario.

He didn't make it to his friend's tent, as seeing Arthur outside the tent that held Ser Barristan Selmy it was to there he went instead. Both he and Rhaenys had noticed the respectful way that Arthur had helped Barristan onto the cart and the knight had since spent time with the man once he'd woken. It seems he was doing so again and it made Aemon even more curious to know his thoughts.


"My prince."

"He is well?" he asked and Arthur nodded.

"Marwyn says the wounds won't fester and that he'll be back to his feet and wielding a sword again before the week is done." Arthur said and yet it was what he didn't say that Aemon began to think on.

"What is it about this man, Arthur? I know he earned your respect during the fight, but there's more to it than that, what intrigues you so?" he asked when he found he couldn't quite figure out Arthur's mind.

"I wish for more true blades around you and the princess, my prince. This is not Volantis and while your men are good and true and perhaps more capable than any we may find, I'd seek men from Westeros too." Arthur said and Aemon looked at him curiously.

"You wish to replicate the Imperial Guard?" he asked and Arthur smiled.

"A Kingsguard, my prince, one fit for the King of the Seven Kingdoms." Arthur said and he looked at him almost hopefully.

"You would stand as it's Commander?" he asked to a nod "And you believe Ser Barristan to not only be worthy but amenable?" he asked to another nod "Then you have my leave to form such a guard, Arthur. I'd feel more comfortable knowing Rhaenys was surrounded by men that you yourself picked."

"Men from the Seven Kingdoms, my prince?"

"Soon there will be only one kingdom, Arthur, so yes, men from Westeros."

He spent the rest of the early morning speaking to his men, sparring with one or two of them and then being joined by Rhaenys to break his fast. Aurane, Daario, and Torgho Nudho, Thoros, and Arthur along with Lord Royce and Ser Denys Arryn all then readying to ride with him and Rhaenys accept Prince Stannis's oath of fealty. They did so by the river, the same spot where he'd killed Robert Baratheon though other than he and Torgho Nudho none of them would be able to tell. The prince arrived with a dozen of his lords, some looking to him with anything but love in their eyes while others seemed almost relieved. Above them, in the air, Gaelithox and Meraxes flew and both dragons were in playful moods it seemed. Still, their presence served as a reminder that should they be needed they could be called upon with ease.

"Your grace, your grace." Stannis said to Rhaenys first and then to him as they joined him and the Lords of the Stormlands.

"Prince Stannis." he said and the first hints of smile he'd seen on the man's face began to form.

"Not after this, your grace, but I thank you for the courtesy." Stannis said as he nodded to his men and dropped to his knee "I Stannis Baratheon, the head of my house, do hereby pledge myself and my house to their graces, King Aemon Targaryen and Queen Rhaenys Targaryen. I do so freely and with no reservations and swear myself to them from this day to the last of my days and my house to theirs in perpetuity." Stannis said his voice firm.

"We accept your oath and swear to ask no service of you that shall bring your house into dishonor. You and your descendants shall always find meat and mead at our table and warmth by our hearth. The bonds of family that unite us are now renewed, Rise Lord Stannis as the Lord Paramount of the Stormlands and Lord of Storm's End." Rhaenys said and Stannis did as he was bid while his lords swore their own oaths to them and to him.

"Bonds of family, your grace?" Stannis asked curiously.

"The founder of your house, King Orys, was the Conqueror's brother, Lord Stannis. We are kin of a sort and as kin we welcome you once more." Rhaenys said and Stannis looked perplexed for a moment but then seemed to accept Rhaenys's words.

She'd shared this with him on the ride to the Riverlands, his sister's knowledge of their family's history far superior to his own as their father would tell her tales that he'd never told Aegon nor him.

When he'd spoken to Marwyn of it, it was with a foolish thought in his head. Cursed is the kinslayer was well known even in the Empire and so he'd asked both the Mage and Thoros whether he was inviting a curse upon himself by taking Robert Baratheon's life. Not that it would have stayed his hand if he was, but he had wished to know regardless. The blood they shared was so diluted that to expect it so would make any man who killed another, a kinslayer, Marwyn had said and Thoros had agreed. Hearing Rhaenys name them as kin though, made him hope they were right.

"What are your orders, your grace?" Stannis asked.

"Harrenhal, Lord Stannis. I seek Harrenhal." he said and Stannis and his lords along with Lord Royce and Ser Denys looked at him worriedly while those who knew him best did not.

Volantis 300 AC.

Viserys Targaryen.

He stood in front of the looking glass and ran his hand down his pristine black coat, the red accents standing out just as much as the chain he wore around his neck. His silver hair hung loose but was neatly combed and slicked back, a part of it resting on his shoulder as if he'd placed it there. Through his lilac eyes, he examined himself and felt he was ready for the day and so he turned to walk from the room and left the empty bed behind him. Walking to break his fast the only sounds he could hear was the ones he himself made and as he entered the room, he smiled and welcomed the noise that he was hit with.



The twins ran to him and within moments he had them in his arms, Rhaella playing with his hair while Aerys tried to stick his fingers in his mouth. They were so full of life, so eager to explore each and everything they saw around them, and yet it was still he that took their attention most of all.

"My little dragons, have you both eaten without me?" he asked to shakes of their little heads.

"No Papa."

"We waited."

"Only a little." they both said together.

The sound of their voices brought a smile to his face and he took his seat at the table between them both, while Serra looked at them all with a chiding look on her face. His wife was always the early riser between them both, more so since the twins were born and at times she said that he indulged them far too much.

"Very well, then we shall all eat together so you can both grow as big as Tessarion." he said to little laughs from his children.

"They'll make a mess of your clothing, Vis." Serra chided.

"Good, then I can be late for my meeting." he said to a shake of his wife's head, the smirk he gave her only half returned.

He had fallen for his cousin the moment he'd met her, both of them had been in Lys for the same reason and when they had both bonded with their dragons at the same time, that had been the only sign he had needed. At first, Rhaegar was against the match, not because he didn't wish him to be happy but more for the politics of it. Serra's father may have sought a more localized match for her and Rhaegar himself may have had different plans for him. Upon seeing them both together though he'd agreed almost at once, his dictate about marriages between family members not applying to cousins, thanks be to the gods.

The twins had come many years later, both of them having almost given up on the chance of children only to be blessed by two that any parent would wish for. It had been why he was reluctant to take up the seat of governance that Rhaegar had wished for him and why in the end he was governor only in name. Serra's brother standing in his stead while he spent his time in Volantis and served on Rhaegar's High Council. If anything he felt needed more here than there anyway as since Aemon's departure it was here that the truth of those who served them was to be found.

"Vis. Vis. I told you so." Sera said chidingly.

"They're children, my love, they're going to be messy." he said as he wiped the porridge from his formerly pristine coat.

"Sorry, papa." Rhaella said and he leaned down to kiss her while tickling her stomach at the same time, his daughter shrieking and kicking her little legs in a vain effort to get away "Stop it, Stop it Papa." she giggled, and eventually he did, Serra looking at them both and pretending to be annoyed.

"I didn't make mess, mama." Aerys said and Viserys saw the smile that appeared on his wife's face.

"Of course you didn't my good little dragon."

All too soon the meal was done and he was back in his room changing his coat before he made his way to the meeting. The sparring yard was full and he noticed one man standing alone, a man who kept looking his sister's way, and something about the man annoyed him greatly. It wasn't that he was showing an interest in Daenerys, his sister's beauty and charm would always attract attention, it was something that he couldn't quite put his finger on and he liked it not. Before he had a chance to greet his sister and take further stock of the man, both were gone from the yard. Dany off with Prince Oberyn's daughters and the ladies that she spent her time with since Rhaenys had joined Aemon in Westeros and the man had moved off to spar further in the yard somewhere.

"Prince Viserys." he heard the voice call out and he looked to see Oberyn twirling his spear "Care for a spar?" Oberyn asked with a smirk.

"I prefer to do my fighting from the air, Prince Oberyn. Do you think your spear a match for Tessarion?" he asked to a shake of the man's head.

He enjoyed the banter with Oberyn and had always found him good company when he would visit his goodsister, this visit though was different. Viserys had already been told by Elia of what Oberyn had come for and how she herself had reacted to it and he'd found out from those he was friendly with on the High Council of how he'd already sought them out. Varys then telling him more about the ones he was not friendly with and what responses the prince had been given.

While Aemon had no friends for true on the High Council, his nephew not being one to mince words or hold his tongue and not taking up the seat that was rightfully his having seen to that, he had no true enemies either. There was not a man brave enough to risk the Dragonknight's wrath and all knew that it was far better to be on Aemon's side than in his way. It was something he and Rhaegar had argued about, his brother only telling him that Aemon's path was his own and they had already played their role in it, whatever that meant.

Standing there watching Prince Oberyn easily beat all comers, he readied to say his own words on his nephew. They would not be ones that the prince or his brother would like and he'd gain no aid from him in whatever plans he had in regards to Aemon. Instead, he'd offer him advice that he hoped he would take, and then he would go to the real work of the day. It took longer than he had expected for Oberyn to finally call an end to his sparring, Viserys wondering if he was deliberately making him wait or if he just got lost in the movements of man and spear, and he'd wager it was the latter.

"You know why I wished to speak to you?" Oberyn asked after he'd wiped the sweat from his brow and then swallowed his mug of water in one large gulp.

"I do, for you are not so subtle in your movements at court, Oberyn." he said with a chuckle.

"I am here at my brother's request, Viserys. I need no subterfuge or have any wish to be caught up in some plot against the Empire or the High Emperor."

"Just his son." he said to a nod and another chuckle.

"As I said, I'm here at my brother's request. So tell me what it is you wish me to know and then we can both get back to doing that we'd much prefer to be doing."

"Kneel or be brought to your knees, Oberyn. You've seen how the Empire works and I've no doubt my niece and nephew will seek to replicate it somewhat and were Dorne to kneel then I've no doubt they'd give you and it far more freedom than they would others. You can be Qarth or Braavos, Oberyn, the choice is yours." Viserys said, his lilac eyes looking directly into Oberyn's black ones.

"Servitude is still servitude." Oberyn said softly.

"That all depends on who it is you serve. Qarth of Braavos, either is better than Chroyane." Viserys said and Oberyn looked at him disbelievingly.

"You put far too much faith in your nephew, Viserys. It took the entirety of the Freehold to bring Chroyane down." Oberyn snorted.

"It would not have needed so had they Aemon on their side. Trust me on this, Oberyn. You have not true idea of what my nephew is capable of. Should he but will it then Westeros would burn and not even combined will you stop him. I've said my piece, think carefully on my words for we are kin by marriage and I'd like to see you again. Yet I'd not mourn your loss."

He left the prince there and by the time his day was done, his children were already being put to bed. Viserys forgoing his meal for now so that he could sit by their bedsides and read them a story. Serra stood at the door listening while he did so and once he'd kissed both Rhaella and Aerys goodnight, he joined his wife for their meal.

Days later when he heard that Oberyn had left, he wondered what words he'd bring back to Doran and what words Rhaegar had spoken to him before he did so. Putting those thoughts aside, he made his way quietly to the room and opened the door, and once again he smiled and welcomed the noise that greeted him.



The Reach 300 AC.


Though not the full army of the Reach, the calling of the banners had gathered almost 30,000 men in quick time and was it any other opponent they were dealing with then Olenna wouldn't even consider what she'd already decided upon. The truth of things was that 30,000 or 70,000 it mattered not, men were useless against dragons, and it was not just the one that they'd have to face had these fools gotten their way. Princess Rhaenys was a Dragonrider too and while not as dangerous or lethal as her husband and his own dragon, the Princess along with Prince Aemon was far too much for them to handle.

When you then added in that somehow they'd managed to take the Vale already and so could now bring their knights to bear, it only proved her even more right. Words and not fighting men were the best weapon they had to call upon and a crown meant nothing if the man who wore it or sought to do so was dead. Gwayne thanks to Margaery had come to realize that, though his pride may still prove to be an issue. Now it was time to make these fools do the same.

At the king's behest, they'd come and they'd marched to provide an escort and show of force to the dragons, or so Randyll Tarly had said. The old fool was the loudest of the voices in the king's ear telling him that the tales of Prince Aemon's deeds had been exaggerated and that he didn't believe the Knights of the Vale could be subdued so easily. In this, he was joined by Mathis Rowan and some others. Lord Ashford, Garlan's goodfather Lord Fossoway and her own goodson Paxter Redwyne. The fool who bragged that his ships could win this war all on their own and only quietened when Margaery quickly pointed out that ships burn.

She had been so very proud of her granddaughter for that and for how after each time they riled Gwayne up, it was Margaery that whispered in his ear and set him straight. Olenna herself had kept quiet on the march, she'd said her piece in Highgarden and would again before they met the Targaryen's in Tumbleton. Her fool of a son had bid her stay at home lest they ended up coming to blows with the dragons and she been sorely tempted to slap him hard on the head while she told him that her entire reason for coming was so that didn't happen. Somehow she held herself in check instead by force of will alone. As she sat in the carriage alone with her thoughts she wondered how Margaery was getting on at the front of the lines. Her granddaughter had earlier offered to ride alongside her husband much to his delight and Olenna's relief.

"Grandmother." she heard the sound of her grandson's voice and bid the carriage to stop, Willas dismounting from his horse and climbing in to sit across from her once he did so.

"What news?" she asked eagerly, hating being out of the loop even for the few hours that they rode each day.

"Tarly is being his usual foolish self. He's busy filling the king's head with tales of glory and of how no army can stand up to the men of the Reach and with the king's leave he'd lead the vanguard against this so-called Dragonknight." Willas said and she wasn't the only one of the two of them to roll his eyes.

"I'm sorely tempted to ask Gwayne to give him leave to do so, just to watch the fool burn. Would it not end any hopes we have of a peaceful agreement with the dragons, then I'd do so too." she said and saw Willas's smirk "What else?"

"Word from our men in the Riverlands. It's true that the Starks have beaten the Hoares and that King Qhored is dead." Willas said and Olenna nodded and bid him continue "Something happened with King Brandon, grandmother, though I cannot find out more as of yet. Other than it was Prince Eddard who led the army and beat the Hoares."

She looked at him curiously and tried to make sense of it, neither of them able to and in truth, it really made little difference to their own course of action. What he said next however really did.

"King Robert is dead, grandmother." Willas said and she looked at him incredulously.


"It seems his army and Prince Aemon's came face to face at the Trident." Willas began before she interrupted him.

"There was a battle?" she asked and Willas shook his head confusing her even more.

"The details are not quite clear, but no battle was fought and as far as I can make out, Prince Aemon and King Robert faced off and fought each other without their armies." Willas said and she looked at him nodding her head for him to continue "After the prince killed King Robert, Prince Stannis knelt and the Stormlands have pledged to the dragons as well as the Knights of the Vale."

"You're sure of this?" she asked and he nodded "And the Vale it's true?"

"It's true, Lord Royce and Ser Denys Arryn march with the prince's men and while this latest news is not fully clear, I believe it since it comes from the same men, grandmother."

"Word will have been sent to Cider Hall no doubt, when will we arrive at the keep?" she asked eagerly.

"By nightfall."

"See that the king is made aware of this from your own lips, Willas. Then when the news is imparted in Cider Hall it will ring even more true."

"I will, grandmother." he said and she smiled at him as she bid the carriage stop once more, Olenna knowing that he'd do as she bid unquestioned.

It seemed to take an age for them to arrive at Cider Hall and the news had arrived there too just as she'd hoped it would. Their meal that night was one she much enjoyed as she did hearing Tarly and others still name this news as lies and still brag that they could win this war with no need to parley or negotiate or to take whatever crumbs fell from the dragon's mouth. Through it all Olenna looked at the king and watched as Margaery did her duty to her family by contradicting all that these foolish lords would say.

She found no need for herself to speak as Willas did what Mace was unable to, as Garlan did and as Gwayne did the same and by the time it came for her to retire for the evening she was feeling in a very good mood. The sound of the footsteps behind her and knowing who it was who came her way soon ended that and she bid Paxter, Ser Jon Fossoway, Mathis Rowan, and Randyll Tarly to join her in her rooms. Olenna letting them shout out their arguments and make their threats and even allowing Tarly his little snipes at her expense before she spoke.

"In the blink of an eye and by all accounts, Prince Aemon and Princess Rhaenys have taken two of the Seven Kingdoms with not so much as a battle being fought. The 5,000 or so men he brought to Westeros has now swelled to what? 50,000, 60,000" she said seeing Mathis nod while Randyll glared at her spitefully, the fool still not best pleased that it was Margaery and not Talla that was queen "King Robert Baratheon has fallen to the Prince's own hand and the Old Lion has tucked his tail and hurried back to hide at Casterly Rock."

She paused and took a sip of her wine before continuing, her eyes carefully watching as Ser Jon looked worried, Mathis concerned and Paxter far more with her than against her, while Randyll perhaps barely listened to the words she spoke.

"Do you really believe that the North and Dorne won't kneel to their kin too? Especially once news reaches them of what the dragons have already done? If tales are true the Bloody Gate is no more and the Neck is full of ashes of Ironborn who dared to pull on the dragon's tail. You would see the Reach in flames? See it's very best men outmatched on land just as they would be in the air or at sea. Something you've come to realize, Paxter, despite your earlier foolishness."

"Your speak to plain, my lady." Paxter said annoyedly.

"That I do, for plain words leave no room for dispute or misinterpretation. We cannot fight this prince, we must not fight this prince. That is the situation we find ourselves in, parley or die, for there is no third choice." she said firmly as Randyll rose to his feet and stormed to the door.

"You are not the Reach, my lady, and it's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees." Randyll said and she couldn't resist it, the words just came out of her mouth before he could leave.

"Horn Hill is stone and wood, Lord Tarly. Stone melts, wood burns and the Dragonknight is not a chivalrous knight who leaves his bad feelings on the battlefield. Pull on the dragon's tail as the Ironborn have and you may very well find that it will be your house and your keep that he seeks to use next to send a message to us all."

The sound of the door slamming as he left the room was loud and she saw that her words had hit home with the others present, far more than they had with Randyll Tarly.

"That man is a fool who seeks glory where there is none to be found. We've been given leave to parley, better to do so and judge those against us than wish to fight them regardless." she said to small nods, and after they left she sipped on her wine and contemplated whether or not Randyll Tarly's death needed to come sooner or later.

Riverrun 300 AC.

Ned Stark.

In barely a few moons he'd said goodbye to his father and now his brother. The raven he'd send to Winterfell bearing the news of Brandon's death was the hardest he'd ever had to write, as was the one he'd sent to Cat at the Moat. The words he'd spoken to both her and his son regarding the crown they'd bestowed on him were ones he'd never wished to write, just as much as the crown itself was one he'd not wished to wear. Yet the Lords of the North were right, Benjen was right and it had to be him and not Robb who took up the crown.

"The King in the North."

He shuddered at the memory of the meeting where the Greatjon, Maege, and his own brother had blindsided him and named him their king. His words that he didn't want it and that it was Robb who was Brandon's heir were shouted down and the truth of the matter was that he knew it had to be him. What they faced demanded it of him, justice for his father and brother demanded it of him and the North itself demanded it of him. When the Blackfish and the Lords of the Riverlands had sought to name him as their king too, that was where he drew the line.

He knew it had been his father's and his goodfather's wish for him to be king but he could not be, not now that he wore the Winter Crown. Usurping one son was one thing, two was a step too far, and should they wish it then they could name Bran their king when he came of age and someone as his regent until then, something they did, almost. They had named the Blackfish as regent until the war was done and would seek to revisit it in the peace that followed. As for the war that was to come, that would begin sooner than he wished and it was with a heavy heart that he made his way to the Great Hall for the meeting that was soon to begin.

"You were always a dour fucker, but by the old gods do you look even more miserable now your grace." Benjen said as he walked towards him, his brother's eyes were full of mirth which was a far more welcome sight than the tears that Benjen had shed these last few days.

"Given what we're about to do, I've got the right to be miserable have I not." he said and Benjen nodded.

"This is a fool's errand, Ned. Better to send men to seek a parley than to march an entire army to Harrenhal." Benjen said as the two of them began walking again and the sounds of revelry rose from the Great Hall as they neared it.

"I can't risk more men dying, Benjen. Not if we're to come out of this with our lives." he said almost a whisper.

"You still believe it to be true?" his brother asked hopefully.

"Aye, it's true. Now we just need to prove it to them." he said and with that, they walked into the Great Hall.

"The King in the North."

"The King in the North."

The cheers went up and almost shyly he waved his hand bidding them stop which they did after a while. He nodded to the Blackfish and to Lady Maege who was deep in conversation with his gooduncle and then took his seat. The room finally began quietening down and he waited for it to do before he rose to his feet.

"Our scouts bring back word that the Knights of the Vale now ride with the dragons." he said to loud hisses "Which means my nephew now has more men to call upon than we believed. His wife too rides with them which means he has two and not one dragon to call upon, and we've all seen what one can do." he said loudly as the hisses calmed "It seems that Harrenhal is the prize that he seeks and in that he's not alone as without Harrenhal falling, this war is not done."

"Then we march and stick our swords up his and his dragon's arses."

"The Knights of the Vale are no match for the men of the North or the Riverlands."

"For King Rickard, For King Brandon."

He let them shout themselves out before he spoke again, better to do so than to try and hush them when their blood was up.

"I know not whether I believe my nephew played a part in my father's or brother's deaths. The man that Lord Reed brought back may have named them as so, but things he said troubled me too and I fear we're being led into a fight that we should not be." he said to confused looks and to what he knew would be arguments were he not to speak the rest of his thoughts quickly "Should it prove true then justice and vengeance will be ours, on that you need not fear. The Blood Oath has been sworn, my lords, I'd simply see that the blood we spill because of it be the blood of the right men and not the wrong ones."

His words seemed to calm them down, for now, the lords were behind him though he knew not how long that would be true for. The part of them that wanted blood was a part that he himself knew all too well and yet, he was more than sure that the blood that needed to be spilled wasn't his nephew's. That and even if it was, he knew not how to accomplish it should the need arise. He'd listened to the words the man that Howland had brought back from Wendish Town had spoken and though on the surface they named Aemon as responsible, to Ned certain things didn't ring true.

"You dare accuse me of such a thing. You dare name me a kinslayer, you think I'll brook such an insult?"

"When I wish a man dead I look him in the eye or face him across a field. Ambushes to kill a man are for lesser men than me, so mark my words and mark them well. When I come for you, you'll see me coming, your grace."

"I'll not seek to fight against my kin until those responsible for my grandfather's death have paid for it, as I said. After then it's in the fate of the gods."

The words and the passion behind them, the truth of what he'd done to the Ironborn at the Neck. When if he was their enemy he could have simply have allowed them to ride into the ambush that awaited and them and then faced them when they were weaker. How Aemon spoke of his mother and how much he'd wished to see the North, to be invited to the North, all of it ran false for a man who'd ambushed two kings and killed them in such a manner. Either his nephew was a far better mummer than he believed him to be or more was going on here than met the eye. Ned believing it to be far more the latter than the former, as what point was there being a mummer when you held all the advantage.

"We march on the morrow, Ned?" the Blackfish asked and Ned wondered how long he'd been quiet and how many times someone had tried to speak to him while he was simply sitting there lost in his thoughts.

"Aye. Harrenhal, to answers or to battle." he said and he prayed to the old gods that it would be the former.

The conquest of Westeros XXXV.

House Targaryen.

The last true scions of Old Valyria and the only members of the forty to survive the doom, House Targaryen bore all the traits that made Valyrians stand out. From their silver hair and oddly colored eyes to a beauty that men and women would lose their minds and sell their souls to possess. Added of course to the ability to control the skies and ride on beasts that were fire made flesh. The desire to be joined with House Targaryen, be it to a prince or princess, had been something that those in Essos who'd named themselves noble had all known at one point.

Political gain, desire for wealth and honors, even in order to see that their own lands were left untouched, all of this paled compared to the desires and lusts that sharing a bed with a people whose beauty was so renowned, enflamed. Over the years few had been lucky enough to be welcomed into the beds of the dragons and the need to keep magic and control over their dragons had seen brother wed sister, uncle wed aunt and cousin wed cousin.

Still, there were the lucky few, House Velaryon perhaps far more than most, and those of the old blood, pureblood, and the noblest of families of the great cities of Essos had found favor from time to time. The Unworthy shared his bed with any who caught his fancy. While tales had been spread of promiscuous Princes and Princess and even Emperors and Empresses, though how much truth there was amongst the lies no one can tell. What is known is that when a dragon loves it loves with all it has and those lucky enough to earn that love are truly blessed. Those who try to take it from themselves or force it to happen, they're not so lucky.

A history of the conquest of the Dragonknight,

Marwyn the Mage.

Volantis 300 AC.

Daenerys Targaryen.

Her bags were packed and then unpacked, Dany feeling such a fool as she gathered all her things and packed them angrily before calming somewhat and realizing this wasn't some jaunt she was going on. Not some visit to one of their cities with her brother or goodsister, her niece or nephew. This time she'd be going further and farther than she had ever gone before and there would be no room for luxuries on Nightwing's back.

Some warm clothing, some coin, food, and a knife to protect herself though she'd not truly need it with Nightwing by her side. A part of her now wishing that she had the knife a few days earlier when she'd been cornered by that fool. Had she had it on her person then she'd have cut him or attempted to. As it was she'd almost been…no, not even he was fool enough to do that she thought as she shuddered at the memory.

Was it her fault?

Had she led him on?

Was she being a tease as he'd named her?

She didn't believe she was, she'd been friendly, charming and she'd admit she'd found him attractive and interesting and so she'd been flirtatious. They'd danced and she'd enjoyed it, but when he went to kiss her she'd made it clear that she didn't wish him to. When he'd touched her where he should not she'd slapped his hands away and it was only when Nightwing came to her aid that he'd stopped and walked away. Ser Gerold muttering under his breath things that she cared not to think about anymore.

Why had she not just gone to Rhaegar?

Spoken to Elia or Viserys?

Why not see him pay for what he'd said and what he'd tried to do?

She still wasn't sure of the reasons, try as she might she couldn't understand her reluctance to see him pay and yet, and yet, she wished him to pay all the same. Perhaps it was that she feared his words would be believed over hers and that while he'd be punished for what he did and tried to do, she'd face scorn and ridicule for leading him on or for the part she played in his actions. All she knew was that after he'd left her alone she'd then run to the one person who could tell her that she had not. The one person who would tell her that it was him at fault and not her, only to find the room as empty as it had been for moons.

"Why did you leave me behind?" she said softly, wiping the tears that fell from her eyes as she sat down hard on the bed.

To say she missed Rhaenys would be an understatement. Each day that she woke since she'd left it would be with the briefest smile on her face at the thoughts of what the two of them would get up to, only for it to be quickly wiped away when she remembered she was no longer here. Not to spend time with her, to gossip over men she may or may not like, or to ponder on potential matches that Rhaegar may make for her. Nor to simply hold her hand and tell her everything would be well when Dany felt sad, angered, or worried about something or other.

It was why it was to Rhaenys's room she had run and why her mind was now set on the course of action that it was. Wiping her eyes, she rose from the bed and took the pillowcase that she'd filled her things with and hid it for later that night. With a look at herself in the looking glass to make sure she looked presentable she then made her way to break her fast and even after she'd done so and had found that Prince Oberyn had left and that Ser Gerold Dayne had left with him. Yet it still didn't weaken her resolve for what it was she felt that she must do.

She'd been silly, naïve, thinking him to be the same type of man as his cousin and finding his looks to be appealing and so ignoring the other signs that showed he was very much not. Had Rhaenys been here with her then she'd have warned her, told her the truth about the man long before Dany had put herself in a position to almost be…to nearly be…

"No, he would not, he dared not" she said determinedly.

If Aemon had been here then it would have been in the sparring yard that the lesson was delivered to Ser Gerold Dayne and it would be delivered most harshly. Were her nephew to find out what he'd tried to do then the man would not have walked away with less than a scar or two. If Aemon had let him walk away at all that was. She missed them, both of them and her days weren't just dull without either of them here, they were unbearable. So she'd resolved to join them, to find them, and to be by their sides for as long as they allowed her to be.

The wait until night fell was a long one, Dany simply going about the motions as the hours passed until it was time for her dinner with her family. Whether her goodsister noticed her mood or was just being extra attentive, she knew not, but she feared it would lead to her being discovered. Thankfully though she ended up in her room alone and with her guards outside her door. She waited until the darkest part of the night and then placed the letters on the table by her bed before moving to the window. With a last look at her room and with a resolute nod of her head, she began the climb down to the ground and hurried through the grounds of the Grand Palace and out over the wall that Rhaenys had shown her and to the streets themselves.

"You knew didn't you." she said happily to Nightwing as the dragon waited for her in the Dragonpit "Take me to them." she said once she'd climbed onto her dragon's back and with the truest smile that she'd worn in moons, they quickly took to the sky.

Winterfell 300 AC.

Robb Stark.

He wasn't usually bored when he stayed at Winterfell, his time would normally be spent by his grandfather's side learning how to be the Prince of Winter and future king when his time came or by his uncle's side learning what it was to be a man. Sometimes he'd be the Stark in Winterfell and would need to sit in the Lord's Seat and not the Winter Throne while he served in his grandfather and uncle's stead. Normally the thoughts of such would be enough to raise his excitement and interest, but then normally there wouldn't be a war going on while he did so.

Cregan and he felt left out, thought of as lesser than other boys of their age and upon learning of their cousin and the things that Aemon had done before he'd even reached the age they were now, that feeling only grew. Answering petitions, resolving disputes, making sure that their stocks were set and their treasury was full, that all felt so dull and boring compared to leading men in battle and earning renown. Wielding a sword against a worthy foe not in the sparring yard but in a true fight or leading men in a charge into the enemy's ranks, that boiled the blood far more than seeing taxes were paid or deferred.

Had it not been for Lady Wynafryd's arrival and the words that his aunt Barbrey had spoken to him about what had been his grandfather's wishes, then only the old gods knew how he'd have not lost him mind by now. At Barbrey's request, he spent time with the lady, and though at first she didn't stir his heart how Alys did, in time she stirred it perhaps even more. It made him surer of the match and keener for it and the time they spent together was the most enjoyable time he'd had since he'd been left behind while the North went to war. It was not to last and the words that he read from the raven's scroll shocked him to his very core.

"This can't be…Are you sure it's from my father?" he asked Waldron and the Maester nodded.

"It bears the seal of the king, my prince." Waldron replied.

"My cousin, see that he's sent to me and Maester...speak no more on this." he said and Waldron replied that he would not and moved to the door, while Robb felt the tears stream down his face.

His uncle, a man who was as close to him as his father truth be told, his uncle was dead. Ambushed just like his grandfather had been and his body had been sent back to the Moat and would be sent on to be placed at rest in the crypts beside his father and the other Winter Kings. Robb could barely believe it, he didn't wish to and the thoughts of having to speak to his aunt and tell her the horrible truth, no, he couldn't bear it.

"You sent for me?" his cousin said jovially as he entered the room.

"Sit." he said and Cregan finally noticed his expression "Read." he said his voice short and curt as he handed his cousin the raven's scroll.

"This can't be…it's a lie, a…this can't be." Cregan said "Father, uncle Ned?" he then asked almost panicked.

"Both are well. My father sent another raven as did your own." he said handing Cregan the two scrolls that Waldron had given him that he'd not even noticed at first.

"We should gather the men, we need to ride…."

"We need to mourn our King. I needs must speak to Aunt Barbrey, she has to hear this from me. Gather the household in the Great Hall, I'll make the announcement once I'm ready to do so."

"How can you be so unfeeling?" Cregan asked angrily and that it was his grief that made him do so was the only reason he didn't earn a punch to his head for daring to name him so.

"I've cried my tears before you arrived and more will fall before the night is done. For now, I've things that need to be done and if I don't do them then who will?"

"Aye, I'm sorry, cousin." Cregan said a moment later and he smiled a sad smile at him and bid him do what needed to be done.

The walk to the embroidery room where his aunt, her ladies, and Lady Wyanfryd were spending their day was a long one, or perhaps it was that his footsteps were slow and his desire to get there was non-existent. Entering the room he received a smile from Wyanfryd that soon left her face and a worried look from his aunt Barbrey that did not.

"I need to speak to my aunt alone, can you ladies excuse us." he said his voice tight as he tried to rein in the emotions that he was feeling.

"Of course, my prince. My lady." Wyanfryd said as she rose and the others joined her, leaving him alone with his aunt who shook her head and didn't say a word.

"I'm sorry, Aunt…"

"No, Brandon, nooooo." she cried out, her pained shouts breaking his heart even more than it already was.

He'd needed to have Waldron give her Dreamwine, his words, Cregan's, none of them were enough to make her pain feel any less and he knew that it would only be time that did so. Once he was sure she was asleep and that her ladies in waiting would be close by, he then made his way to the Great Hall and took his place in the Lord's Seat before Cregan brought the room to silence. As soon as he did so, Robb rose to his feet and looked out at all those present. Guards, servants, smallfolk, all of those closest to Winterfell that needed to know, with the rest of the North soon to find out from the ravens that he'd had Waldron send out.

"My uncle Brandon has fallen. Taken from us just as my grandfather was before him. The King in the North is dead." he said to loud cries.

He let them shout, cry out, swear justice and vengeance, and then he told them of his father and what he would do.

"Prince Eddard Stark, my father, has been named as the new King in the North. He and my uncle Prince Benjen along with the Lords of the North have sworn the Blood Oath and will not rest until the men who killed my grandfather and uncle have paid for their crimes. To King Eddard Stark. The King in the North." he said raising his mug as Cregan stood up beside him and did the same.

"The King In the North." Cregan shouted loudly.

"The King In the North."

"The King in the North."

Sitting at his grandfather's desk later that night he felt himself on the verge of tears once more. When the knock came to the door he didn't even hear it nor did he notice when Wyanfryd stepped inside. How he made it to where she stood, he knew not. Only that once he did the battle was lost and he felt her arms around him as he sobbed against her shoulder.

"They killed my uncle." he said crying full tears now.

"I know, my sweet prince, I know. They'll pay for doing so, let it out, let it all out." she said softly as she held him and stopped him from falling to the ground and he did as she bid him and let out all the anguish and sadness that he felt.

Harrenhal 300 AC.

Daario Naharis.

He'd sent word back to the High Emperor that Aemon had taken the Vale and they'd named him their king. That he'd done so without even a true fight and had simply sent them a message to bring them to their knees. The Riverlands and Stormlands were soon to fall too and the North would come around as well. Leaving only the Reach, West, Dorne, and the Iron Islands to follow. By the time the letter had made it to the ship that would take it to Volantis, he found out that he would need to send another.

The Trial of Seven had been more successful than even Daario had dared to hope it would be and the Reach was seeking to be welcomed into their embrace rather than to be forced into it. He was just finishing writing the words on the new letter when Aemon called for him to join him. They would reach Harrenhal on the morrow and the prince didn't believe that those who still remained in the keep would surrender, not even to the force they'd assembled. So it was he and Aemon alone who made their way to the Blood Wyrm and it was only once they reached the dragon that Aemon laid out his plan.

"According to all who've seen it, Harrenhal can't be taken, Daario. But you and I know far better than that." Aemon said.

"That we do, my prince."

"Your night eyes still as good as ever?" Aemon japed.

"Not as good as yours but they rarely steer me wrong." he replied before smirking.

"Then shall we."

The flight wasn't a long one and the night was moonless which hid them from view even more so than the height they flew at. Looking down at the lights that burned throughout the keep allowed them to see some if not all of what they'd face. Yet it was only when they flew over the place with none that both he and Aemon saw the true plan begin to form. After landing and making sure they were right and then waiting some time to see if they'd been noticed, it was back to the camp they flew, and once back on the ground again, Aemon turned to him.

"How many?"

"Ten, twenty would be better." he replied.

"It can be done?" Aemon asked looking at him.

"It can be done."

"Good, get some sleep, we have a big day ahead of us on the morrow." Aemon said patting him on the back before stopping "And tell the men that you intend to bring not to drink."

"I'll do my best, my prince, but men drink." he said to a chuckle from Aemon as they walked back towards their tents.

He added it to his letter, sure that they'd see it was done and so he was eager to let Rhaegar know that it had been. Tasking Jaedor and Valarr to gather ten men, he told them what they would be doing and not to drink, neither man listening to him on the last point and he knew that Aemon had meant it as a jape. The next morning he woke early and was unsurprised when Aemon came to him soon after. Though he was by the man who walked with him. The old Stormland's knight had earned Ser Arthur's respect and had beaten Aurane, Daario himself, and Thoros in a spar, falling only to Aemon and Torgho Nudho. He'd recovered from his wounds and was being welcomed into Aemon's service, though it seemed his prince wished to see him bloodied first.

"Ser Barristan will be joining you, should the need arise. Introduce him to the men as you break your fast. We march once we do so and should arrive at the gates of Harrenhal by noon." Aemon said and Daario nodded.

The old knight was quiet and contemplative and yet for some reason, Daario felt comforted by his presence. Should it come to pass then tonight they'd either sup together inside the halls of Harrenhal or move behind the walls and face blood and death before the cock crows and the morning sun rose again. He hoped it was to be the latter, it was dull sitting around and his lady called out for blood.

"You think they'll accept the prince's terms, Ser Barristan?" he asked as they rode toward the gates.

"The king's terms, Daario." Ser Barristan replied.

"Your king, my prince. It's the same thing. See if he corrects either of us?" he said smirking and was pleased to see the annoyed look appear on Barristan's face.

"They'll not accept terms, the Ironborn are too stupid for such." Barristan said and Daario nodded, he didn't believe they would either.

It was a lady that came out to negotiate when they reached the keep. One who seemed fearful by their numbers and by the dragons that flew overheard, but who put on a brave face of showing that she was not.

"What brings you to my gates to disrupt my peace?" the woman said, the Queen of the Ironborn he'd heard her named.

"To accept your surrender, of course." Aemon said and Daario saw how the woman's expression changed and how Princess Rhaenys glared at her husband.

"Forgive my husband and his manners, your grace. Though his words spoken so brusquely are still true. We offer you safe passage back to the Iron Islands, and we will allow you to leave with all your wealth and under our protection." Rhaenys said and Daario looked at her incredulously, all their wealth? that wasn't part of the plan, was it?

"And should we not comply?" the Ironborn queen asked her mummer's bravery in full effect.

"Then you leave us no choice but to give fight." Rhaenys said firmly.

"Our walls are thick and though we're outnumbered we can hold back a larger force than you. We're well-stocked with food and men, so I reject your terms." the queen said and Aemon chuckled.

"How will your walls do against them." Aemon said as Meraxes and the Blood Wyrm roared and let loose their flames in the sky above their heads " How will your men hold off the army that we've assembled? Pride comes before a fall, your grace, don't let it do so before your own. There is no aid coming to you, no one to stand in my way in seeing your keep fall and so I offer you one last chance to reconsider. An hour, I give you an hour to decide..." Aemon said and then his words were interrupted angrily.

"I need no hour, be gone go back to the foul lands you come from, Prince Aemon, for you're not welcome here and the Drowned God spits on you and your offer." the queen said as she spat on the ground and Daario turned to Barristan and shook his head before rolling his eyes.

"And yet here I am and with no one strong enough to make me leave. Pray to your Drowned God and see if he's got balls enough to face a dragon. I wager you'll find that he like the other so-called gods will hide in his halls and cower as the truth is shown to them and you. There are no gods, your grace, and the closest you'll ever get to one is where you stand right now. Pray that he feels merciful should you be fortunate to face him again." Aemon said and even Daario chilled at his words and how he spoke them.

He'd seen his prince angered over the years and had watched him let loose his rage and yet it was times like this that he truly feared him. For it was at times like this even those who knew him best had no idea just how far Aemon would go.

The siege towers were built or at least looked as if they were. The army was formed up and their camp was set up as if they were readying for a siege and yet for those who knew better or watched it more closely they'd see it was a mummery that was being performed. It was the Westerosi that Aemon had put to this task, while their own men readied for a far different one. Thoros and his Flames of the Dragon, Aurane and their cavalry, Torgho Nudho and the Unsullied, and Aemon himself strolling not amongst the men of Westeros but the men of Essos and those he named as his own.

When night fell he and his men along with Ser Barristan made their way to the dragons to find Aemon waiting for them. It was a tight squeeze on the Blood Wyrm's back but they all managed to take their places and other than Ser Brristan, they all welcomed the flight to come. The old knight was far more nervous than any and it was only when they landed in the Godswood that he opened his eyes, or so Daario would wager.

"Get into position and when the Blood Wyrm roars, do as you must." Aemon said quietly and then the dragon was back in the sky.

With a nod to Jaedor and Valarr and a look to Lucearon who stood by Ser Barristan's side, they began to move through the empty Godswood and made their way to its gates. Bows were soon made ready, arrows aimed and as they sat and waited, he looked to Ser Barristan who to his surprise wore an eager look on his face. For Daario and the Second Sons, this was something they'd done more than once over the years. He wondered if the Knight had ever done anything like this in all of his.

"How long do we wait?" Barristan asked and the sound of the Blood Wyrm's roar may well have been enough for the question to be answered, just in case it was not, he did so anyway.

"The waiting is done, the fighting is what comes next." he said to some quiet chuckles and to the sound of arrows flying through the air.

Soon enough he was cutting down men with his Arakh or stabbing them wherever he could with his Lady as they moved closer to the gates. He lost two men before he reached them and would have lost Lucearon and Jaedor too were it not for Ser Barristan who wielded his sword like it was an extension of his arm. The man was as much an artist as Arthur or Aemon were, he was one who painted on no canvas and one who only painted in red.

"Low." he heard the shout and then he felt the wings as the Blood Wyrm flew close to the walls, the flames taking care of the last of the men, and then he and his men were at the gates themselves.

"Help me." he shouted and while Barristan watched their backs, he, Valarr, and Jaedor opened the gates and he heard the sound of the Blood Wyrm as the dragon landed outside of them.

Within moments he was looking at Aemon's red armor as his prince made his way towards them with Dark Sister in hand. Soon enough the sound of the horses as they rode to the gates and he smiled as they turned and looked to the inside of the great keep itself.

"Shall we." Aemon said and Daario chuckled as he and his men along with Ser Barristan followed the prince as he strode forward and moved deeper into the grounds and to the prize of the keep itself.

How many men they cut down before Torgho Nudho joined them with a detachment of Unsullied he knew not, only that he swore he saw Ser Barristan stop to watch as Aemon wielded his sword. Dark Sister could be a thing of beauty or a bloodthirsty bitch and tonight it was the latter that they were all treated to. It was early the next morning that the keep was theirs for true. Aemon taking his seat on the throne that had been built for the Hoares and not moving from it until Rhaenys arrived.

"You were not supposed to fight, Aems." the princess said as she checked him over for wounds, of which he had none.

"I couldn't let Daario have all the fun, Rhae." Aemon said earning him a laugh from those with Daario that he'd fought beside and a slap from his wife that was perhaps just as well earned.

By noon they'd found the Ironborn queen and her daughter, the two of them looking terrified as they were brought in front of Aemon, and Rhaenys and Daario smirked at the look on Aemon's face as he readied to speak.

"I told you not to place your faith in gods, Lady Hoare. Fear not though for I feel merciful this day and my wife would think ill of me were it not so." Aemon said as he took Rhaenys hand in his and raised it to his lips to place a kiss upon it.

A/N: Thanks to all who've read and reviewed. Up Next, Aemon and Rhaenys share some quiet time together as he explains more of his plans. The North arrives at a fallen keep and tensions rise as Aemon meets his uncles and learns of the death of Brandon Stark. Tyrion arrives in Braavos and has a meeting with a mockingbird and Rhaenys proposes a peaceful settlement with to the North and Riverlands before she and Aemon and the dragons head to Tumbleton to meet with the Reach. In Dorne, Oberyn arrives home and finds Doran has been busy while he was away.

Coolguy. I have a plan regarding the wolves and yes Jon with Ghost no matter what name Jon has, is wrong.

Daryl Dixon: Can't answer the first part, but the next chapter has Ned/Benjen meeting with Aemon and with Rhaenys.

Leonel: I like the Mannis and Barry is just awesome so felt that it worked story-wise for both to survive. Well as you see the North is angry but Ned is not as dumb as canon and he and Benjen having met Aemon allows for them to look at things more clearly. Willas and Marge got the brains from Olenna, Loras was a bit of an idiot truth be told, Garlan is better though. Jaime knows what he knows but he never really cared to learn beyond that, he kind of is the type of guy who has skills and thinking them enough. I get that with LF, you're not going to like him here either is all I'm saying. Caraxes is red yes, this isn't Daemon's Caraxes though but another one. So while some of the dragons have the same names as more legendary ones, few are from that time. I've not yet shown what happens to a Dragonknight's dragon when the Dragonknight is no more but Gaelithox will only ever have one rider.

The best way I can describe it without spoiling it too much is this, the Star that Burns twice as bright burns half as long.

I will though do another lore part on the dragons in Marwyn's notes, either next chapter or the one after which explains it more. In terms of size, Rhaegar's is the biggest dragon with Aemon's not much smaller. In regards to the name is it really any different to having six Aegon's or numerous Rhaenys etc? I think the Targs felt they were protecting their history and so while yes it's boring, it kind of is how the naming process works. Dany naming hers Nightwing is one of the few that isn't named for a Valyrian God. Anyway hope this helped and I will do some more with it so it's clearer.

Asonia: You read it right. Ned/Benjen meeting Aemon, what he did with the IB at the Neck, neither is buying it, but they still need to be sure, but yep, you read it right.

Zyrus: I like the Mannis, books version anyway, the show screws his over big time. But how many times would he come up against a spear, so he was outmatched. Sorry it wasn't your fave chapter, hope you liked this one better or perhaps you can let me know what it is you like and I can see if there is any of that upcoming.

Itachi: It is about Aemon/Rhaenys but Dany has her part to play too and yes people will wish to wed her, but that's her life anyway. With Aemon/Rhaenys she may actually get to choose who she wishes to wed.

Guest71: I kind of do yes lol. I love the Rising Son, with the fights I've tried to do I've replicated it a little without just copying and pasting it and given it my own spin, but one of the things is deciding how much and how little to put into each of them. The Trial of Seven is more to show what happened than to give a true example of the fighting because there are some big ones to come and the danger is you almost go too big too son, making a more important fight feel less so. Robert is/was an inconvenience, Aemon is going to face someone who is more of a threat later on. Oberyn knows the tales, he doesn't need to learn them, it's more the support and how worried the Empire is in relation to Aemon he's seeking out.

So say, for example, they warned him if he attacked Aemon he'd face their wrath, on one hand, that makes you go, oh oh, the Empire would fuck us up, but on the other it makes you go, Aemon is take able. Where instead, they've shown no concern or worry and so it makes Oberyn go, wait a minute, just how badass is this guy really. The tales are easy to find out, it's the man that Oberyn was seeking to understand and whether or not they could rein him in through Elia and the Empire, he knows now he cannot, but he already kind of knew that they shouldn't fight him because they can't win. If that makes sense.

On Dorne's tactics, Aemon has been fighting in deserts all his life, he's well capable of facing anything Dorne throws on him.

So on the Dragons, only a Dragonknight can ride a Dragonknights dragon and the bond is only between the dragon and the Dragonknight. We'll see how it came to pass, but no one else can bond with a Dragonknights dragon. Some of the dragons from canon won't have existed here, but there have always been dragons. There are dragons that are unbounded too. We'll be delving more into the Dragolore in an upcoming Marwyn pov as I mentioned to Leonel up above.

Stannis is as you say but the difference between Elbert and the Stormlanders is that Elbert's issue was Aemon denied him his birthright, he's not taken a Baratheon from the Stormlanders, just their crown. With Jon C he, unfortunately, paid the price for being too logical a character not to fight in the Trial so I couldn't have too many survive. As you see with the North, they were angry but Ned/Benjen are thinking more straight.

One of the things about the Reach is they're practical too, the faith issue won't pop up yet, soon but not yet and so for now the Reach's issue is the loss of a crown, kneeling, and survival. But I do have plans for the faith, Aemon's irreverence and lack of respect for gods are a key part of the story and his disdain for the faith will have consequences. I have to delve more into Essos and it will have its own plotline which plays into this one too, as for Varys he's less canon Varys here into hat he's not so much about the Realm or caring about Blackfyres, but we'll see him soon enough. Hope you liked Viserys and we will be seeing a slow down and a little bit of a time jump too I think. Thanks for taking the time for this review, it's much appreciated.

Guadalupe: Con los Starks, la idea es que Brandon / Rickard fueron los idiotas y los Northern Lords solo quieren pelear, pero Ned es más inteligente que el canon y Benjen también está a su lado, lo que les permite no ser tan tontos.

Guest: Glad to hear it, hope this cleared it up for you. This will play out over a few chapters and is not the last we see of Gerold Dayne.

Classicxd: So happy you enjoyed it, one of the things I've tried to do is have the characters while changed somewhat based on circumstances, still retain some of what we know of them. The Tyrell's with Olenna in charge are exactly who they are no matter what the timeline, the biggest thing with them is which side they end up on lol.

Celexys: Tyrion wants to prove himself and I do think he's the smartest Lannister, Aemon was able to play him not so much because he was smarter but because Tyrion hasn't truly played the game yet, we'll see him playing in a bit. Oberyn is really on a mission of failure and his heart's not really in it either, Viserys's words will have hit home too. Glad you enjoyed the fight.

Dunk: I think with Jaime that's who he is, give him a task and he can do it, but he doesn't get involved in the minutiae where Tyrion really does, together they'd be very interesting and hard to stop. Glad you liked the trial, yes Elbert was always a problem waiting to happen, I had another arc planned for him but felt he'd not be able to let this chance slip by, and well it cost him his life. Benjen/Ned both having met Aemon changes everything for them, had they not then they'd be thinking as stupidly as the Lords of the North, some of whom will act stupidly, but they have and it just changes their perspective. As does the fact that Ned isn't canon Ned too, he's more wolfish. Well, Dany will join them but no not in that way, Aemon is lost in Rhaenys, she's literally the only thing he ever wanted so Dany doesn't see him that way and neither does he see her, but she will join them yes.

Keb: It's funny you bring up the Ned thing about the kinslayer as you see it here on Ned's mind, Ned is smarter than he looks here, and meeting Aemon changes everything with how he'd react. If he hadn't met him then it may work, but because he has he's not that foolish The easiest part of the conquest is just about done, the hard part is coming soon. Aemon may not be able to get proof but he may know where to look just by understanding the board a little. Glad you enjoyed the trial by seven.

Call me Author: So glad you liked it, hope this view of Ned and the North was to her liking too.

Picking up story: Thanks so much for saying that, it means a lot.

Uday: Thanks so much.

Iota: Without spoiling too much there is so going to be a bigger example of the dragon's might to do as you say, won't say where, but yes it's coming.

Creativo: .Tywins y Robert tienen mucho en común, pero es principalmente arrogancia más que falta de inteligencia.

Svenion: So glad you liked it, I try with the chapter titles to make them resonate a little.

Guest: So be it.

Xan Merrick: Thanks my friend: glad you liked it.

Supremus: The thing is you have the exact same if not worse problems for the North themselves, yes there are places to hide and yes it's legalistically a problem. But food and warmth are as big problems for the North, bigger even as at least the invading force can bring it in from elsewhere. The North can't feed itself, it's that simple, so destroy the keeps, force them to hide then how do they do so? Where do they get the food from if they can't hunt without the risk of a dragon attacking or leading men back to where they're hiding? How do they grow crops and sow them if they're hiding in caves?

The North is vast, but it's as hard for those who live there to survive in as it is for those outside. Cut off the North's supply of food from the south, stop them from being able to fish, to sow crops, force them to have to deal with the elements because they have no keeps, no homes to hide in and the North would remember all right.

Yes you have to break their spirit and yes it could end up with you having to kill every last man and woman in the north, I'm not saying it would be easy, but damn it's not as hard as you seem to believe it to be. We're not talking Russia in WW2 here. We also have canon evidence that the North can be subdued and that the people/Lords don't have the same will to fight that the Dornish had in canon because once Ned Stark and Robb Stark fell, they allow the Bolton's to take over. They get overrun by the damn Ironborn FFS, so I'm sorry but their days of glory are behind them when it comes to war if it's fought on their doorstep, what's saved them for most of the time was that it never truly was fought there. Torrhen knew this, he knew that they couldn't handle the Dragons and so he knelt. You may want to romanticize it and them, but you have to deal with the facts too. The North can be taken, Dorne can be taken, with Dragons nowhere can be.

You can think what you want about Arthur, he's universally accepted as the greatest swordsman that has ever lived in Westeros. He's demonstrably better than Barristan and Jaime Lannister, both men saying so. As for Robert, we have the quote that GRRM uses, Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought honorably and Rhaegar died. Now that suggests there is more to it than simply Robert beating him in a fair fight. Yes, Robert did do exactly as you say he did, but that was a Robert aged 22 and in his prime, a Robert who'd been bloodied in war. It has no bearing on Robert here nor on the fight, he'd have with Aemon who again it's been established in this story is as far from Rhaegar as Arthur was.