
Game of Thrones: A Song of Blood and Fire

In 276 AC, Viserys Targaryen was born as the second son of the Mad King. Rumours had it that the candles of the castle grew as the flames turned blue, to indicate either the birth of a dragon or the ending of a dynasty.

Vitamin_F · Book&Literature
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The birth of a dragon

[ 276 AC, Red Keep ]

[ 3rd pov ]

On a room of Magor's Holdfast, a beautiful woman was screaming. Her white hair and purple eyes showed her Valyrian blood, and the handmaids around her showed her status.

"Keep pushing, my queen." said one of the older handmaids as she encouraged the queen, Rhaella Targaryen.

"Ahhhh!" screamed Rhaella, pained by the process.

This wasn't by any means her first time giving birth, in fact it was the tenth time she was having a child, however the pain of the procedure was still unmeasurable.

As the queen continued, the guards outside the chambers knelt before their king, Aerys II Targaryen, who had just arrived.

"Open the doors!" said the king loudly before entering the room where his sister-wife was giving birth.

The members of the Kingsguard followed him closely, but remained outside of the chambers.

After a long birthing procedure, a young boy was finally born.

King Aerys stared at the boy with a strange expression, a mix between relief, pride and madness was clear on his eyes, making the people around him worried.

"His name shall be Viserys Targaryen." he said in his usual loud tone.

The candle lights on the room changed colour, turning blue for a moment and growing in size before returning to their usual, orange coloured appearance.

Aerys was stunned for a moment at the sudden change, as were the rest of the handmaids who saw it.

A smile appeared on his face, however it was quickly replaced by a frown.

For a moment he thought it might be a sign of the gods that they were pleased by the birth of his son, which would have shown that the humiliation he went through at the walk of repentance to the Great Sept of Baelor was worth it, however his suspicions replaced his momentary happiness.

'It must have been a sign...' he thought, looking around in a slightly mad panic. 'It must be a warning that he is not safe...'

"Keep a Kingsguard in his room at all times!" he said in a loud tone. "No one is allowed to be alone with him! Not even Rhaella!"

The people in the room were surprised by his words, however they quickly recovered. The king had already taken strange decisions which some claimed were because of his 'madness', however no one present voiced their opinion.

"I will see it is done, my king." said Ser Barristan Selmy, bowing slightly.

Aerys nodded and looked at his son one last time before leaving.

On the embrace of Rhaella, who was too tired to even make sense of the words of her husband, Viserys Targaryen opened his purple eyes.


[ Viserys pov ]

A few months had passed since I was born and countless questions came to my mind.

This was now the third life I had been born and I couldn't help but wonder... was this normal? I attributed my last life to some sort of mistake, but being reborn twice, both times with my memories intact was a rather... strange coincidence.

I set my thoughts aside rather quickly and instead focused on my situation. I learnt many things in my last life about how to act once you are born and what to spend your time while you are a baby, and the simple answer is planning.

There will never be a moment in your life in which you have as much free time as when you are an infant, so all of it should be used to decide what path you will take and set a main course of action, so that once you are at an age where you can actually do things, you don't waste time planning unnecessary things.

"You are still awake, my little prince?" asked my mother, Rhaella Targaryen, as she entered the room.

The Kingsguard, who up till now had been standing on the side, welcomed her inside.

"Anything you require, your grace?" he asked in a calm tone.

My father had apparently ordered a Kingsguard to stay at my side at all times, and not even my mother could be alone with me. Normally someone would complain about this, but honestly I don't mind. In a world like the one of game of thrones, anyone who would get angry at being protected while they can't protect themselves would be the biggest idiot to ever live.

There were other decisions that were rather... questionable, such as having someone taste the milk from the woman that breast-feeds me before I drink to make sure it isn't poisoned or something.

"I just wanted to see my son." said my mother, bringing me out of my thoughts for a second, before I realised she was only here to pinch my cheeks for a while and tell me stories about dragons.

I had been thinking about how to act in this new life. Should I be a ruthless ruler, as I was before? Or should I perhaps act more benevolent, and become a Prince Charming of sorts.

Last time I was ruthless and cruel because it was the easiest way to survive, after all Ozai rewarded me for it.

Each option would bring me different allies, different enemies, and different ways to possibly die.

"You are not paying attention..." said my mother with a pout, making me both slightly surprised and confused, though thinking back, Ursa had a pretty good sense of what was going on my mind when I was a child as well, especially since I can't properly control my facial expressions due to the lack of formed muscles on my face.

"Your time is up, my queen." said the Kingsguard after a while, making a sad expression appear on my mother's face.

"I know..." she replied with a sigh before kissing my forehead and leaving.

I wasn't sure if this had happened in the books. I kind of remember that Aerys didn't let anyone alone with Viserys when he was born, but the amount of time spent was also limited? Well, I wouldn't exactly put it past the Mad King...