
Game of Thrones: A second chance.

The story of a simple Lycan, lucky enough to get a second chance at a new life, going through the world unimpeded and trying his best at living his life as he goes. And with how his old life used to be, he didn't plan to waste it. On my first try at writing, I will try my best, but as English is not my first language, I hope you enjoy this story for what it is. If you enjoy, show your support. Or have a comment on how I could get better at writing. I would appreciate it. -- disclaimer -- I do not own Game of Thrones or any related information. I also do this for the fun of it, so go easy on me if the update rate of the novel is not constant sometimes. Covert art comes from the net, I don't own it, just thought it looked cool. Also trying to develop the story as best as I can. There will be a big backstory at the start. But I hope you can enjoy it. And one last thing, ill try to update 3 or 4 times a week.

Adalwolf_k · TV
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28 Chs

Chapter 3: The Lycan family of the north.

I think it would be a good time to explain what the bite of alpha does to normal humans. In the first hour of the process, a mild fever starts, being a consequence of the body fighting the change of every one of its cells. After the first hour, the fever will rise until the fangs and claws pop out for the first time. The first step has a duration of between 2 to 8 hours, depending on the person. And the longer the process takes, the more powerful the Lycan will be.

When the fever subsides, Comes the next step, the first transformation. For those not born like us. And are already grown up, it's as painful as it can get. The first is that all your bones break and start rearranging themself. This process, at the same time, makes the muscle and the skin to start tearing. Then, the body starts to work overtime, you feel like your on fire, and your organs start to reform. You feel like your body is with millions of ants going through it.

At this time the process has lasted around 10 hours. And this is the part where your fur is starting to appear. When this happens everything starts to rearrange itself to turn into the true self. Until you finish the process, and the mighty wolf comes out at last. And then you can finally feel your new self and the power that comes with it.

So to finally start the process, we gather in a room where there were a bed and a lot of space for people to experience the process. And see what was gonna happen with the change. I told them how the process was supposed to be, so we prepare for it and tried to be as cautious as possible.

As I had planned, I bit Hodor first, my beta has priority. and told them to wait until he finished his transformation. This was also to give them the last insurance that nothing wrong was gonna happen.

They bear witness as all the stages passed one by one. In total it took 14 hours. I had never heard of one that took this long. But from what I was told, great power comes through suffering. And at this exact moment a massive grey wolf, even bigger than mine, appeared in front of them. All their doubts about me not being able to do what I had said vanished instantly.

Then Hodor turned back to human form, most likely instinctively. He had grown a little bit more, making him look even taller. His face looked full of life like it looked years ago before the accident. He first looked confused, for a long time, I stayed with him for almost two days, bit by bit he started to be able to remember things from the past and a few hours after that he could already talk some simple words, different from Hodor.

I don't know if this is because I changed his fate, and the accident that broke his brain will never happen. Or if simply the bite cured the part of his brain that broke. You never know when vision time travels are at play.

So after a few days, time for Hodor to recuperate, we all again gather to turn the house stark.

As soon as we all were here, Hodor closed the door and then looked grateful toward me. And what surprised everyone but me, he could speak again.

"Thank you, my lord. I don't know how long it has been since I could think as clearly as I can now. And I am starting to remember all these years that happened. It's like magic," Hodor said slowly, maybe because of not enough practice. Looking at me with admiration.

"I want you to leave with me, see the world, and what it can offer us. And it's not magic. It's destiny that guided me to you so that I can give you a second chance," I patiently explained.

"Thank you, my lord, but the starks have done a lot for me, even if you were able to cure me. I still own my life to them," Hodor said with a lot of hesitation.

"It's okay Hodor. You have already done enough for us. I can see that you want to go. This kind of opportunity doesn't come every day." Lord stark said, looking at how hesitant Hodor was at this moment. And remembering what I had asked for, he tried to persuade him in leaving with me.

"Well Hodor, if you decide to come with me, I promise you a free life, full of wonders, adventures, and with no regrets. We will roam all the realms, experience the world as it should be. I hope you can consider it again," I said, trying to convince him again.

I was gonna continue, but before I could even do that, he started to kneel in front of me.

"Of course my lord, it would be my honor. My life is yours," he said with a resolute tone in his words.

That made me uncomfortable. I never receive treatment similar to this. So I just put my hand on his shoulder and said.

"I am not your lord, I am your alpha, and now we are a family," I affirmed, and when I finished talking I could feel the bond between him and me. For the first time, I could feel the link.

The link is what every alpha uses to give strength to his pack. While at the same time giving more strength to the flame.

And as soon as you get into the pack. This link is established with the alpha and the rest of the betas.

Having done this, I turned to the rest. Having all his family going to receive the gift, it was lord stark who decided to go first. It took almost as much time as with Hodor. And when it was finished, a brown wolf almost the same size as mine appeared in front of everyone.

But before I continue with the rest of the family, we had to change locations. There was not enough space and beds for all of them. It took almost two hours, but when it was ready I bit every member of the stark family, including Jon Snow.

The first to come out of it was the young ones, Arya and Bran. They were still very young and their changes were not as painful nor long. And in the end, they were turned into above-average little wolf cubs. And lord stark started to take care of them while the rest finished the process. Then a while later after the children, an elegant wolf appears before me. It was Catelyn, who I guess didn't have as much potential as her children.

Then a few hours passed, almost 13 hours until Sansa finished the transformation. That spoke volumes of the stark family Lycan potential, then came Robb, followed by Jon, who almost stayed for 15 hours transforming.

Robb was a dark red wolf, similar to his mother, and his power was obvious to everyone. And oddly enough Jon was a silver wolf. His Targaryen blood made his eyes deep purple and gave him a unique look. At this point, I knew that their power was far greater than their family, but as they were still so young, I would take a couple of years for them to shine.

Also, thanks to the change, Jon in human form now seemed a little more Valyrian. Like the Valyrian bloodline integrated perfectly with the Lycan bloodline. And that ended in the strengthening of it.

With this, my dealings with the stark were almost over.

I explained how the life of a Lycan family should be, and how to get the moon blessing. Also, told them what were our know weaknesses, and what powers we possessed. Finally, I explained that they could not turn other humans into Lycans, Because they did not possess the flame.

I spend one month teaching the new wolves our way of life. This included teaching how to handle your instincts, and preventing them from controlling you. Also, how to take care of young Lycan pups, As they now had two of them. And lastly, the way to create your wolfsbane tolerance and strengthen it. As it will be useful in case the information about that damn plant comes to light. And before I left with Hodor, I Also asked for a little gold for our travels.

And finally, it was time to leave the north. and on our way out of Winterfell. I told lord stark that the starks going to the south never ends well. And that it would be good to meet again in the future.

And as I was going out, I told him to be careful with what was on the other side of the wall. And that a dark era was approaching us, Winter was coming.

And once again I was traveling, but this time was different. I felt happy with restarting the great race of the Lycans in this new life of mine. And in the company of my first beta.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Expect updates every two days. And ill do my best to keep with this schedule. The next chapter to be expected on Friday or saturday.

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