
game of thrones:A New Creed

Sauron snow. was raised within the protection and domain of Winterfell. unaware of his assassin lineage and heritage. he soon discovers that he is far more than just a bastard boy.

Luckyluu · Urban
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8 Chs

the search

Isul weaved through the throng of people, a shadow in pursuit of elusive truth. The golden sun cast a warm glow over the fortress, but within him, a chill settled – a precursor to the revelations that awaited.

Cloaked in the guise of an elderly traveler, Isul's piercing yellow eyes scanned the surroundings, absorbing every detail, every whisper, his senses heightened by the gravity of his mission. He was searching for the last natural-born assassin, a task of paramount importance, but one easier said than done.

As he traversed the bustling courtyards and secluded chambers, Isul maintained a veil of inscrutability, concealing his true intent beneath layers of calculated expressions and gestures. The inhabitants of Winterfell were as diverse as they were numerous, each carrying their own narrative, a piece of the intricate tapestry that formed the living, breathing entity that was Winterfell. Isul's interactions were marked by calculated restraint, gathering bits of information, gauging reactions, while ensuring his true identity remained shrouded in mystery.

The fortress, bathed in the golden warmth of the fading sun, concealed shadows within its crevices, shadows that whispered of concealed truths and clandestine encounters. Isul, with his enhanced senses and years of training, treaded the delicate balance between observation and engagement. The air was rife with the scent of woodsmoke and the distant clang of metal, the symphony of daily life providing a backdrop to his investigation.

During one of his meticulous searches through the less frequented parts of Winterfell, Isul stumbled upon a chilling discovery. Hidden in the shadows of an abandoned alcove, concealed beneath the discarded remnants of daily life, lay the lifeless form of a woman. The sight that met Isul's eyes was one that would be seared into the minds of the uninitiated, a gruesome tableau of mortality. The woman's face had been meticulously cut off, leaving behind a grotesque canvas of exposed flesh and muscle. Isul knew this was the work of his former brothers and sisters and that the faceless men were here.

Overcome by the grim discovery, Isul's mind was thrust back to the night the Brotherhood was betrayed. The shadows in their sanctuary had whispered of deceit, the air charged with impending doom. allies, cloaked in treachery, had turned the hallowed halls into a battlefield of clashing steel and betrayal. Isul's instincts and agility had been his salvation, allowing him to meld with the shadows and escape the massacre. The faces of betrayers, veiled in falsehood, haunted him, their motives still a mystery. The sight in Winterfell was a stark reminder— the past was still alive, the Faceless Men lingering like shadows. Fueled by memories of fallen brethren and a resolve for justice, Isul delved deeper into Winterfell.

Isul pressed on, his every sense attuned to the subtlest of shifts, the faintest of whispers. The bustling atmosphere of Winterfell concealed a myriad of secrets, the seemingly mundane interactions masking a web of intrigue.

During this meticulous investigation, Isul encountered a local, a blacksmith toiling away at his forge, the rhythmic clanging of metal resonating through the air. A veil of discretion cloaked Isul's approach, his inquiry concealed beneath layers of casual conversation.

"Good day, blacksmith," Isul greeted, his tone amiable yet laced with underlying purpose. "I was wondering if you have any fresh steel for sale."

The blacksmith, a burly man with a face weathered by years of toil and smoke, eyed Isul warily. "Haven't seen your likes around here, you must be a traveler."

Isul's gaze remained unwavering, the depth of his eyes a well of untold stories. "Indeed I am."

The blacksmith's hands paused momentarily, a flicker of hesitation crossing his features. "Aye, I do have some new weaponry. Fresh out the forge, do you know what you're looking for?"

Isul leaned in, unveiling his hand from underneath his cloak, placing a peculiar yet familiar artifact on the table, his voice a hushed whisper, "Do you have anything like this?"

A shadow crossed the blacksmith's face, a mixture of confusion and astonishment. "I don't have anything like that." The blacksmith keenly examined the weapon, admiring the intricate work of craftsmanship.

The blacksmith looked upon Isul. His curiosity had been struck, and his eyes showed a thirst for knowledge. "Where did you get this?"

Isul, maintaining his guise of an old traveler, simply responded. "I found it along my travels in Dorne."

The blacksmith's eyebrow raised. His suspicion was as vivid as could be. "I've only ever seen this type of design once before; one of the boys from the hold brought something like this to me before, although it seemed to be damaged."

"Thank you, for your time"

With a nod of acknowledgment, Isul melted into the shadows, leaving the blacksmith to his forge and heading towards the castle hold of Winterfell. The revelations of the day weighed heavily on Isul's mind, the presence of the Faceless Men and the discovery of the body painting a grim picture.

As he continued his search, every sound, every movement was scrutinized, the subtle click of a hidden blade resonating in the shadows. Isul's senses, honed over years of training and betrayal, picked up the faint sound, a harbinger of the convergence of destinies.

Maintaining the cloak of shadows around him, Isul delved deeper into the hold of Winterfell, the rhythmic clicking sound guiding his steps through the labyrinthine corridors. The fortress, bathed in the golden hue of dusk, exuded an aura of mystique and concealed secrets, making every step Isul took feel like a step into darkness.

Expertly avoiding the guards' watchful eyes, Isul moved with a ghostly grace, his every sense heightened. He was like a whisper in the wind, unseen yet ever-present, his gaze scrutinizing every hidden corner, every flicker of movement. The constant clicking grew more pronounced as he navigated through the stone passages, a relentless echo that felt almost like a heartbeat in the silent fortress.

Emerging near the stables, Isul's keen eyes noticed a piece of cloth hanging inconspicuously along one of the stable gates. A chill ran down his spine as he recognized the emblem embroidered on the fabric – the symbol of the Assassin Brotherhood. The discovery was a silent confirmation of the intertwining destinies within the walls of Winterfell.

Raising his gaze, Isul's eyes met a sight that made his heart race – atop the roof of the stables sat a young boy shroud by a gentle breeze, the unmistakable silhouette of Sauron. The rhythmic clicking sound Isul had been following was now unmistakably identified as the sound of a hidden blade being attracted and retracted.

Isul's instincts were unerring, and he knew he had found the one he was searching for. However, before he could approach, Hullen emerged, beckoning Sauron and exclaiming, "Get down from there, boy! The horses need fresh hay." Isul retreated into the shadows, deciding to bide his time until an opportunity presented itself to speak with the boy directly.

But time was not on his side.