
POV of a reincarnated soul 2

Some time later...

Like with most bad situations, things seemed worse at the beginning. And my mind, having little else but to spiral, conjured up dozens of increasingly dismal predictions of my potential futures.

Once that the Lannister soldiers entered the manor that I'm currently living. Killing all the inhabitants, raping, pillaging and burning everything around me and last stabbing me with sadistic grin or throw me out of the window.

The sack of kingslanding is a horrifying dream that making me going through sleepless every night.

Another dream where I perished smoldering in the Battle of the Blackwater, drowning and burning simultaneously. Or ones where I got gutted by a wilding or wight at the Wall, only for my shambling corpse to join their ranks afterward. Compared to that, I would almost say that potentially getting assassinated or cooked by dragon fire seemed preferable.

But it was this spiral that made me realize the silver lining. I was quite familiar with the ASOIAF setting as well as having a penchant for indulging in fan fiction that strangely lined up well with my situation. Self-insert was a guilty pleasure of mine, but it seemed that fate or whatever deity was out there had sought to grant this wish of mine. (AN: God kagetane is laughing in background)

Deciding to calm down and be productive, I used my forced sedentary lifestyle to think, speculate, and predict.

First matter was to figure out just who the heck I was and where in Westeros I was. I know I'm in Kingslanding and a bastard sired by some knight.

I also learned that my roommates and I share the same father. Which reveals a lot about my so called father's character.

Which I... I'm not sure how to put it. But simple judging by the fact of his adventurous love life with several woman means.

A pure irresponsible, dickhead,Scumbag who loves getting himself drunk and taking advantage of woman wherever he goes.

Anyway from what I gathered, since I had kinda Lannister features with Red eyes I inherited from my father and other things are just like my mother Darla.

And none of the typical Baratheon ones, Only my halfbrother Lyonel seems like one with his black hair and larger size then normal babies. Maybe Because his mother Ava is from Stormland and have some kind of Durrandon blood in him. Because despite being Younger than all of us Lyonel looks much more bigger.

And the things that I heard about my father is that he is from Essos, A well mannered mercenary who can kick some serious ass.

Not someone born here in some kind any great house. But One thing is I'm sure that he is strong... very strong. And I also think that I've inherited some of it as well.

I can feel it, which I don't think very strange because it's world of Asoiaf.

which was a bittersweet revelation. Sweet in the way that I loved it because I'm not going to directly involved in the greater politics. And it'll aid me in my martial development. Because I think I won't survive if I don't have at least Brianne of Tarth level strength and plot armor.

Though I'm not aiming to become a knight like her.... that sounds like foolish in my opinion. And being called Ser Ellyn Flowers to a woman sounds ridiculous. And why does a woman needs acknowledgment from men anyway? In my opinion kicking men's ass and Being badass is just enough. Well, I don't have much ambition for now and I only wants to be warrior enough to protect myself from any conflicts and war will be enough.

And as a huge fan of asoiaf history, but bitter in the fact that my birth is a long way by the time of last blackfyre war and in the time of Roberts rebellion, And worst of all I'm born inside kingslanding and in some no name family. And it's a shame that I'm not a op rich Lannister.

My new mom was some tavern wench in the town of Tumbleton. But at least Madam Miranda is kind enough to eccept us and even considered us a family.

But this timeline is definitely better to be in a Post-Dance time and avoid that cluster fuck of a civil war. Nonoono this timeline is as bad as any other timeline. Because I'm a infant inside a city that is in two years will be sacked by it's enemies.

Even if I survived the cluster fuck.

Once Daenerys finally hatched her dragons, an unwanted sequel may find its way to the Seven Kingdoms.

But for the life of me, I couldn't think of any mentions in the books about a few Red eyes born from around this time, with only the twin bastards of Oakenfist being the closest fit. Yet that was long before the time of Robert's Rebellion, so I surmised that there must be some differences here. Hopefully not too many as otherwise my meta-knowledge would be much less useful.

And speaking of its usefulness, I wondered just what I should do and how I could get away from this fucking shit of city...!!!?

I need to escape for fucks sake or else we are going die. The wildfire, The Lannisters betrayal and the sack, Then the entire rebellion faction will taking advantage of the city folk. 20 years later Stannis Baratheon siege. Fuck.

The unfortunate limitation of my knowledge was that I only know things about that particular timeline, so if I screwed around with events upstream, then events down the line would be completely new to be due to the butterfly effect.

So in a bit of irony, my knowledge would be most useful if I essentially did nothing with it and let things go more or less how they had before. And focus on my survival.

Though even at the end of A Dance with Dragons, it was pretty clear that things were about to get really bad in Westeros. The Others, the Golden Company, the War of the Five Kings, and maybe eventually a real Targaryen invasion backed by dragons all lay ahead and were like to bring the kingdoms to their knees.

Chances were that I had been placed here for a reason, else this was all just some colossal cosmic coincidence. And after finding out reincarnation seemed to be true to a point, let's just say I was open to the idea of a higher being existing.(AN: Yes believe it...)

Even if I didn't somehow slot myself into the hero-protagonist role, And as woman leading a utopian Westeros into battle with the Others or Nights King is not something I believe I could, But I knew I had to do something with my knowledge. As well as the other apparent 'gifts' I had received from my father whom is only God knows where, maybe enjoying himself with another unfortunate poor woman.

Anyway being that I had been placed at a pivotal time, seemingly having been born just around the start of the Robert's Rebellion, which made me roughly the same age as Robb Stark or Jon Snow.

No... I think it's makes me Two years older than Robb and Jon snow.

Meaning if I survived the sack then that at least I would be near adulthood when things started going crazy again, better than ending up in the body of someone younger like Rickon or Tommen. And hopefully I would still be considered unfit to expected to go to war because I'm a woman, Even if one did break out. But considering both Brianne or Tyrion seen a lot of combat at their ages, I wouldn't hold my breath.

The other was subtle at first, before becoming both a fantastic boon and curse at the same time. My memories of my old life remained crystal clear, inhumanly so. Much more than I had ever had before, now I could remembered each mundane and trivial thing, every awkward or embarrassing moment, some of which had mercifully slid into the fog of time, now sat like ugly gargoyles, perched just on the edge my mind, ready to pounce at moment's notice.

The collective mental cringe from my middle school years nearly crippled me.

But it proved to be immensely useful, as it meant that I could draw for every tangent that I explored, every Wikipedia rabbit-hole I fell down, and each little nugget of info I had passingly learned. With the near complete wealth of my knowledge at my fingertips, I had the opportunity to uplift those around with futuristic technology I had sole access to, even if only on a crude or amateur level.

However, that all hinged on me making it to a point where I could act on that knowledge, so I had a while before anyone took what I said seriously. For now, I had to simply grow older and keep an eye on things.

It couldn't be that hard, right?

It's a shame that my father is not around. And what I heard from my mom talking that madam Miranda's family was not very wealthy at the beginning. And it was because of my father's Ida's and protection made their business a huge success.

I amused about the thought of what he would do if he learns that his daughter is a genius.

(AN: Alright guys I'm expecting a lot of comments and your opinion on the story. I'll answer them with best of abilities.)