
Game of Thrones - Winterfell

Sansa Stark making her way through the seven kingdoms.

Ravix_Of_Fourhorn · TV
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4 Chs


The day hadn't stopped, not for Bran climbing the wall or Catelyn's confessions to Sansa. It kept turning, just as the north did, as all of Westeros did, as sure as it did for the Seven Kingdoms.

The north during the days got colder, the cold chill of the air seemed to repel any ray of sunlight from extending beyond the walls of Winterfell. There was only so much they could do in a day, and they would need to hunt later, but for now, Eddard wished for some entertainment, felt the need to lift the spirits of his people, and being Lord Stark, Lord of Winterfell, he could do whatever he damn well pleased.

So, there he sat, in a wooden chair, higher than the others, he could hardly call it a throne, not outside in the courtyard anyway, Eddard believed anyone could make or sit on a throne, the highborn or the lowborn, and yet their satisfaction would not be met until they found themselves on the Iron throne. A dream many wished for, A nightmare for others. But nevertheless, there he sat, hands perched on the chair arms in anticipation, his dear wife Catelyn sat beside him, in a dark blue dress, a fur coat around her shoulders as she looked ahead with a blank expression, her hands resting gently on her stomach, on either side of them stood their children, at least those who weren't going to be brawling around the courtyard of Winterfell and scraping their knees for the mere fun of it. Sansa stood beside her mother, long past thinking about what she'd heard earlier that day, it didn't matter, that was the past, and what's done is done. Though Sansa found it hard to keep her gaze from her mother, she was still so worried, and she only hoped a distraction would be in everyone's best interests. Beside her, Arya and Bran, silently whispering amongst themselves, no doubt placing bets. "Robb is totally going to win Jon" Arya sniggered. "You can't keep saying that, just because Jon is a bast..." Bran trailed off seeing Sansa's stern look. "I don't mind, but him being my half brother doesn't mean he can't win in a fight. I think he's a stark through and through" Bran said as he beamed from ear to ear watching with wide eyes as Robb and Jon both entered the centre of the courtyard, this time, with very real swords in their hands. "He certainly fights like one" Arya mumbled and stepped closer to the edge of the platform and rest her elbows on the railing.

Sansa stopped looking at Bran and let out a quiet frustrated sigh, hands at her side fiddling with the cloth of her dress. Catelyn reached out to her side and touched Sansa's arm gently, though she kept looking forward she ran her hand down Sansa's arm slowly and gently held her hand. Sansa immediately felt herself relax and gave her mother's hand a light squeeze, wary that it was still injured and healing, at least she had kept the bandage on. Sansa smiled a little brighter, the same feeling of that warmth running through her hand filled her with such joy, a sense of security and safety, which is why she was slightly disappointed to have to let go of her mother's hand, not because she didn't welcome the touch, but because she didn't want to reopen the wound on her mother's palm. She gently laid her mother's hand to rest in her lap, then instead, placed her hand on Catelyn's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. The two similar looking women shared a quick glance with one another at the same time, both smiling, Catelyn nodding silently at her daughter before turning her attention back to the boys below them.

"Jon. Robb" Eddard said as he stood to his feet, his hands clutching onto the rail before them, chest proudly leaning over it as he addressed his son's. "remember this is a game. I want no serious injuries, but try make it last, I'm sure the people here want some entertainment, isn't that so?" he asked raising his arms out to the sides to immediately have an uproar of cheers and clapping from the bystanders.

This wasn't King's landing, no where close, it was different in every way possible, and they didn't hold the grand Tourneys like the Lannisters did, the members of the noblest wealthy families paying for entrance to the Tourney game, some of the less wealthy ones would sometimes spend years paying off the debt to come to just one of the Tourney games, but not the Starks, everyone who wanted to come, simply came. They may not have had the horse racing, or the archery contests or the axe throwing, not even the jousting, but they had the spirit, and a melee duels provided more than enough of that, especially for the crowds that gathered in a horseshoe shape around them.

Eddard stood straighter, shoulders pulled back and torso puffed out, he raised his hands slowly in the air, adjacent to his chin and then, clapped once. The sound rang through the air as loud as an arrow did taking to the air, the duel began, Jon and Robb picked up their swords and circled one another slowly. "Come now brother, let's make this quick" Robb teased brushing his dark coloured hair back, white teeth shining at Jon through his grin. "You heard father, we gotta give these people a show, and if that's what they want, that's what they'll get!" On the last words Jon was more grunting than speaking, he meant every word of it, so without delay he swung his sword over his head and brought it down at a striking speed, right towards Robb.

The clang of Metal filled the courtyard, the only sound that could never be mistaken for anything else, sword against sword, man against man. Robb flicked his hand to the side, the edge of his blade striking Jon's causing the bastards blade to strike the floor, skitting across the stone floor. "less talking Jon and you may have a chance!" Robb teased, the two raised their swords and attacked, their swords met in the middle and they struggled against each other's strength, only one would complete a successful parry. With their arms shaking and their feet planted so firmly into the dirt floor they were making scuff marks the two stared at each other. "what are they doing?" Arya asked in annoyance. "they're not even fighting, they're just staring at each other" she complained folding her arms across her small chest and slouched down on the edge of the platform, legs dangling over the edge. "He's going to play dirty!" Bran said after a moment's of silence, the whole courtyard heard him, of that he was sure, for the silence due to the tension right now was deafening.

Sansa frowned and looked at Bran curiously, and in the blink of an eye she had almost missed it, while Robb had been talking trying to distract his half brother, Jon hadn't muttered a single word, not one clever reply or defense to those verbal attacks. That was until now, until the moment Jon opened his mouth and spar right into Robb's face, mere inches away from his own. Robb groaned and pulled back a bit, blinking as the spit also went into his eye, Jon Snow used this moment to pushed against Robb's sword and send the other boy stumbling backwards, sword twisting in his hand and being forced out of his grip. "leave it" Jon said confidently as Robb started to lean down to retrieve it. "Well that's hardly fair!" Robb said loud enough, turning around in slow circles to look at the watchers, get them on his side, there was no honour in beating a man unarmed. "is it?" Jon asked, he cocked his head to the side and the crowd started to boo, an endless source of encouragement for the two fighters.

Jon dropped his own sword to the ground and looked up to Eddard who smiled slightly at him, he then nodded. Jon turned back around to Robb and raised his hands, curling them into fists in front of his face. "I'd say the odds were pretty even now" he mocked, shuffling from one foot to the other. Robb pouted and ran his tongue along his lower lip and then nodded. The two advanced towards each other, swords discarded to the side, Robb threw the first punch, one which Jon easily dismissed, he was as nimble as little Bran was. "come on..." Jon yelled loudly. They faced each other again and it happened so fast, punches flew, punches were blocked, elbows and knees were swung harshly into the other, the sounds of grunting and panting boys filling the courtyard, until Robb made a move, a quick step to the side, a change in his routine, and a fist flying straight towards Jon's face, Jon who thought he was winning didn't expect it, so he was only too startled when the fist connected with his jaw. His head snapped to the side and his lip bust open, blood sprayed from his lip, the force of the blow sending him stumbling sideways several paces until his shoulder connected with the platform, the one on which Arya sat. "do you let him win on purpose?" Arya asked him seriously, she wondered if Jon was just that bad at fighting. "No" Jon grumbled now slightly pissed off, he turned to look at Arya and shook his head. "you'll see, I'm not losing this one"

Catelyn's eyes went straight to Jon's face, the blood dripping down his chin and onto the dark furs her wore. She swore she almost gipped, a hand pressing itself tightly into her stomach, her complexion paled a little, she could smell his blood, like her sense of smell had increased, could smell the sweat off her son as he'd stumbled closer to them, she could smell the furs around her neck and could smell the scent of her hair which she'd washed earlier, everything was too much and she felt sick. She abruptly stood up, a hand still on her stomach, she looked ahead silently, the crowds falling quiet within seconds, both Jon and Robb turning to face Catelyn. Eddard leaned forward in his seat. "Lady Stark?" he asked, arms braced on the edges of his seat, he had to call her that in public.

Sansa frowned and gently grabbed at Catelyn's sleeve. "mother?" she questioned. "Forgive me boys" Catelyn said loudly, she bowed her head slightly before making for a quick exit out of the Courtyard, through the large stone archway and inside. The silence was almost as deadly as before, except for the shuffling of feet on the ground and the faint murmurs. Eddard stood up and held his hand in the air, clenched into a tight fist. "That is enough for today" He announced, met with more than a few groans of complaint and annoyance, just as it was getting good, just as Jon was making his comeback, then again, no one wished any ill will on Catelyn, and they'd never dare disrespect her by not following her husband's orders, especially when not there to defend herself.

Rob and Jon stood and watched as the crowds around them began to disperse, each one retrieving their sword and meeting back in the middle to clasp arms. "that was a good run" Jon said with a curt nod. "You needed the practice anyway" Robb laughed then turned to look up at the platform, hoping Catelyn was okay, hopefully it would just be a stomach bug or perhaps a little too much time in the cold, nothing a trip to the hot springs couldn't fix.

"til next time" Jon stated and sheathed his sword running a hand through his hair.