For centuries the dragons roamed the skies as power incarnate. Their flesh fire and their hearts stone. And the dragonborn conquered the known world riding incarnates of power, and now a young dragon rises again.
The titan of braavos appeared in front of me, it was a mammoth of a statue as we were still quite far from the city. We had departed from Dragonstone quite early. From last i heard, Stannis had not yet finished buliding the ships to attack Dragonstone. But i did not want to take unnecessary risks at such a crucial time. As we sailed towards Braavos, i was feeling quite wary in my heart. Braavos had ties to Westros and my safety for the time being would depend on them. With Robert and Tywin after my head and with Aerys having supported Volantis during war on stepstones, i was tense about this affair. But it was necessary, i needed the support of the Iron Bank, to destablize Westros in the coming years.
I was broken from my thoughts as Daenerys woke up and started crying. As her wetnurse looked after her, i thought about the promise i made to my mother about Daenerys. The notion of the Dothraki serving in my army was a very tempting one, the blood riders were one of the best cavalry units in this world. With the Unsullied as my infantry...i imagine it will be a nasty surprise for my enemies. But how can i have the Dothraki submit to me, without Daenerys marrying Khal Drogo, was a problem. They followed her because she was their khaleesi, well let's worry about it in the future. I must focus on my coming plans, in the present.
I looked at myself, i was tall for my age at nearly 50 inches and had a well maintained body, well as a eight year old's can be though. But i am not robust as Rhaegar was, my body is more lithe and on a leaner side. Even though i had practised swordplay, i was not proficient in it. Unlike Rhaegar who excelled in Westrosi sword arts, i think the Braavosi water dance will suit me more. And as i was thinking of this, we arrived in the city of Braavos.
It was an impressive city, an interconnected network of islands formed on a lagoon. The islands were connected to each other through a number of stone bridges. As i was admiring the view, Ser Williem Darry approached me.
"Your grace, we have made preparations for the stay here".
"Yes, let's head over there".
From what i knew in the show, Ser Williem Darry and Oberyn Martell meet here where they would sign a marriage pact between me and Princess Arianne. And even the sealord of Braavos was present during that agreement. It provides me with an oppurtunity to ally myself with Braavosi, for the time being during our exile.
Stannis will attack dragonstone in the coming months. And Robert is busy with becoming coronated, while Ned Stark is in Dorne searching for his sister. Tywin Lannister will prove to be a problem though, as soon as he comes to know that we have escaped from his grasp he will make sure to have us assasinated to secure his legacy.
And this time with Viserys not being an incompetent fool the assasination may not be half assesed botched attempts made by Robert. Varys, always remains a riddle but i will not give him the benefit of doubt. As he was the one who revealed the meeting arranged by Rhaegar between the lords at Harrenhall, to overthrow Aerys.
As i was thinking of this we arrived by a house. It was more like a mansion then a house really, then i laid my eyes on the it's door. It was red, so this is the house with red door.
I was sitting in a room, with Ser Jonothor and Ser Williem. It had been two days since we arrived here, honestly it is good and Braavos is better than Kings Landing by a large margin.
I am a quiet child compared to others, so i never had frequent conversations with anyone. But in order to implement my plans, i will need the Darry brothers to know what i am planning. It would be unwise to keep them completely in the dark, as they have proven themselves to be loyal and were crucial to our survival.
"Ser Williem, i have a task for you".
"Yes, your grace".
"I want you to arrange a meeting with the representative of Iron Bank, sealord of Braavos and Oberyn Martell. The prince of Dorne will arrive here in a few days."
He was surprised, i could see that.
"Tell me Ser Williem, Ser Jonothor how do you think that i can reclaim the Iron Throne from the usurper."
Ser Jonothor rised from his seat and said,
"There are still Targaryen loyalist present your grace, they will rise for you when you will claim your birthright"
"Yes there are targaryen loyalists, Dorne would rise for me and some houses in Crownlands and Reach can support me, if i would rise against the usurper. And for that i need an army."
"Yes, your grace."
"I wish to seek support from Braavos for the time being, the usurper will send assasins after us to remove the threat we pose to his reign."
"Volantis, may support your claim as they carry within them the old blood of valyria".
"That is true, but first let us ensure our survival. Buy some safehouses for us to stay in the free cities like this one, as we will be leaving Braavos soon. Make sure the locations of the safehouses are kept in secret.
I am sure we have enough funds for that, also i want to deposit some of the gold dragons with us in the Iron Bank for safekeeping. I think the Iron Bank will be intrested to listen to our proposal after that."
"What of the remaining gold, your grace."
"The gold remaining after this will be used to start a mercenary company, you along with Oberyn Martell will be responsible for forming the company."
"As you wish, your grace. But what shall be the name of the company?
"Let's call it...
Author's note:
Pairing for Viserys and Daenerys is open for suggestion, so review the pairings you want, with reasons for the same.
Viserys- Sansa, Margaery, Arianne, Daenerys.
Daenerys- Jon, Robb, Quentyn, Viserys.