
Game of Throne: Stark

Reborn as the second son of lord stark in the north during the mad king reign

Kevony_Salmon_2427 · TV
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1 Chs


I was walking home from second after doing my end of year exams, when i heard a sound and turn around. I saw a car spending toward me that's the last ting i saw.

Until i woke up in a white room with a being that make me look like a ant to him.

"Welcome mortal, as you might of realize you are now dead, which is a mistake on my part you weren't the one the car wasn't supposed to hit you its was the person standing beside you," said the being.

"So, I died because of a mistake by you, and you are, thirdly why iam I so calm about my death," said kelvin.

" I am ************** but mortal cant so you can just call me ROB, and the reason you are so calm is because I made you calm i can't have an emotional fool getting mad at me or disrespecting me, so as compensation for taking your life i will allow you to be reborn in a new world mainly shows or anime you humans have created on your world which i reality created them as a world in a separate demention and a couple wish" said Rob

"So can't i re.....

"No, you can't return to your old world."

"OK so I get too been reborn in a tv show or anime, so how many wishes do i get"

" yes, basically get to be reborn in world you choose, and you get a total of 9 wishes so choose wisely mortal."

"Ok can i be reborn in Game of throne as the twin of ned stark." i said as i look at the being

"Granted, now on to your wishes."

" ok my first wish is the super solider serum, second wish is a talent in swordsmanship,craftmanship and leadership, third wish is a perfect memory and heighten intelligent, forth wish is for a library in my mind with everything from my old world and how to make them, fifth wish is the ability to do magic and to share it, sixth wish is the knowledge to make Valyrian steel and..."

" wait mortal your first wish to forth is granted but your fifth wish will have so restriction such as the amount of person your give the ability to wield which is 100 this amount includes if your help someone awaken there magic and your sixth wish will take two wish to grant so now you have two wishes left state them"

"ok that seem fair as for my last two wish is a storage ring and a connection to nature.

granted mortal now off to your new world

wait, could you allow me to be reborn in a three self in that world"

ok mortal rob as darkness consume me

the next minute i open my eyes and a painful pain in my head occur after the pain went away i realise it was my memory or the memory of Edward stark son of Rickard stark and mama stark and twin of the honorable clown Eddard stark or ned as we call him well time to start playing the game