
Visiting the Island and Burial

The man nodded and ran off to tell his family and close friends to gather as much as possible, told them about Lord Trant's words, and began to spread the words.

The whole city was a pressure cooker, everyone hated the faith of the seven, they had finished with the hope that they had, the worst thing was the golden layers covering the Sept, that only infuriated the population more it had shown them that the same rulers did not care.

Thus began something called the exodus of the little ones, hundreds of thousands of people left the City, to go to Gallosgrey Island or the land of storms. All for an offense from the Drunken King.

Several days later in the Gallosgrey Islands, the Funeral of the men was taking place, and the city was covered with black flags, Jon Arryn and Stannis had arrived at the port of the island, They were impressed when they saw that each house had a black flag with golden tree background in the windows of the house, people had dressed in black clothes and were making a pilgrimage to the main city. The soldiers played a sad tune,

When they arrived at the gates of the City they were shocked it was a magnificent city well fortified it could withstand sieges by sea or land, Tidy and clean, there was no nauseating smell like King's Landing, it was divided into grids, which in turn were divided into districts, where each district had a representative, there were within the city, parks, gardens, neighborhood thefts.

Jon: By the gods, it is a Magnificent city, there were rumors that he, a young man had talent, but one thing is to listen to him and another thing is to see him and this is only the port city, not the main city

Stannis was also impressed: I don't know most of the buildings, I point to a large White building with a red cross.

The guide Said to them: That is the hospital, usually, the doctors treat people in it, Lady Lunara and Maester Marwyn have cures for all diseases, from Greyscale, poisoning, amputations, and others.

Stannis started and almost yelled, Wait, they have a cure for Greyscale.

Guide: if I remember that a few months ago Lady Lunara and Marwyn announced it, they tested it on several patients who arrived and their skin returned to normal after a few moons

Stannis had his heart in his throat his poor daughter was suffering from the disease that had ruined his face at a young age with a trembling voice he asked.

Stannis: If I bring a patient in for treatment they can do it.

Guide: Sure, sir, on the Island we don't reject anyone, it's something that Lord Adrián and the others instilled in us. the fallen and carve their names

Jon and Stannis were a little surprised at the privilege they gave their fallen.

Surprised Jon asked: Is this funeral rite normal or is it for soldiers?

Guide: Since we follow the old Gods, we honor the fallen like this, the bodies are cremated and their ashes given to the families, the Lord himself carves on polished white stone plates the names of the deceased, those who die under military service They are honored for their actions.

Widows and their children enjoy the pensions and salaries of their husbands, the children can enter the military school or the specialized school they want.

Stannis in doubt speaks: what would the military college and specialized schools be?

Guide: The Adrián Trants, have made the branches of soldiers, marines, and city guards, compulsory and specialized careers, where no one can join anymore, they have to follow a strict code and make lifelong vows of commitment to people and relevant studies.

The gentleman does not use the Levy system because it is only to put us as cannon fodder in wars.

The specialized schools work to teach advanced trades, such as architecture, law, commerce, agriculture, and more subjects, The children of the city learn to Read and Write, then do mathematical operations and other subjects, then they can choose which profession to follow, Medical is very popular, followed by Botanical and Pharmaceutical.

Jon quite shocked: Wait, you tell me that he teaches the entire population, it is impossible to do it or at least unthinkable.

Guide: For us it is common, Lord, Lord Adrian is a very wise person since childhood, he always walks among us on foot at festivals, eats and laughs with us, even he said that each person has to develop his natural course.

They both agreed, amazed, it was seeing two sides of a coin: happy people, well fed and clothed with Adrián, and people begging, sick and dissatisfied with Robert.

Stannis looked at the young man and said: Tell me young man why Lord Adrian sent supplies to FleaBottom.

The guide flinched at the question and clenched his hands, a few tears flowed from his face, he took out a handkerchief and wiped it quickly.

Guide: Excuse me one of the deceased is my Father, he replied with a somber voice, why he was doing it is because the people had suffered in that city they were abused by mad Targaryen kings and then they were robbed and killed by the Red cloaks of Lannister.

the only house that objected to this was Lady Trant and then the Young Lord, he publicly consulted the shipment of surplus crops that he bought from all of us and we all agreed that if we would help

Jon and Stannis looked at the young man: I'm sorry boy I can't imagine what you're going through losing your father, They were both helpless so they couldn't do justice to anyone everyone knew the corruption of the faith, but no one wanted to say them.

Guide: Okay gentlemen, we have arrived at the castle of spring, I hope you enjoy your stay on the island.

When we went down, Ser Dulan and another boy were waiting for us, something that surprised us is Robert's resemblance to the boy, same blue eyes, black hair, and face.

Dulan: Welcome to the castle, I am sorry to inform you that Lord Adrian is already in the Pantheon, if the ceremony starts soon, Gendry boy give Lord Baratheon and Lord Arryn the black cloaks for the procession and also give them the flower seeds.

The boy took two cloaks and some bags both looked inside them and they were simple seeds, both men put on the cloaks and walked with Dulan through the streets, the whole city was going to see the funeral, lines of people marched in black towards the cemetery

When we arrived we saw Lady Elentary with a green robe and a cane of Crystal leaves and golden fruits, The young lord was in front of several statues of the people, an extremely beautiful building with a glass roof, and hundreds of bright flowers. and beautiful decorating.

Dulan took us to the front rows to get a better look at the act.

Dulan: Keep the seeds you were given handy, and don't panic no matter what.

Elentary tapped her cane on the ground and cried out in a soft, sweet voice.

"Today we meet brothers and sisters, to say goodbye to our heroes, each one served his Lord Adrián Trant with pride, Now his service is over, they fulfilled their duties, their oath is over, now it is time to rest, my brothers present that The Gods ancient welcome them in their hall, may their noble deeds accompany us for eternity, may their death not be the end of their adventures "

Everyone lifted the small bags of seeds, Elentary gently hit the ground and it trembled slightly something magical happened, the seeds began to sprout, and crystal and real flowers emerged from the bag

Frightened, they dropped the sprouts of the seeds, which began to grow, in the hands of all the people you could see beautiful flowers which slowly rested on the ground.

Elentary: It is time, Lord Trant will carve the names of the Fallen and carry the statues to their resting place.

Adrián approached the families with several green flags with a gold background, he knelt and apologized for the deaths, Jon could not believe his eyes, a Lord knelt asking his people for forgiveness for their deaths.

The families embraced the Lord and accepted the flags of the Trant house, immediately afterward the lord took a chisel and a hammer and began to carve the names of each one of the soldiers, while another man carried the statues to the Hall.

After carrying the Statues, a soft and sad song followed, and almost everyone cried, thus beginning the end of the funeral.

Still scared, Stannis asked Dulan: Being Dulan, what happened because those simple seeds bloomed, is it impossible?

Dulan: Stannis calm down, Elentary is a priestess of the old gods, It's funny they believe in Dragons, there are Warlocks and Shadow Puppeteers, but they don't believe in some things.

Jon was looking at him with fear: Wait says that the Old Gods exist, it's not just the Weirwoods.

Dulan: The Weirwoods are their sacred trees Jon, cutting them down or using them without a priest's permission is a serious crime, and Elentary is the last priestess of the old Gods Of Uthos.

Stannis was sweating slightly: I mean being Dulan, that other god like the 7 can give their blessings.

Dulan made a face of disgust that was not perceived by both and replied: Hardly give someone one, you just have to look at their septa.

Jon was scared the septs of the seven were extremely stupid, if they found out that there was a priestess of the ancient Gods who could perform the blessings they would start a holy war and they would be extinct from the root.

Jon grimly asked: Because Ser Dulan showed us this and didn't keep it a secret.

Dulan with his serious face: Because they have to know that we can live together and not fuck with other religions, but once they attack there are two ways, they ask for forgiveness and are judged fairly or without quarter or truce, we will not stop not until we have justice until Let's eliminate every damn idiot who murders innocents for a matter of "Faith".

Stannis gulped and spoke: Let's hope Lady Elentary doesn't use her powers to destroy everyone.

Dulan: I would never do it, the blessings of the Old Gods will never be used for war, they are only used for people, to bless the fields, and for people to be healthier and get sick less.

Jon and Stannis breathed a sigh of relief as they walked, a weight lifted from them, but something else surged inside Stannis at the sight of Gendry.

Stannis: Excuse me Ser Dulan, the boy who is with you may I ask whose Son he is.

Dulan: The Boy he is my blacksmith apprentice and his father I think you both should know him, after all, he is your brother Robert, he is one of his bastards, Adrián took some of them in. Mya Stone is another.

Both Men were surprised, he was Robert's bastard son and they were identical, a small doubt arose in the hearts of both.

Arming himself with courage, Stannis asked: Why are they here?

Pleased Dulan replied: Because knowing her dear Queen, she would kill them without hesitation, she already killed two in Casterly rock, what a sin the little ones have for being born

The Two men were horrified, they knew that Cersei was capable of it, they both walked with Dulan for a while and returned to the castle, in the garden they found Adrian Along with several representatives of the Iron Bank drinking tea and eating some sandwiches.

Adrian: Go ahead Lord Arryn, and Lord Baratheon, they don't interrupt anything just periodic checks of my business contracts and personal vault.

Both men sat up and looked at the huge pile of documents surrounding Adrian and Tycho Nestoris.