
Game of Saviors

In the world of Esoria, there are only two types of people. System Wielders and The Savior. Ten Regions, Ten Queens, Ten Goddesses, Many Trials...Only one Savior can claim it all. There are no Heroes or Villains, only System Wielders battling it out to become the Savior of Esoria. Kieran, a man who has been deemed the weakest, finally gets his chance to play in the Game of Saviors. He is known as the bottom of the barrel, but soon he finally gets his chance to rise up the ranks. He is given a System by Flair, The Goddess of Humans and Talent and given the chance to prove himself to the world just how much Ambition and Drive he truly has.

Aisuru_Reborn · Fantasy
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15 Chs

New Guild!

[Day: 2/3]

[Time: 12:00 PM]

[Location: Achilles Residency]

It's been a day since my first big victory at Blue Monarch Academy, and I felt much better than yesterday. I stepped outside, seeing the afternoon sun casting a gentle glow upon my neighborhood. I took a deep breath, exhaling slowly and ready to start my day. A few neighbors walked by and greeted me, a simple act of hospitality I loved.

"Kieran..." Evelyn lightly groaned, stepping outside. "You're leaving..?"

I looked back at Evelyn, who looked extremely tired and drained from her near death experience from her last Raid yesterday. "Yeah, I'm going training. Do you need anything?"

"No..." She said slowly, rubbing the back of her head. She sighed softly, fixing her sleeve that slid off her shoulder. "Stay safe... I'm gonna get some rest."

I nodded. "Rest well, Eve."

Evelyn smiled at me, waving at me then walked back into the house. I looked at my System and made my way to the cafe to start my day with a nice cup of coffee and a nice pastry.

"Alright, so first, we do a bit of training in Azure Woodlands... then we find a dungeon we can complete if one is even open," I said, looking at the map displaying the entirety of the Monarch County for Quests and Dungeons.

{Suru: You're a higher level now, so there's bound to be some dungeons you can actually explore now!~ Plus, I wanna find some sweet treasures and sell it for some nice moolah~}

I chuckled softly and felt Suru plop herself onto my shoulder. "Alright, first the cafe, then we train.."

{Suru: Yessir!}

As I travelled down the sidewalk talking with Suru, we heard yelling behind us and looked back to see what the commotion was. My eyes widened when I noticed a woman rushing down the hill at full speed and instinctively used my Hypersensitivity to get out the way. The girl tripped over a ledge on the sidewalk and crashed into a few trashcans.

The girl softly groaned, holding her head and had stars floating around her head. I walked toward her to see if she was okay, my gaze confused and concerned.

"Hey...are you—" I began then grunted as she pointed her finger at me.

"Have you no manners, Commoner?!" The girl fussed, her expression a mix of embarrassment and fluster. "You just slide out of the way when a woman is in need of help?! Is that how you treat a Princess?!"

Suru and I glanced at each other then looked back at the girl in front of us. I held out my hand toward her and helped her up. I took a good look at the girl to see what I was working with and who exactly I was dealing with.

She had a slender and petite figure with fair skin. Her hair was a beautiful shade of blonde, falling in long, flowing curls down to her waist. She styled her hair into two braided pigtails, adorned with small silver ribbons. Her eyes were large and bright and she had heterochromia, a mesmerizing shade of blue and purple, which gave her an otherworldly look.

When it came to her attire, she donned a gothic-inspired outfit. She wore a black, high-collared dress with intricate lace patterns. The dress featured long bell sleeves with silver accents and a silver belt that cinches at her waist. She also wore black stockings that reach just above her knees, along with black boots adorned with silver buckles.

"When you're done gawking at me, I would like you to pay a fine of 100,000 Credi for potential endangerment!" The girl said, pointing her finger at me.

"What?! I'm not paying that! Who the heck even are you? You're the one racing down the neighborhood like a speedster!" I protested, standing my ground.

"My name is Hime von Auger, Princess of Homiheim," Hime declared, holding her hand at the middle of her chest. "You should be honored to be I'm my presence! It's not everyday a commoner like yourself is in the presence of royalty!"

'Right..' I thought, giving her a dull expression.

"My name is Kieran Achilles. I am a student of Blue Monarch Academy," I replied, placing my hands in my pockets casually.

"Hmph! Achilles. A name I am quite familiar with. Alright, Kiro—"

"Kieran." I corrected.

"Alright Kieran, to pay me back, you must join me and do everything I say today and you shall be free of your debts of 1,000,000 Credi!" Hime commanded, puffing out her chest with pride and authority.

"You raised the price?! In Flair's name... Alright, but I have my own agenda today. Can you at least join me on my plans?" I said, my tone a mixture of exhaustion and annoyance.

"Hmph! Very well, but that means you must do what I want tomorrow all day, no matter the request!" Hime declared.

I sighed softly, shaking my head as I walked toward the city. 'What did I do to get myself here..?'

Hime followed me closely, her steps graceful and elegant. She crossed her arms and carried a smug, confident smirk on her face. "Hasten your steps, Commoner! We don't have all day to be sluggish!"

"As you wish, Princess.." I sighed, rubbing the back of my head.

[Date: 2/3]

[Time: 12:30 PM]

[Location: Monarch City - Ark Cafe]

Hime and I found ourselves at Ark Cafe, sitting together at a cozy table near a window. I kept my head lowered, feeling the weight of curious gazes from all around. Hime's presence commanded attention, and it was overwhelming.

"Raise your head, Achilles. It's improper to sit in such a poor posture," Hime said, sipping her tea gracefully.

"C'mon… can't you see everyone looking at us?" I mumbled, glancing around before sighing.

"I am a Princess, I am used to this type of attention. I just let all of these commoners stare at me. You should feel special that I am even grazing you with my mere presence. Most would bow to me and kiss my shoes to even spend a second with me," Hime replied, her gaze unwavering.

{Suru: Geez this chick is full of herself. Her pride is giving me a headache.}

I cracked a small smile at Suru's statement then let out a sigh, sitting up straight. "Does this please you, Miss Auger?"

Hime smiled and nodded her head. "Very. You look like a true knight now, Sir Achilles. Now tell me your plans for the day."

"Well, after I enjoy my time here at this cafe, I am planning to go into Azure Woodlands to train for a bit and level up more before the 10th of this month for my next class. After that, I was planning to go to a dungeon and try my luck with one of them," I answered, seeing a slight twinkle in Hime's eyes as I talked about going exploring.

"Something tells me this is your first time actually outside the kingdom," I said as I leaned against the table.

Hime's face turned crimson, and she stammered. "No! I've been out a bunch of times!"

{Suru: She's lying.}

Name: Hime von Auger

Level: 4

Rank: Bishop

Star Rating: One Star

HP: 350/350

MP: 400/400

Attack: 92

Stamina: 100

Dexterity: 101

Senses: 122

Luck: 150

'Yikes...for a Bishop Rank her stats are embarrassingly low,' I thought, looking at the stats Suru displayed in front of me.

"Yeah...I will take your word for it." I said, a soft chuckle escaping my lips. "What were you doing in my neighborhood anyway?"

"M-Mmph..." Hime softly grunted, her eyes narrowing down to her cup of tea. "Well... I want to explore Homiheim and get familiar with the people around. I am the next heir of the throne after all. I want to see everything there is to see.."

"The noble life is fun and all, but I want to go on Dungeons and Quests too and not rely on EXP Potions the Knights, Bishops, and Rooks bring to me after their expeditions," Hime admitted, her tone softening.

I noticed her expression soften and sat back into my seat. I took a moment to process her words then gave her a smile. "I can make that happen really."

"Really?" Hime asked, looking up at me with a mixture of hope and excitement. "But...you need to be in a Guild to traverse in Dungeons."

"Then we can start one, together," I said, my tone full of resolve.

Hime smiled at me then cleared her throat. "Hmph! As I expected, Commoner! Your nice gesture shall not go unnoticed!"

I chuckled softly. "Whatever you say, Lady Auger.."

With that, we decided to prepare to leave to go start a guild together and train in Azure Woodlands. I paid for our drinks and together we stepped out to head to the Guild Hall that was in the Homiheim Capital City.

[Day: 2/3]

[Time: 1:45 PM]

[Location: Homiheim City]

Hime and I stepped out a carriage and I looked around in awe. Immediately, my senses were instantly overwhelmed by the kaleidoscope of colors, sounds, and scents that fill the air. Towering skyscrapers adorned with gleaming glass windows and holographic displays reach towards the heavens, reflecting the city's ambition and technological prowess.

The heart of Homiheim City lies in its central square, a sprawling hub of activity that buzzes with life day and night. Here, System Wielders and visitors alike congregate, sharing stories, forging alliances, and basking in the energy that permeates the air. The square is adorned with intricate fountains, their waters dancing and shimmering under the warm sunlight.

Stretching from the square, a labyrinth of streets and alleys weave through the city, each one teeming with shops, cafes, and markets. The air was filled with the tantalizing aromas of exotic spices, freshly baked pastries, and sizzling street food. Merchants peddle their wares, their stalls overflowing with colorful textiles, ornate jewelry, and peculiar artifacts from distant lands.

"Whoa...So this is Homiheim City. It's way bigger than Monarch City," I said in awe, following Hime to the Guild Hall.

Hime looked back, seeing me falling behind her as I was taken aback by the sights of the city. "Keep up, Commoner! I don't want you getting lost!"

"S-Sorry! I'm coming!" I replied, quickening my steps to keep up with Hime.

At the heart of Homiheim City, the Homiheim Guild Hall stands tall and majestic. Here, System Wielders gather to create and join guilds, forging bonds and honing their skills. The guild hall's grand architecture, with its towering pillars and intricate carvings, reflects the deep sense of tradition and honor that defines the System Wielder community.

Beyond the guild hall, the castle looms in the distance, a magnificent structure perched atop a hill, overlooking the city. Its towering walls and turrets stand as a testament to the city's rich history and the power wielded by the von Auger Family. The castle serves as a constant reminder of the authority and influence that flows through the veins of Homiheim City.

"We're here," Hime said as she stopped in front of the Guild Hall. "Welcome to the Homiheim Guild Hall."

I watched as System Wielders entered and exited the building, their chatters filling the air with a wonderful energy that couldn't be replicated. I could feel my own excitement bubbling up within me, ready to explode with vigor and a vital spirit. Before I could step forward, I noticed a man clad in silver armor walking by with his guild.

"Whoa..! It's Alastair! In the flesh!" I said excitedly, my eyes sparkling at the sight of my role model in front of me. "C'mon on, we have to greet him!"

Hime grunted as I grabbed her hand, but she didn't attempt to pull away. Her cheeks settled into a soft rosy color as she's never held hands with anyone before. "S-Slow down, Achilles!"

Alastair heard quick steps approaching him and looked back to see me and Hime. He stopped in his tracks and gave us a smile. "Ahh, Princess Hime. You must have found yourself a personal bodyguard? And it's none other than Kieran Achilles."

"You know me?" I asked in awe, my heart racing with excitement and pure respect for him.

"Your sister talks about you a lot when we're on missions. For a Pawn Rank, she's rather powerful in her own right. Her ability comes in handy and has actually saved my butt countless times," Alastair said, his smile comforting and inviting.

Hime looked at Alastair and smiled at him. "As for your question to me, yes. This commoner is my bodyguard until further notice."

Alastair chuckled softly and smiled at us. "Well, I'm pleased to know your bodyguard is none other than an Achilles Family member. I apologize if I must cut this meeting short, but we must get going."

I nodded my head and watched him walk off with his guild. I could barely contain my excitement and turned to Hime. "They are so cool aren't they? A Guild of True Heroes let by The Liberator himself. They are what I aspire to be."

Hime couldn't help but smile at my excited expression and tone, closing her eyes. "You commoners are very excitable huh? Well I can't disagree. It is nice to see The Liberator in the flesh from time to time."

I chuckled softly then looked at the guild building. "Alright, let's hurry and create our guild! Those Dungeons aren't going to clear themselves."

Hime nodded. "Of course. Lead the way, Sir Achilles."

With Hime by my side, we stepped into the Guild Hall, my mind buzzing with the possibilities ahead. The grand architecture and the energetic atmosphere of the guild members filled me with a renewed sense of purpose.

As we entered through the ornate double doors, we were greeted by a vast foyer adorned with marble floors and towering pillars. Sunlight streamed through the stained glass windows, casting vibrant hues across the room. The air was filled with an aura of anticipation and excitement, as Wielders from all walks of life gathered here to embark on their collective journeys.

To our left, a bustling marketplace thrived, with merchants showcasing their wares. Stalls brimmed with scrolls, weapons, and artifacts, each one whispering tales of power and adventure. The scent of incense lingered in the air, mingling with the buzz of haggling and the occasional clink of gold changing hands.

To the right, a grand hall stretched out, echoing with the lively chatter of System Wielders. Long tables, laden with sumptuous feasts, invited weary travelers to partake in a moment of respite and camaraderie. The hall was alive with laughter and the clinking of glasses, as guild members shared tales of triumphs, defeats, and the bonds forged through their shared experiences.

Venturing further into the Guild Hall, we came across the heart and soul of the establishment - the Guild Chamber. This was where Wielders convened to create and join guilds, solidifying their place within the ecosystem of Homiheim. The chamber itself was a magnificent space, lined with grand tapestries depicting legendary Wielders of the past.

As we stepped closer to the desk, the receptionist looked at us with a smile. "Welcome! Ahh, Lady von Auger, it is a pleasure for you to grace us with your presence. What can I do for you?"

"We would like to start a guild, on the double!" Hime demanded.

"I'm terribly sorry, Your Highness. You need three or more people to start a guild," the receptionist said apologetically, bowing toward Hime.

"That rule is ridiculous! Who came up with such nonsense?" Hime asked, crossing her arms and tapping her foot impatiently.

"It…It was the von Auger Family who made that rule, Milady," the receptionist said with a nervous chuckle, a bead of sweat rolling down her face. "Uhm, if you'd like, there are tons of Wielders around waiting to join a guild. Maybe ask around. You are sure to find someone."

"I suppose. Commoner! Go search around for a third member!" Hime demanded, crossing her arms and staring at me with an authoritative expression.

I scratched the back of my head and sighed softly. "Wouldn't kill you to say please," I mumbled as I walked off.

As I began looking around for a third member, I noticed the diverse set of Wielders around me. Each one provided much-needed potential to the team I was planning to make, but for now, I focused on getting a Support Type for my team to start. Suru helped me by highlighting all of the support wielders around the hall.

I continued to walk around before my gaze landed on someone. The person was a young woman with green eyes and short black hair, partly covering one eye. She was wearing a traditional white kimono with red trim and a long red skirt, tied with a red sash. Her accessories included red hair ornaments and star-shaped earrings. The character carried a sheathed sword, suggesting she may be a miko, a Shrine Maiden. She had a gentle, melancholic expression on her face.

I approached her and gently tapped her shoulder. She looked up at me and grew more shy in my presence.

"H-Hello.." she said softly, her gaze soft and cautious.

"Hi. My name is Kieran," I started, holding out my hand to break the ice.

The girl cautiously took my hand, gently holding it in hers for a simple handshake. "It's nice to meet you… I'm…my name is Pandora. Pandora Diomedes…"

'Diomedes…The final family of the Big Three,' I thought.

"It's nice to meet you, Pandora. I came by looking for a third member so I could start my guild. Would you maybe like to join?" I asked, my smile warm and inviting.

Pandora looked down a bit, thinking about her answer. Once she found her answer she smiled, giving me a nod. "Yes. It would be nice to join someone."

I nodded my head then helped Pandora up, leading her back to Hime. Hime looked at us, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow.

"Took your sweet time. Who is this?" Hime asked, a hint of jealousy in her tone.

"This is Pandora. Our third member," I said, smiling at Hime.

Pandora bowed to Hime. "It's a pleasure to be in your presence, Lady Hime."

Hime looked at Pandora then smirked, turning back to the receptionist. "We have our third member. Can we create our guild now?"

The receptionist nodded her head, a helpful smile stretching across her lips. "Yes. All I need for you is your signatures and your Guild name."

"Guild name? Hm…What do you think, Commoner?" Hime asked, looking at me.

'You're seriously having me do all the thinking for you?' I thought.

I crossed my arms and began to think. I thought of a few names that would work for us but landed on one. "Golden Monarchs."

Hime stared at me for a moment then smirked. "Heh, that works for me. Golden Monarchs we are," she said, signing the contract.

[Hime's Attraction Meter increased to 10%]

I smiled at the notification and looked at Suru. She smiled at me, nodding her head. I stepped forward and signed the contract. Pandora stepped forward and signed the contract as well.

"Alright! Congratulations on becoming a recognized Guild. Your systems have been updated to now be able to locate Dungeons across Homiheim. Happy Adventuring!~" the receptionist said, bowing toward us.

With that, the three of us made our way out of the Guild Hall and into the new world of adventures ahead. With our best foot forward, we were going to show the world the greatness we all had to offer.