
Game of love and money

The main character, John, is a poor guy who has never had much in life. One day, while working his usual job, he meets Sarah, a wealthy heiress who is vacationing in town. Despite their vastly different backgrounds, John and Sarah are drawn to each other and soon fall deeply in love. Their relationship is not without its challenges, however. Sarah's family disapproves of her relationship with John and goes to great lengths to keep them apart. Meanwhile, John becomes embroiled in a dangerous conflict with a local gang, putting himself and Sarah in peril. As the story unfolds, John and Sarah must navigate the obstacles in their path and fight for their love against all odds. With action-packed scenes and heart-wrenching drama, this romance will keep readers on the edge of their seats."

DaoistPixIv8 · Urban
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3 Chs

chapter 3

John knew that he had to find a way to keep Sarah safe from the danger that surrounded him. He couldn't bear the thought of something happening to her because of him.

One day, he decided to take matters into his own hands and confront the gang that had been threatening him. It was a risky move, but he felt like he had no other choice.

The confrontation didn't go as planned. John was beaten badly and left for dead in a dark alleyway. Sarah heard about what happened and rushed to his side, finding him barely conscious.

She took him to the hospital and stayed by his side as he recovered. During that time, John realized just how much Sarah meant to him. He knew that he couldn't let her go, no matter what it took.

With renewed determination, John began to make plans for their future together. He wanted to give Sarah everything she deserved, even if it meant leaving everything behind and starting fresh somewhere else.

Sarah was hesitant at first, but she could see how much John loved her. She agreed to leave with him and start a new life together.

They packed their bags and left town under the cover of darkness, leaving behind their old lives and all the pain and danger that came with them.

As they drove away into the night, John held Sarah's hand tightly, feeling a sense of hope and freedom that he had never experienced before.

Their journey was just beginning, but they knew that as long as they had each other, anything was possible.