
Game of life : Crossover while messing up (dropped)

Someday there are world that are at the brink of collapse, the divine being then tune the world for their own amusement while literally kidnap those on the death door. Akira. An otaku that had an accident at the way back from Anime expo. After a fatefull meeting with the so called Goddess, he are living his second live joyfully. Living freely without worry while journeying toward land of god Asgard. While sometime Trolling others, Take someone harem. and many more bad thing he do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are Mash up from different myth in the world with mess up characterization. Because that was the character in my dream........ The story are original with some flavour from Famous Anime/Game/Manga/Novel. Based on my life experience and My weird dream 10 years ago. The Mc name is the name that i used at the time active at J- Club in the past........ There are no 'true' loli being hurt in this story everything is at 'legal" pace... Short and slow pace story...... I'm sorry i'm not good with the synopsis and English isn't my first language. i didn't own the anime/manga/novel character on this series only the original character

LoliHunter · Book&Literature
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104 Chs

Side Story - Either side thinking

Side: Konoemon.

When i heard my granddaughter are got kidnapped by that brat. I then called all the Magic teacher. After heard what Touko-san said i got goosebumps. Red colored mist.. Are this world really gonna be end....


Side: Megalosembrian senate.

Damn it. Damn it. What the hell is going on.. Every part of mundus magicus start to change. That geezer are appeared. He said what we do is worthleess?? To hell with that. A war that Arika-sama pay with her lige is really meaningless??


Side: Helios Empire.

Aah. It's the end. That person is mad. This world can't be saved anymore. But what will Takamichi think? Those two at at that place special place. He said with sacrificing Thirteen and that homonculi Suzune. He can prolonge this world life. So that little girl aren't needed. But Grandfather do you think everything will work at your will?


Side: Ariadne.

That man never changes. He always do the unreasonable think. Like you always says Mother. But to think this world are play at his will....


Side: Gravekeper palace.

Nagi: 'Sup. Takamichi.

Takahata: Don't 'sup me you bird brain...Why are you at this place and working with our enemy?.

Nagi: Enemy? you are wrong takamichi. We are the true enemy of the world. After that person came, i knew the truth of everything.

???: It's time.

Takahata: Arika-sama....

???: Who are you??

Nagi: Now she aren't Arika. But Ialda.

???: Oi red hair don't blabber to much. Stay at your position.

Nagi: I knew, I knew. Man Man Terro Terro. Arrive at my side. Arrive at that side. A way to conquer. A way to repel. Ignited the chaos. Cosmo Etelenchia....

Short. Now with my new work plave. i really didn't had any free time. So i'll update 'only' if i had a free time. For my dxd Fanfic i still hadn't had the clear image about the next chapter so it'll be waiting again.....

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