
Game of Chaos

Nicholas Dendi was a middle-class dimensional explorer who died due to a dimensional rift opened by a god who broke the laws of the universe. He was resurrected to a world that was preparing to start a war with the gods. With a system implanted in his soul, Dendi awakens his immense power and makes the gods threaten his existence. Dendi had to participate in the devastating war because he had a contract binding his soul and also so that he could return to his world.

Yye · Fantasy
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30 Chs


"Oh, isn't that Dendi? Hey Dendi come here join us."

Ethan waved with a bright smile on his face, in contrast to Ethan the four people with him seemed to be surprised by Ethan's actions.

Sh*t, why did that person call me?

I approached them and was greeted by Ethan but the four people had a different reaction from Ethan, they seemed to be wary of my presence. Why are they wary of me? All I did yesterday was just eat and train.

"Good morning Dendi, how are you."

"I'm fine, I see you already have friends"

"Ah that's right, I'll introduce them to you, the woman with glasses is Ren, the tall man there is Aaron, the one with his arms crossed is Anna and finally the little boy is Raden. Guys, this person's name is Nicholas Dendi."

An awkward atmosphere occurred immediately after Ethan introduced me to them, it seemed they thought not to get involved with me. Well, I don't care about that either, Ethan seemed to understand the situation and tried to find a topic to talk about. the person named Anna suddenly spoke

"Come on Ethan, let's just go straight to the hall, people are starting to leave us."

It seemed like she was starting to get annoyed with this atmosphere.

"She's right"

I answered briefly then I walked past the five people and left them behind.

"Ah!, wait a minute Dendi-"

"Just leave him Ethan, he doesn't seem to want to get involved with us."

"That's not it, Ren. I just hoping that you guys can get along with him."

"I can't argue with you about that."

"Hah... okay let's go to the hall."


I arrived at the hall and a servant directed me to sit in the place provided, when everyone had gathered and sat in their respective places, the saintess came and walked onto the stage.

"hello, can you hear my voice?"

The saintess's voice sounded clear and loud, just as if she were speaking using a microphone, is it also because of magic?

"I gathered you all here for no other reason than because tomorrow you will start your training."

...Finally, it started

"You will not only practice using swords or magic but you will also be taught basic knowledge about this world, therefore I have prepared teachers who will guide you in each subject you will take, they are talented people in their respective fields."

People seem to have high enthusiasm for this training, have they forgotten that they will be thrown into battle? These people are beyond help.

"Then, now you will study with a history teacher, I hope you pay attention to this lesson carefully because this is a very important lesson, you know." Saintess smiled gracefully, then she continued. "Because my duties here are finished, I will take my leave, I will hand you over to the professors, I will pray for your safety."

With that the saintess left the stage along with her 3 knight.

Shortly after the saintess left the stage, a professor walked forward. People's attention began to focus on the professor, the professor looked at the people and started talking

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I am the teacher who will teach you about the history of this world, my name is Rudolf Emberwind."

Professor Rudolf's voice sounded friendly but authoritative, from his appearance it seemed like he was more than 50 years old.

I will summarize Professor Rudolf's explanation for you. He said that the name of this world is Aetheria, we are now in the Imperium Aetheris empire, there are 4 kingdoms that exist under the empire.

As you know, this world is a world where portals to other worlds are always open, therefore this world is not only inhabited by the human race but there are also elves, demons, angels and others.

They are not native to this world but they come from the portal, because there is an agreement made by the "Oracle". The races from that world are allowed to move to this world and vice versa, therefore there is trade or cooperation between these races.

Portals are divided into 5 categories. Ordinary, Natural, disaster, invasion and random portal.

Ordinary portals are portals that always appear once a week, usually these portals are connected to a world filled with ordinary monsters such as goblins and so on, this portal will disappear if you destroy the core of the portal which is usually held by the boss monster.

If this portal doesn't close within one week then the monster will come out of the portal and roam this world, this portal is what usually endangers people because the appearance of this portal is always unexpected and when someone finds this portal by accident it is too late.

Hmm, interesting.

The second is a neutral portal, this portal is a portal that connects the worlds of the races I mentioned earlier. The size of this portal is approximately the size of the fortress gate that surrounds this place. This portal cannot be closed arbitrarily, only "Oracle" can close this portal.

The third is the disaster portal, as the name suggests, this portal is 2 times larger than the neutral portal and emits unpleasant energy.

Why is this portal called a disaster portal? Because the monsters there are no joke. For example,The world inside the portal is called Chaosrealm, from what the professor said, only one adventuring party managed to get out of Chaosrealm and kill one of the boss monsters there, even though this is a very dangerous portal, there are many valuable minerals from this disaster portal.

Just imagine, one tiny crystal, if sold could support a family for more than 1 year. Worth it, right? Fortunately, the monsters from this portal can't get out of the portal, if they can get out...

The fourth is the invasion portal, this is a portal that appears usually once every 100 years and it is this portal that usually threatens the survival of all races in this world.

So that's where I will fight later.

And the fifth is the random portal, this is a portal that is often used by someone who wants to see a new world. This portal has unlimited possibilities and this portal is also the first portal to appear in the world.

Alright that's it, that portal...

is my final goal.

I have a magic trick to know your own future. Try to close your eyes, tell me what did you see... you can't see anything or it just pitch black right? That's your future btw

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