
Game of Beginning: Ragnarok

Hades, a man well known for his malice was finally put to an end. Even in his dying breath, he laughed yelling that he had won. Expecting eternal darkness, Hades opened his eyes and found himself in a peculiar situation.

Tobi_or_Not_to_be · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Small Note

Hey everyone it's Tobi! He is finally back after like a year-long hiatus. If you are new welcome aboard. Many of you may have seen that Tobi has abandoned many fan-fics before due to the sole fact Tobi felt that they were lacking, and all of them did lack something in them. Tobi always felt that the fan-fic Tobi created would always be in the shadow of the original masterpiece a mere attempt at copying perfection.

Finally, Tobi has decided to write his own Novel! Tobi hopes that everyone enjoys it.

Also before we start Tobi does not promote any sort of violent behavior in real life.

Also, Tobi might write a fan-fic version of this relating a lot of plot with different animes. With that Peace, Tobi hopes that everyone enjoys reading this!