
Game Merchant in Remnant

mc gets reincarnated to Remnant with a Gigolo merchant system. Let the fun sultry sex adventure begin.

Tomas_Vega_2683 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Melanie and Miltia the Malachite twins

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Shizuo gazed at his reflection and noticed that his hair had grown as long as a lion's mane, his eyes had turned a dark orange, and he now had extendable claws and razor-sharp teeth. He used to be 210 centimeters tall; now he stands at 238. Previously, he had the thin frame of a featherweight boxer, now he has a heavyweight boxer/bodybuilder with his now bulging muscle frame.

Upon accessing the System Store, he was met with an extensive list of bizarre and occasionally perplexing items, each accompanied by a price tag and either an unmarked Trade button or a luminous orange one, indicating whether the item was within his budget.

[Strenghtening Pill]-1,000 MSP: Boost one of the Host stat that its purchased for. The higher the stat, the lower the augmented level. Once the user reaches a bottleneck, the store will upgrade the quality and price. Not limited to just the user, can be taken by anyone. They cannot strengthen libido or virility.

[Libido Pill]-2500 MSP: Boosts the user's sex drive upon being taken. Has no uppermost limit but it is recommended not to go overboard as one can go mad with lust. Can be taken by anyone, but it is best if one doesn't use too many of them as they can literally have sex until they die of exhaustion.

[Virility Pill]-5000 MSP: Boosts the user's Fertilisation rate. Only works on males.

[Addiction Pill]-10,000 MSP: Upon consumption multiplies the user's addiction to whatever is put in the pill.

[Sex Mastery Tome]-25,000 MSP: Upon reading this tome, the user becomes a master at pleasuring their partners. Can only be used once. Anyone can read it.

[Personal Skill Mastery Tome]-25 000 MSP: Upon reading this tome, the user becomes a master at any of their personal skills, be it cooking or something lenient such as folding clothes or cleaning.

[Wedding Ring]-50,000 MSP: A ring that mortally binds the one wearing it to the person who put it on their finger. A vow of absolute trust and love, the one wearing it cannot betray or fall in love with anyone else except the person who put it on their finger. The wearer will also become obedient and in some cases even obsessed. Cannot be taken off.

Shizuo observed the absurd prices and power of various weapons and items available to him.

"The strongest weapon I've seen so far is the Spear of Longinus, a literal god-slaying spear!"

"Against whom would he possibly need that?!"

It was only later that he realized he could actually afford a nuke!

"An actual nuke! Can you imagine?!"

Having acquired such power, he now possessed a fighter nuke, but he had no idea how to operate it. Besides, owning such a weapon would surely draw an immense amount of attention.

[MSP: 109,600]

With a substantial number of points at his disposal, Shizuo considered saving for more costly items like the Gravitational Beam Emitter, which sounded incredibly formidable. He also pondered the potential of farming POINTS. The means to do so were lying next to him on the bed.

Thus, Shizuo purchased the following...

2x [Super rare Gold-tier item: Addiction Pill]- 10,000 MSP= 20,000 MSP

4x [Rare Silver-tier item: Libido Pill]-2,500 MSP= 10,000 MSP

4x [Rare Silver-tier item: Virility Pill]-5,000 MSP= 20,000 MSP

13x [Rare Silver-tier item: Strengthening Pill]-1,000 MSP= 13,000 MSP

[MSP: 46,600]

Following his purchase, everything he had bought materialized out of thin air right before him, exactly as he had selected. Shizuo was left with 46,600 MSP to spend on virtually anything else.

At least now he had provisions to consume and gain strength from. He quickly took out the Virility and Libido pills, observed their white and pink hues, and then swallowed them all at once.

-Libido: C- > C > C+ > B- > B

-Virility: C- >C > C+ > B- > B

The upgrades significantly improved his otherwise dismal stats. Although uncertain of the outcome, he was determined to farm as many POINTS as possible before making any major purchases. Upgrading his stats would not only increase his strength but also his appeal to women, potentially leading to more SP, and so forth.

Subsequently, he took out the Strengthening Pills and, despite not knowing the correct usage, chose to consume them all at once, hoping the enhancements would apply to the desired STATS.

-Charisma: C+ > B- >B > B+ > A-

-Dexterity: C > C+ > B-

-Skill: D+ > C- > C > C+ > B- > B > B+ > A-

Satisfied with the changes done to his Stats, specifically his Charisma, Evans hoped that when the Malachite twins woke up, he'd be able to get her to take the Addiction Pill. He knew it was morally wrong.

"But... it was for the greater good, no?"

Yeah... Shizuo Heiwajima was by no means a good person, but he was not a villain. He needed, no, he WANTED a way to get stronger, and even if he had to turn the Malachite twins into a cum bucket, he was willing to take it. Although a much more preferred alternative would be romantically falling in love with one another, then he could buy them that Wedding Ring without bad conscience...


It would seem as if that train of thought would have to wait as the twins in question began to wake up...




"Mornin' sunshine's~" 

-A few minutes before-

Melanie awoke, her eyes blinking blearily as she grappled with a hangover, her memory of the night's events not entirely clear. She found herself naked covered with someone's spunk and was surprised to find her twin Miltia also naked on the other side of the bed with her. Looking completely disheveled and also covered with someone's spunk.

Dragging herself to her sister's side, she shook Miltia awake and asked what had happened the previous night.

"Oh, I can't blame you since you probably don't remember because you and Shizuo were drinking heavily."

Said Miltia in a cheerful tone.

"Then you both started getting touchy-feely with each other and minutes later started making out taking off each other's clothes. Not wanting to be left out, I joined in the fun of letting Shizuo screw our brains out." 

As she finished talking Shizuo came towards them carrying two trays with breakfast only on his boxers.

"Mornin' sunshine's~"

Before he gave them the breakfast trays he handed them a pill with a glass of water each.

"Ooh, trying to roofie us now Shizuo. My, my! Whatever will they say, huh Shizuo!"

Said Miltia in a sultry tone.

"Their morning-after pills or you can take the risk from all the time I flooded both your wombs."


They both shouted as they took the pills and quickly chugged them down with a glass of water, unaware that they had been tricked. After swallowing the Addiction Pills, Melanie and Miltia started devouring their breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns, and a glass of orange juice.

"Ohh my god Shizuo, this breakfast is so delicious."

Both the Twins said, as they were still scarfing down their breakfast.

Interestingly, Shizuo can't cook to save his life. As he attempted to make breakfast, he gave up halfway since he burnt everything black. Refusing to give up on getting breakfast for the Malachite twins, he used the System Store and found that he could purchase two hot and ready breakfast trays for 20 MSP.

After they both finished scarfing down their breakfast both Melanie and Miltia's bodies started craving after Shizuo's body and his seed.

"Hey tall blond and handsome. Now that we're finished with our breakfast. Can you help us burn up our calories?"

Said Miltia as she giggled.

Not waiting for a response Shizuo pounced on her.

Malachite shouts to them became background noise to Miltia's girlish moaning and Shizuo's animal grunts as he drove his thick shaft pounding balls deep into her shaved moist pussy.

His heavy thrusts ground against her soft labia. Miltia held onto her lover for dear life, digging her fragile nails into his pronounced back muscles, her eyelids quivering as shapes danced in the floating darkness. Her legs rested on his back while her feet were left to dangle uselessly in the air.

"Harder Daddy"

"Fuck me!"

"Haaah… haaaah… Yeah! Fuck me, Daddy!"

Pinned underneath Shizuo, Miltia couldn't help noticing that he was taller and more muscular than he was before and his cock was now 26 centimeters big. His shoulders were enormous in comparison to before.

His chest hair was thick with the bulging pectorals of a bodybuilder. His arms felt like steel beams immovable and sturdy. His mere odor awakened a primal desire on her to be dominated and get her womb fertilized by this hunk of a man.

RACE: Lion Faunus

NAME: Shizuo Heiwajima

Semblance: Energy Absorption

LEVEL: Rank B-

Aura: Rank C+

Vitality: Rank B-

Endurance: Rank B

Strength: Rank S- 

Dexterity: Rank B-

Perception: Rank C+

Skill: Rank A-

Charisma: Rank A-

Libido: Rank B

Virility: Rank B

MSP: 46,580 

Lien: 534