
Chapter 2.

With a brief buzz and a flash of white light, Aldarion was teleported to a strange place. He opened his eyes after a moment, and he found himself lying on an old wooden bed. Before he could look around, the voice of the system has filled his ears.

"Ding! The user has started the game".

"Ding! Mission added: [Defending Bree from the bandits]".

'So the first thing I have to do is defend Bree eh. Great, could not I have had an easier tutorial?' - Aldarion mumbled to himself.

"System, how much is it needed for the attack of the bandits?" - He asked the system. Aldarion thought that the first thing was to know how much time he had to become familiar with the system and prepare for the mission.

"Ding! Estimated time until attack 48 hours".

'Well, who knows? Maybe I'll have time to prepare something until it starts". - Aldarion thought.

As it was about what he was most curious about, at the time, he ordered the system to show him his status.


Name: Aldarion

Title: None

Level: 1 (0/100)

Reputation: Unknown (0/100)

Talent: not open

Innate capacity: the initial values are generated in inheritance from your previous life, maximum 20 points per statistic, minimum 5 points per statistic.

Friendly notice: the innate attributes can not be increased by level up points. They can only be increased by using special pills or culture methods.

-Body structure: 18 -> Affects the hardness and survival of the character, the ability to adapt to the environment and the ability to store Qi.

-Comprehension: 20 -> Affects the speed and depth of learning culture methods.

-Luck: 10 -> Affects the frequency of windfalls and the chances of loss.

-Charm: 8 -> Affects the first impressions with the NPC, as well as the difficulty of

resolve sudden interactions.

Acquired attributes: the statistics of each character start with 5 initial points. Each level gives two points to be freely distributed. Every five levels raise all statistics at one point. The highest point value for a stat that you can have is 100 points.

-Command: 5 -> Has a direct impact on the effectiveness of combat on the battlefield, the number of troops that can be commanded, the ease with which troops can be recruited and the response time of troops on a battlefield .

-Strength: 5 -> Has a direct effect on the power of special attacks. It affects the possibility of critical hits, scraps and how much the player's reputation increases with a victory.

-Intelligence: 5 -> Has a direct impact on the duration of the buffs of your followers, as well as in the field of vision for the troops. The development of weapons and their manufacturing time is also influenced.

-Policy: 5 -> Has a direct impact of policies on territorial markets and farms. The success of diplomatic negotiations also influences.

Unassigned attribute points: 2

Method of cultivation: None

Skills: basic collection technique, basic diplomacy technique, basic command of weapons

Equipment: Iron sword (F), Ranger clothes.


The first thing Aldarion thought when he read his state was that there was Qi in this world. At first he was surprised, but Aldarion supposed that it would be a way to represent the power of the battle.

When he saw his innate statistics of body structure and comprehension, he became enthusiastic, because with such high values it would not take much training. The only thing he lacked was the cultivation method and he did not know how to get it.

With the other two skills, Aldarion thought that he had a normal luck, although that was still to be seen. As for the eloquence... he was always a very shy person, so he imagines why it was not the highest value.

Aldarion was very disappointed to see that he only had an iron sword and that it was not the best, but, in the end, he resigned himself. - 'Less is nothing, so I think that's fine'. - Thought.

Seeing that he had two attribute points to assign, he decided to assign them to force. If Aldarion was going to have to defend the city from bandits, he needed more attack power.

After finishing reviewing its status and assigning its points, Aldarion decided to start up. His plan was to join forces with the people of Bree and see how many resources they had for the defense. He also needed to gather information. Sun Tzu said: "Know your enemy and know yourself; in one hundred battles, you will never be defeated".

Aldarion got up from the bed and looked around. What he saw was a small room with a bed and a bedside table. Something very simple, but to define it well, we could say that it was a typical room of the middle ages.

He left the room, he continued down the hall until he reached the stairs, when he came down he found himself in what appeared to be the saloon of a tavern. - 'Do not tell me... I'm in the famous Parcing Pony?' - Thinking about it, he was very happy.

In the living room there were not many people, in fact it was quite empty and the atmosphere was very tense. He decided to go talk to the waiter. He was the one who could best inform him of everything, besides he could eat something. He was starving.

The waiter seemed to be on the verge of nerves. He was someone quite thick and his most distinctive feature was a very large and long mustache.

When Aldarion approached the waiter he started asking for his breakfast. After eating, he decided to start asking. - "Waiter, why are you all so nervous?"

"I-is that you do not know? Ronir's group wants to plunder the city, the guards are not enough to stop them". - The waiter was so nervous that his voice was cut off.

"That group, are they bandits? How many are they and how many guards are there to defend the city?" - Aldarion needed to get as much information as possible. He knew that he was not being very subtle, but, as his statistics of eloquence showed, that was not what was best given him.

The waiter looked at him suspiciously, but he knew who he was, or what he was, because of his clothes and he also knew he could fight, so he decided to gamble and so, him. - "There are about sixty bandits, while we only have about twenty-five guards at the most".

Aldarion was silent, assimilating the information. - "I think I can help, but you have to get me to command the guards".

The waiter was shocked. He was hesitating, he could not trust a stranger, but he knew that if he did not get Aldarion's help he could not save himself from being plundered. Simply, the guards were not enough and, as a force, they left a lot to be desired. - "Very well, I'll see what I can do. People listen to me a lot because of my position, but I can not promise you anything".