
Chapter 416: Dark cuisine, old island

[This egg fried rice is so delicious! (Praise)]

  [Mr. Huang Gang, can you explain the key points of this dish again? ]

  [I want to try to do it myself]

  Wang Zi chose the second item!

  Huang Gang nodded: "Okay, let's start with a summary of the technical points. The

  first is the rice, which must be cool before stirring, otherwise it will stick to the pan; then the ingredients, except for the eggs, can be added by yourself, such as carrots, Cucumbers, ham sausages, etc. If you add bacon, don't add salt, otherwise it will be too salty.

  The technical summary of egg fried rice is completed."

  Wang Zi silently wrote down in his mind and asked Huanggang for a few ingredients.

  Only rice and eggs are free, and he spent several hundred island dollars to buy bacon.

  Beat the eggs!


  The process of cutting vegetables is simulated with buttons, which is equivalent to a small music game. Click at the right time, and the knife will be cut.

  The dot is just one click, and the bar is held down.

  The simplest game of dicing vegetables is dots with a fixed frequency.

  It's like a small game of handling fish. When cutting the belly of the fish, press and hold the long strip, and the long strips that take out the internal organs are of different lengths, while the action of scraping the fish scales is a quick short strip, plus the dots are pressed together.

  If the rhythm is not smooth, the quality of the cut ingredients will be degraded.

  Wang Zi thinks this step is quite realistic.

  He once saw his mother busy in the kitchen and was going to help cut a shredded potato.

  As a result, the action was stumbling, and it was not potato shreds that came out, but potato strips.


  Just when Wang Zi was trying to make fried rice with eggs in the game, Tuo Yi was also on his own island, tasting the fruit.

  He was not interested in virtual games at first, but when he saw the discussion on "The King of Leisure Food" on the scarf, he immediately made a decision and placed an order for a deluxe version of the helmet!

  The difference between the deluxe version and the normal version of the helmet is that the sense of taste is more realistic, and the taste stays longer, which is only 10% higher than the normal version.

  But the price has tripled to 15,000.

  Tuoyi doesn't care at all, what is this little money?

  To be able to taste delicious food in the game, and the stomach will not be full, it is not too good!

  He didn't worry about getting fat in the real world, so he chose to taste delicious food in virtual games.

  On the contrary, I wish I could eat fat!

  According to the formula of standard weight, the height of a man is subtracted by 80 and multiplied by 0.7, which is the standard weight.

  Tuoyi's height is 178 cm, minus 80 is almost 100, multiplied by 0.kg!

  The weight is only 50 kilograms. According to this standard, it is considered to be severely malnourished.

  In fact, he also wants to eat a lot of food, but his stomach can't hold it!

  Every time you eat a bowl of rice the size of a fist, plus a dish, you will be full, which may not be as big as some elementary school students.

  Now I can open my stomach and eat happily in the game, what a happy thing it is!

  Tuo Yi sighed,He peeled off the scaly red lychee shell in his hand, revealing the crystal white pulp underneath.

  The smooth tender meat reflects a charming light under the bright sun.

  In the mouth, juicy and sweet! Slightly sour.

  As if a mature woman, showing a shy smile, has a different kind of style.

  "The taste of this lychee is good! It feels as good as the lychee I bought last time, and it tastes the same!"

  A smile appeared on Tuoyi's face: "I didn't expect that my luck was so good, and there are still rare ones on the island. A-grade lychees. A bunch of lychees should be able to sell a lot of island coins, right?"

  At present, only 5 lychee trees have been found, with 3 bunches of lychees on one tree and 10 bunches in a bunch.

  He has learned something through the comments of netizens.

  The most common fruits on the island are apples, pears, bananas, etc. Lychees are absolutely rare.

  But Tuoyi didn't come here simply to eat fruit.

  He wants to taste all kinds of food!

  Stepping into the teleportation array, looking at the teleportation targets, he pondered: "Well, which island should I go to?"

  Hey, there it is!

  His eyes were fixed on a very special name, and he laughed.

  The old man on the island!

  This looks interesting.

  Rap foodie? Good at dark cooking?

  Tuoyi is still very curious about dark cuisine, and is ready to go to open his eyes.

  Anyway, virtual games are not bad for eating!


  In front of the old man's manor, the teleportation array lit up with white light, and Tuoyi's figure appeared.

  Ring the doorbell.

  Ding dong! Ding dong!

  A man wearing a black blindfold with two holes in his eyes opened the door, his smile was warm, his voice was even more enthusiastic, and he said in a hoarse voice, "Hey, here we come! Brother, I have a good time today. I'll entertain you!"

  "Brother, I'll take you to the living room first!" The

  old man led the way in front, Tuo Yi followed behind, and he opened a door and walked in.

  Tuoyi looked inside and was suddenly dumbfounded. Isn't this a toilet?   The old man patted his head and smiled politely at him: "I'm sorry, I accidentally walked over

  to Shu Shuo'er. The living room is here. What do you want to eat?"

A bad premonition!

  But he has come, he is still ready to see what kind of dark food the old man has.

  Open the menu.

  Secret Small Burgers!

  Simple and easy lunch!

  Full of noodles!

  The name of each dish has its own characteristics, and it is impossible to see what it is.

  Tuoyi chose the top item on the menu: "Then, let's make a secret hamburger."

  Under the black blindfold of the old eight, he shot an approving look and stretched out a thumb: "Eh Brother, you are too discerning!"

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  The ingredients such as bread, lettuce, lemon, and a few black bottles were directly turned out and placed on the table.   Laoba put

  on plastic gloves, shook his index finger, and chanted: "I don't have to worry about three meals a day, I'll eat Laoba's secret hamburger today! It's affordable, and it's full!"

on a slice of white bread.

  Opening the jar, Tuoyi immediately smelled a stench coming from his face! I can't help but feel the urge to vomit!

  The old man scooped a spoonful of the contents of the jar, shook it on the lettuce, put a lemon, covered it with a slice of bread, and squeezed it tightly.

  In the process of processing these ingredients, his face was full of serious expressions, as if he was carrying out some kind of sacred and indesecrated ceremony, meticulous!

  He made another piece for Tuo Yi, and handed it over: "Stinky tofu, captives, and lemon, look at this hamburger!"

  Tuo Yi's mouth twitched, this thing is stinky tofu, fermented bean curd, and it tastes very good. It's weird, and there is such a large piece of sour lemon. Is it something normal people can eat?

  But it still rhymes!

  When he was hesitating whether to shut his mouth or not, the old man had already shouted loudly: "Shout out to Ollie, everything is in the stomach!

  Ollie, it's done!"