
Chapter 35: Pixel wind is not so easy to draw!

  New week.

  For the two artists, Ye Meng and Tong Ke, this week's tasks are still very important.

  In the past few weeks, Wang Jian asked them to start with bookshelves, pianos and other objects, so they were familiar with the pixel-style painting method.

  Now the objects are basically painted, and the two of them have improved their mastery of pixel-style pictures. It's time to start painting people.

  The characters in the game are still rough templates provided in the RPG creation tool for the time being.

  It is not easy to draw distinctive characters in a small space with a simple and unadorned pixel style.

  Ye Meng decided to start with Dr. Rosalind first, and looked at the needs of art: "Long black hair, yellowish complexion, wearing a white coat, there is a sense of intellectual beauty? Hmm..."

  Pick up the tablet and start sketching a rough outline of the character.

  The general outline of the character was quickly drawn. Ye Meng drew the character's hair twice in the middle, and the hair at the back of the head fell straight down. The waist of the white coat was tucked, the laces were lightly outlined, and the hem was slightly slanted like a long line. Like a skirt, it suddenly felt feminine.

  This step is the foundation, to show the body shape of the character.

  Next, Ye Meng zoomed in on the outline until every pixel could be seen clearly, continued to modify the outline, trimmed discrete pixels, and removed aliasing.

  The pressure-sensitive pen in his hand turned around, a contemplative expression appeared on his little face, and soon his eyes lit up, adding some details to Dr. Rosalind, such as the round-toed shoes on his feet and the collar of his white coat. .

  With the outline completed, a front view of the female doctor character in blank color appears.

  Next is coloring.

  "This one is quite good to color." Ye Meng thought while coloring the character's hair black and the skin yellowish.

  The white coat is naturally white, so there is no need to color it.

  After the coloring is the shadow, which is also the most critical part.

  Ye Meng painted the lower edge of the female doctor's face, where the long hair meets the face, arms and body with a dark shadow, and painted a few gray shadows on the chest and the hem of the white coat, and the edges of the hair The inner part is slightly polished.

  When she paints these shadows, the three-dimensionality and layering of the characters are instantly presented.

  Pixel-style games do not have too many layers of light and shade. Generally, the three layers of light and shade are light, dark, and shadow, and even only light, dark, and no shadow. The more light and dark layers are divided, the more realistic and three-dimensional the nature is, but the pixel map does not pursue realism.

  Ye Meng observed her work and began to adjust the last details.

  The first is to adjust the contour lines - using all black contour lines will make the characters too conspicuous, and it will appear incompatible with the environment in the game. Therefore, in addition to the characters' hands and round-toed shoes that need to be highlighted, Ye Meng redrawn the outline with light colors.

  Then I outline the eyes of the characters to make the characters look more divine.

  At this point, the frontal image of the female doctor is completed.

  With the talent [Pixel Wind], Ye Meng draws pixel-style images very smoothly, and the effect looks good.

  She admired it for a while, and sent the screenshot to Wang Jian: "Senior, how is my drawing?"

  Wang Jian looked at it and praised: "Yes, keep working hard!"

  The character drawn was praised by Wang Jian, and Ye Meng was immediately overjoyed. Like a seal who had just drawn a rare character, she replied with a grinning smile.

  With a happy mood, continue to draw the character.

  Depending on the importance of a character, the number of images that need to be drawn is also very different.

  For a character like Dr. Rosalind, in addition to the frontal image, there is also a frontal walking image, and the frontal walking image is divided into frontal left foot and frontal right foot.

Similarly, there are back images, side images... These are just the most basic images of characters.

  For example, in an animation, Dr. Rosalie turned to look at Dr. Watts. In order to make the animation look smoother, an image with a 45-degree side angle needs to be added between the front image and the back image.

  In the game "Go to the Moon" in Wang Jian's mind, the up and down movements of the characters are realized by image translation. For example, Dr. Rosalind wants to step on a chair to get the candy cane at the top of the closet. Jumping on the chair, it seems that the player will have some drama.

  Although this kind of detail is relatively harmless to the game as a whole and will not affect the quality of the game, Wang Jian still wanted to make the game as perfect as possible, so he decided to add more images to the characters.

  It's like stepping on a chair. If you want the picture to look smooth, you need to add at least two image transitions.

  Another example is moving things. If there is no corresponding image arrangement, you have to use the "force to move the object", and the object will move its position without contact with people.

  To achieve the picture of moving things, it is extremely troublesome to add the front view of the character holding the object, the back view, the front walking view...etc.

  In Dachang's RPG games, a main character may have fifty or sixty related images of different running and walking postures. If there are fighting actions, there will be more.

  This is also the reason why characters in RPG games generally only have one set of clothes on the map, because an extra set of clothes means double the workload.

  However, not every image has to be drawn from scratch, and some slight modifications on the basis of the original image are another action.

  As a story-based RPG with a short process, "To the Moon" requires very few character images.

  Even so, Wang Jian estimated that he would need at least three hundred.

  Enough for Ye Meng and Tong Ke to draw for a while.

  Wang Jian was even thinking about recruiting another artist.

  But think about it.

  Pixel-style games only had a short-lived glory when the game industry was just developing. At that time, due to technical limitations, the game equipment had small memory and single display color, which could only show a simple pixel style, and players did not mind.

  With the rapid innovation of technology, the game screen has also changed from full-screen pixels to high-definition texture. Players prefer high-definition images, and pixel-screen games will soon decline. As far as Wang Jian knows, it seems that there is a game company in Qingzhou that is still insisting on making nostalgic pixel games, but the download volume is relatively average.

  There are few companies that make pixel games, and there are naturally fewer artists who are good at pixel style. Wang Jian also bought a few elementary experience books of pixel style drawing from the system's points store and sent them to Ye Meng and Tong Ke. .

  If you recruit artists again, it will take a long time to learn to adapt to pixel-style picture drawing. By the time you draw a pixel-style image that can be used in the game, it is estimated that the game has been completed.

  Based on the speed at which Ye Meng drew the first character image, Wang Jian estimated the next development time.

  Bai Xueyao's arrangement and Luo Shuai's program are also going on simultaneously.

  When the game production is completed, and finally debug it to see if there are any bugs, the development of the game is completed.

  Hmm... about a month or so.