
Chapter 201: The arrogant man

It was the first time that Shansi, who saw the massacre line, moved his hands mercilessly. As soon as he came up, there was a barrage of incomparably wild, bone-infernal barrage attacks. The audience in the live broadcast room fell into the same umbrella as the Umbrella Man. It was stunned, and then it exploded in an instant!



"What the hell was the attack just now? Dazzling, I didn't see it clearly at all!"

"I originally came to see Shansi talking calmly there, but suddenly he turned his face and started to make a move, startling me!"

"I can't react at all!"

"There's no way that the boss will open up as soon as he comes up, it's too perverted!"

"I didn't expect Shansi's lazy skeleton to be so ruthless! He's so handsome!"

The audience was excited and chatted lively.

Although the Umbrella Man was stunned when he first came up, he was very experienced in dealing with this situation and quickly recovered: "It seems that Shansi will have a wave of violent attacks at the beginning, let's record his attack. order."

After reading the file, he came to Shansi again, and his lines changed this time.

Shansi smiled: "Hello. Your expression is full of frustration. Looks like I'm doing a good job, right?"

Enter the battle.

"On a day like this, a child like you . . . deserves to be burned in hell."

The Umbrella Man learned his lesson this time, and when Shansi spoke, he tried to operate: "Hey, you can move when you come up! Then we will hide on it first..."

Shansi waved his hand and patted his heart turning blue. Umbrella Man was already prepared and jumped up immediately, dodging a row of bones emerging from below.

After that, he moved up and down along the gap between the bone waves not very skillfully. Although he lost a lot of blood, it was much better than last time.

Pooh! Pooh! Pooh!

Groups of four skulls sprayed dazzling beams of light, and the Umbrella Man tried to dodge while reciting the backboard: "Oh, first the middle, then the two sides, then the middle and then up and down..."

But he caught it all without fail.

"Beam face wash!"

"Frame Attack!"

"Fighting is worse than picking up!"

Umbrella Man suddenly exclaimed in surprise: "Hey! 1 point blood, I'm not dead, hahahahaha!"

Because Shansi's attack will only destroy 1 point of blood, and the rest will be lost in the form of burning, but it will not be directly scalded to death. He survived by luck in this attack.

"Heh." Shansi spread his hands, his smile looked a little funny, "I've always wondered why I never used the strongest attack when no one came up."

dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang...

The stunning and catchy electronic sound of the prelude starts, repeating in short bars, the melody is magically brainwashed, exuding an arrogant, arrogant and wild atmosphere.

The slightly harsh current noise is not annoying, but it seems to resonate with the eardrum, making it ticklish and full of goosebumps.

A devil covered in the blood of innocents, a judge who usually laughs and has no form, and is more terrifying than the god of death when he is serious.

The warm-up activities have been completed, and the atmosphere of the battle is rising. The boundless hellfire is burning under the feet, reflecting the dome red, as if to burn everything.

Will this be a battle of equal proportions, a cat-and-mouse game, or a one-sided slaughter?

*You feel like you're going to suffer a little bit next.

The audience is excited to send out their own barrage!

"Ahhhhhhhh this bgm!!!"

"Bgm praise!"

"I feel like I'm going to burn!"


This melody is so cool! ! "

"Battle song!!!!"

Umbrella Man took advantage of his turn and ate a recovery item.

The heart is a blue gravity form, and a vertical bone appears on both sides of the battle frame, like a squeezed trap wall, wave after wave, leaving a small opening at the bottom, just use an ordinary small jump. It is not difficult to escape.

It seems that Shansi also needs some time to brew a more powerful attack.

This time, Shansi summoned the fast-moving bones from the right side of the screen. The short white one had to jump up, while the blue one had to stay still when it came over. Two different response modes of bones appeared alternately.

The Umbrella Man didn't quite get used to it, so he dodged awkwardly, shouted "Hey, hey," and got hit a lot.

The bone on the right side came another round from the left side just after the end, and the Umbrella Man was caught off guard and hit another one, bleeding frantically.

He decided to fight back.

A bloody arc of light slashed towards Shansi, Shansi's figure swayed and flashed to the side, and a big "MISS" appeared in his place just now!

The Umbrella Man exclaimed: "MISS?"

None of the monsters I've met along the way have ever seen this happen!

Lin Fan's goosebumps arose, this was the most beautiful boss he had ever seen, and the most burning boss battle!

Shansi spread his hands, blinked his right eye, and smiled slyly: "What, do you really think I'll stand there obediently and bear it?"

After another round of traps, the Umbrella Man failed to dodge and fell into the attack.

Read the file!

When he came back, the audience gleefully swiped.

"Welcome back to where the dream began!"

"Ah, what a beautiful day!"

"You look frustrated."

"Be judged!"

Shansi sneered, "Well, this expression...it's the expression of someone who has died three times in a row. Hey, but what's after 'three'?"

Every time the Umbrella Man died, he was improving rapidly, and he was able to hold on to the back, and Shansi's attack became more and more perverted.

The speed of each group of the trap bone wall is different, and the position of the gap is constantly changing, so that the timing and strength required for each jump are different.

*You feel your sin creep up your spine.

After a few magical measures in the prelude, the melody has become more and more rich in layers. The drum beats are not light or heavy at each rhythm point. The volume of the electronic organ rises sharply, and the electric guitar is crazy The electric current flows from the eardrum into the nerves, and the mood can't help but rise with enthusiasm!

The magical and dynamic melody is like a speeding car with no end, and the shocking reverberation and unparalleled electric sound stimulate everyone's brain!

A row of continuous bones appeared at the bottom of the battle box, with several springboards floating on it, moving together from the left side of the screen, the umbrella man's control heart jumped forward one by one on the floating board, and suddenly the upper part also jumped forward. A row of bones appeared, and when he jumped, he hit it with too much force, and was sullen by the last abrupt bone, gg.

four times...five times...

Shansi's eyes looked a little tired: "You must know that one day, without warning, everything will return to zero."

* Shansi's actions add a touch of exhaustion.

Lin Fan was a little puzzled: "Return to zero, what does this mean? Does it mean reset? Shansi also knows that he is in a game?"

Dodging the attack from the Umbrella Man, he spread his hands helplessly: "Listen, I gave up going back a long time ago."

The Umbrella Man's actions became more and more proficient, and Shansi sighed: "Similarly, going to the ground is no longer attractive to me."

This time, there were two layers of floating boards that could jump. Shansi summoned the hideous skeletons, and randomly sprayed beams of light on the upper, middle and lower layers. After more than ten rounds of artillery bombardment, the attack ended.

* Shansi's movements seem more sluggish.

Shansi spreads his hands, his eyes are empty and terrifying: "Because even if we do it, in the end we just come back here and can't keep any memory, right?"