
Chapter 104: The winner of the award is...

"Welcome to the Shenlong Award Ceremony, I am the host Ma Liang. The award ceremony is about to begin, and I can't wait to share this exciting time with you. Are you ready?" There was applause, and the sound of someone whistling was also heard.

An understanding smile appeared on Ma Liang's face: "It seems that everyone can't wait! It is the love of the game that brings everyone together at this time to celebrate together. Let's welcome the penguin's extra money. President, Tiansheng's gold is not enough, and the tempted rich and rich will give you the opening speech!" The

broadcast camera switched to the overlooking view of the auditorium, and the light blue projection lamp swept across the audience's head in a circle. There's a nightclub vibe, too much fun. The telephoto lens was rotated and aimed at the side of the stage. In the aura of bg, several bigwigs appeared while waving their hands, standing in front of the stage.

Qian Chaoduo was the first to speak: "Games are the most attractive and immersive form of entertainment in the world."

Jin Qiu said: "In the game industry, we can work together to achieve rapid growth. Form and connection."

Rich Tuhao: "We celebrate innovation, creativity, and the role of games in popular culture with reviewers and players."

Qian Chaoduo: "When we see the power of players' solidarity, we know that we can overcome all difficulties. ."

"Ah~" The audience cheered, but there were also sparse applause.

Gold is not enough: "Congratulations to all the nominees! Congratulations to all the winners!"

Rich and rich: "Please enjoy the Shenlong Award Ceremony! Ma Liang, it's over to you!" The

audience applauded and cheered, Ma Liang's His face reappeared in the camera, and he also had a very infectious smile on his face when he saw a precious scene: "There is too much money, but not enough money. The rich and the rich gather together, what a wonderful picture!"

The first award given out was the Best Narrative Game Award, with five nominated games being To the Moon, Magical Journey, Portkey, Mystery Castle and One and a Half Bread.

Players are most optimistic about "To the Moon" and "Magic Journey", and "Magic Journey" is even several percentage points higher than "To the Moon" in terms of voting support.

However, the voting support rate reflects the player's preference, which is related to the game's graphics and playability.

But as far as the Best Narrative Award is concerned, the narrative art of "To the Moon" is undoubtedly higher than that of "Magic Journey".It can be seen from the generally high evaluation of "To the Moon" by game evaluation media and game critics.

"The Best Narrative Game Award will be awarded to those works that make us linger, with complex characters, unexpected turns and profound philosophical propositions. Here are the nominated works!" Ma Liang made a gesture of reaching out.

On the big screen, clips from the five nominated games began to be shown in turn.

Under the night sky, the bright moon hangs high, and on the cliff by the sea, the gray lighthouse stands silently, and the sea breeze blows, the camera pans down, the backs of Johnny and Riva sit side by side on the bench, looking at the reflecting moonlight. Deep blue sea.

I couldn't go to the scene. Many of the players who watched the live broadcast online had played "To the Moon" and excitedly launched a barrage.

"Call to the moon!"

"Go to the moon! Go to the moon!" " The

plot is really good!


While watching the live broadcast, when I saw the appearance of "To the Moon", a carp stood up straight from the bed, with nervousness and anticipation on his face!

Lin Fan was still working overtime, typing words on the document, while turning on the phone to the live broadcast, turning off the volume and putting it aside. After a few minutes, he took a look.

When I saw "To the Moon" appearing on the screen, I immediately stopped the work at hand and watched it carefully!

The scene turns, Johnny is lying on the hospital bed, Dr. Rosalind and Dr. Watts put on their helmets.

In the yellowing sunset, young Riva and Johnny embraced in front of the lighthouse, with unknown wildflowers under their feet, and withered leaves blown by the wind...

On the green pasture, the two of them rode their great horses, chasing one after the other; in the dimly lit hut, Riva's origami paper rabbits were scattered all over the floor, and there were ugly platypus dolls on the table; the school In the corridor, Johnny was pushed in front of Riva by his friends; in the back mountain, the two young people sat side by side on the crossbar, looking up at the bright full moon...

"Magic Journey", "Port Key", one by one game The scene appears on the screen like a marquee.

"The winner of this award is..." Ma Liang extended his voice and opened the envelope in his hand. Lin Fan, Wang Zi, and the many fans who love going to the moon are all in their

throats, praying silently: "Go to the moon! Come on! Wang Jian!"

, photographing the expressions on their faces.

Wang Jian was very calm and kept a faint smile. In fact, he is very open to his heart. "To the Moon" is a very good game, and he does not need to win the award to prove it, but he will be very happy when he wins the award.

Luo Shuai and the others were different, biting their lips lightly, swallowing saliva, staring... Everyone's face was a mixture of anticipation and tension.

Ma Liang showed his white teeth, laughed enthusiastically, and finally announced: "Go to the moon!"

"Yeah!" Wang Ziqing, who was watching the live broadcast on his mobile phone, couldn't help cheering, attracting the eyes of his roommates, while Lin Fan He smiled slightly, closed the live broadcast with satisfaction, and continued to devote himself to work.

Huge cheers broke out at the scene, and applause, whistles mixed together, Wang Jian's face finally showed a smile, Luo Shuai and others next to him applauded excitedly.

Wang Jian stood up, waved at the camera, and trotted onto the stage.

A beautiful woman handed him the Shenlong Award trophy, Wang Jian nodded and thanked him, holding the trophy in his hand. On the golden trophy, a cyan dragon is wrapped around it, and it seems to be engraved with a line of small characters, but at this time, it is impossible to examine it carefully.

The host Ma Liang and the beauty who presented the trophy have already stepped aside and left the microphone to him, and they are about to give their acceptance speeches.

Wang Jian prepared a short testimonial in advance. Holding the trophy, he carried the manuscript without haste: "Thank you to my game production team, as well as my fans and friends who support this game.

We like to tell stories, so just As much as we love creating game worlds.

It's an amazing experience to see people bond with the game and embark on a journey of their own.

We'll keep going, thank you!"